Advanced Technology Valuation of the Industrial Utilization of Nanotechnology

Advanced Technology Valuation of the Industrial Utilization of Nanotechnology

S. Ciháková Aguilar M. Dubová E. Mucsková

Institute of Novel Technologies and Applied Informatics, Technical University of Liberec, Czech Republic

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This article focuses on valuation of biological wastewater treatment (WWT) technology with the application of nano-fibrous carrier. The economic analysis and assessment of this developing technology is based on the data from the technology using Anoxkaldnes™ carriers. The first part describes the methods of valuation of technology. The following analyses are presented: cost analysis, depreciation model, model of production chemical agent DPG and cash flow model. There are sensitivity analyses exploring the impact on the price of chemical agent DPG, increase of its production, price of applied carriers and accident frequency, and pro forma income statement. Results show that the application of WWT technology with the nano-fibrous carrier is a right choice in compliance with long-term economic and ecological indicators in relation to the sustainable growth of the company.


biological waste water treatment technology, cash flow model, cost analysis, depreciation model, nano fi ber, valuation of technology


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