Seismic Vulnerabilityanalysis in Urban Systems and Road Networks. Application to the City of Thessaloniki, Greece

Seismic Vulnerabilityanalysis in Urban Systems and Road Networks. Application to the City of Thessaloniki, Greece

A.J. Anastassiadis
S.A. Argyroudis

Department of Architecture, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece.

Department of Civil Engineering, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece.

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During the last decades, the aggregation of human, financial and environmental losses related to natural disasters has been increased, constituting a principal threat for the function of modern society. The present paper proposes an integrated methodology for the seismic risk management in urban areas, focused on urban planning and sustainable development. In this framework, the key elements for the urban vulnerability analysis during the crisis, restoration and especially pre-earthquake period are given.Amethod for the seismic risk analysis of urban roads is also described as the transportation network is of vital importance in case of emergency. The procedure is illustrated through a pilot application to the center of Thessaloniki city, which is an area that concentrates a variety of activities and is characterized by high seismicity. The urban vulnerability is estimated based on a value analysis of the exposed elements at risk, while the functionality of roads is evaluated after the estimation of indirect closures due to possible collapses of adjacent buildings.


earthquake, risk management, road network, seismic risk, urban system, vulnerability


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