Infrastructure Management Methodologies in Risk Situations

Infrastructure Management Methodologies in Risk Situations

J.R. Marques M. da Conceição Cunha 

Department of Civil Engineering, Coimbra University, Portugal

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Water supply systems (WSS) are complex but vitally important infrastructures in today’s societies. They are exposed to various risk situations from natural disasters and human failings, but criminal acts can also compromise their operations and cause substantial economic and social damage. Several publications on how to tackle these concerns have appeared in the last few years. This paper presents the state of the art in terms of the vulnerabilities, risks, interdependencies and optimization models inherent to WSSs. It further describes the robust optimization method used in engineering systems and in actual WSSs. Finally, the ways in which robustness is included, as described in case studies, are systematized and some conclusions are drawn.


risk, robust optimization, vulnerability, water supply systems


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