The paper describes planning procedures used originally for drafting the Sustainable Development Strategic Framework (SDSF) of the Czech Republic in 2008–2009 and compares them with the use of a self-organizing map (SOM), combined with the Ward’s clustering method. Clustering followed by a series of SWOT analyses is a new technique that allows for the development of large-scope strategic documents covering many sectors and accommodating various economic, social, and environmental issues. Large initial sets of statements (problems, trends, forecasts, etc.) can be converted by multiple SWOT analyses into a consistent set of interventions. An optimal structure of the clustered statements has to be found experimentally. Use of SOM makes searching for the optimal structure (information model of the strategy) effi cient. Such information model can be broadly discussed by stakeholders and purposefully modifi ed (generation of strategic alternatives) before the best alternative is transformed into a fi nal strategy text.
cluster analysis, strategic planning, sustainability, SWOT
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