Poor quality of motor fuels affects the environmental safety and efficiency of vehicle operation. Solving the problem by modernizing the refinery to raise the quality of petroleum products to the level of modern European standards requires substantial capital investment and cannot be implemented in the short term in Russia and other countries that have a transition economy. The aim of this work is to develop a low-cost method for improving the environmental safety and efficiency of vehicle operation by eliminating carbon formation in engines. It was shown in the theoretical analysis of the influence of carbon on temperature conditions inside the engine, which determines the characteristics performance of engines and the composition of exhaust gases, that the removal of carbon formation leads to a reduction in fuel consumption, toxic emissions, and the requirements of vehicles with gasoline engines for octane number of gasoline used. The method of carbonization elimina- tion has been developed. The effective removal of carbon and significant improvement of the environmental and operational properties of fuels and vehicle characteristics is provided by introducing into the engine fuel in ultra-low quantities the multifunctional additive. The results of extensive research and testing of the additive are presented.
carbonization, exhaust gas composition, fuel consumption, gasification catalysis, multifunctional additive
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