World history tells us that construction has always existed to meet the immediate and basic needs of man, and, in this time of rapid growth, did not take into consideration construction techniques and environmental preservation. This paper aims to present investigation and diagnosis at the stage of site construction, exploring the environmental impacts caused by construction site, with exposure of some interventions to minimize this effect, integrating the concepts of sustainable construction. Given the historical background of continued environmental degradation caused by human needs, which resulted in serious risks to society, and knowing that more than 60% of solid wastes generated in urban centers are from the construction site, the need arises to develop techniques and solutions to mitigate these impacts. Structure of the research/approaches: The paper is structured in four parts: description of an evolutionary history regarding environmental concern, a sustainable construction issue approach, surveying interference at the stage of site construction, and a case study focusing on environmental sustainability during the site construction phase of an enterprise. Contributions: The characteristics of a sustainable building interfere directly in the relation between man/environment with issues that can be minimized when designing a project, which should be applied from the construction of a building to the end of its life cycle. A sustainable enterprise is not defined not only by environmental and social benefits in its use and operation but also in its construction.
construction, construction site, environment, management, sustainability
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