Investigating the Factors Facilitating Safety and Security Collaboration in the Chemicals Sector

Investigating the Factors Facilitating Safety and Security Collaboration in the Chemicals Sector

G. Reniers 

Antwerp Research Group on Safety and Security (ARGoSS), University of Antwerp, Prinsstraat 13, B-2000 Antwerp, Belgium

Centre for Economics and Sustainable Entrepreneurship (CEDON), HUB, KULeuven, Stormstraat 2, B-1000 Brussels, Belgium

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In this paper we investigate the factors influencing collaboration in the industries using chemical substances. The collaboration drivers and the partner features essential for enhancing collaboration initiatives in chemical companies, as well as the possible disadvantages of collaboration arrangements, are investigated. A survey study was carried out to examine which drivers and features make the potential shipping partners complement each other. A suggested collaboration approach is set up. By using the approach, decision makers within chemical companies are able to formulate recommendations for how to initiate and further enhance cooperation understandings, on a horizontal as well as on a vertical level. Such collaborative understandings should lead to more sustainable chemical industrial clusters. Safety and security cooperation within and between corporations using chemicals is very important for the social dimension of true sustainable clusters. Strategic safety and security collaboration arrangements may be initiated and/or enhanced taking the findings of this paper into account.


chemicals using industries, safety and security collaboration, survey, sustainable chemical industry


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