The valuation of services linked to the coastal environment can provide useful information for decision-makers and, therefore, contribute to costal management strategies. By focussing on services in terms of uses, this case study particularly aims at evaluating the socio-economic activities along the French Mediterranean coast and the corresponding sensitivity to a major pollution event. The assessment comprises a large spectrum of coastal activities (market and non market) that are directly or indirectly linked to seawater quality. To estimate their values (monetary and nonmonetary), quantitative and semi-quantitative measures were used. These values, translated into indexes and presented in their geographical context, allow a socio-economic sensitivity map-ping of the French Mediterranean coastal zones as a tool for spatial planning for decision-makers. The resulting maps help to identify and characterize coastal zones that are particularly sensitive to anthropogenic impacts such as marine pollution.
Accidental marine pollution, coastal services, decision management tool, economic valuation, Mediterranean Sea, sensitivity mapping
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