With the rapid development of science and technology and economy, the living standard of people has tended to be higher year by year, and the degree of urbanization in China has also became increasingly higher. But the extensive economic development mode has led to the problems such as environmental pollution, waste of resources and the expansion of population. Currently one of the problems faced by China is how to find a balance between human and nature and between ecology and economy to achieve sustainable development. In this study, the sustainability of urbanization in Anhui province was evaluated using the ecological footprint model. The ecological footprint model of 2011 was analyzed in details, and the ecological footprint models of 2004 ~ 2011 were compared. The ecological footprint per capita and ecological carrying capacity were on the rise from 2004 to 2011, but there was a deficit, which increased every year. It is concluded that the use of local ecological resources in Anhui province from 2004 to 2011 has exceeded the capacity of the local environment, causing damages to the ecosystem, and the local urbanization has been in an unsustainable state and the development structure of urbanization in Anhui province is unreasonable, resulting in an increased pressure on the ecological environment and a long-term unsustainable state.
dynamic analysis, ecological footprint, sustainable development, urbanization
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