Detecting Flow Meter Drift by Using Artificial Neural Networks

Detecting Flow Meter Drift by Using Artificial Neural Networks

M. Ben Salamah E. Palaneeswaran M. Savsar M. Ektesabi 

The Electrical Power Department, The Higher Institute for Energy, The Public Authority for Applied Education and Training (PAAET), Kuwait

Faculty of Engineering and Industrial Sciences, Swinburne University of Technology, Hawthorn, Victoria, Australia

Industrial and Management Systems Engineering Section, the College of Engineering & Petroleum, Kuwait University, Kuwait

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In this paper, artificial neural networks (ANNs) were used to assess the performance of flow meters used in industrial water supply. These flow meters are susceptible to drift, a condition causing them to give erroneous readings that are inconsistent with the actual flow. A simulation of industrial water flow to the industrial consumers was made. This simulation contained both healthy and drifting flow meter readings. ANN was built and trained on the simulated data. At the time of testing, the ANN developed was correct 89.52% of the time in determining the status of the flow recorded by a flow meter.


artificial neural network, flow meter drift, industrial water supply, statistical process control


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