Impact of Wastewater Discharge on Water Quality of Karoon River in Iran

Impact of Wastewater Discharge on Water Quality of Karoon River in Iran

G. Badalians Gholikandi  M. Lashgari  E. Dehghanifard

Power and Water University of Technology (PWUT), Water Research Institute (WRI), Tehran, Iran

Tehran Water and Wastewater Company (TWWC), Tehran, Iran

Environmental Health Engineering Department, School of Public Health, Iran University of Medical Sciences/Water & Wastewater Research Center, Water Research Institute (WRI), Tehran, Iran

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Preservation of the Karoon and Dez Rivers, the fresh water resource, is of high importance in Khuzestan province with its rapid growth of population and agricultural and industrial activities. In this paper the water quality and quality conditions of four study areas are mapped, agricultural, industrial and urban pollutant sources identified, and their impact on biological, physical and chemical water quality of Karoon River examined. Twenty five quality monitoring stations were established to determine the pollution load to the Karoon and Dez Rivers. The analysis shows that wastewater discharge has different impacts on chemical and biological water quality in the four study areas, in both the short and long term.


Dez River, Karoon River, wastewater discharge, water quality.


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