Urban Park’s Impact on Older Migrant Parents’ Well-Being in China: A Case Study of Shanghai

Urban Park’s Impact on Older Migrant Parents’ Well-Being in China: A Case Study of Shanghai

Qiaowei Yang Ang Li Lu Wang 

School of civil engineering and architecture, Zhejiang Sci-Tech University, china

School of architecture, Planning and landscape, Newcastle University, United kingdom

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The emerging group of migrant older parents (“MOP”, which refers to older people who leave their homes for other cities where their adult children work or reside in) in china is increasing in population, and they are making irreplaceable contribution to families as well as to our society. However, little was known about their well-being and how urban park could promote their social engagement. Therefore, this article takes the People’s Park of Shanghai for a study case, trying to identify the relationship between MOP and urban park, and what their needs and related issues are. findings show that MOP in china could promote their social engagement by participating in a variety of cultural activities, and familial obligations might influence MOP’s use of park but could also provide opportunities of socialization, in particular, taking care of grandchildren. In addition, for MOP, the space of park plays a more important role in their outdoor lives than that of community. In short, urban park serves as an irreplaceable role in MOP’s social engagement. but, nonetheless, in the context of today’s china, the needs of older people, in particular, MOP, for sufficient and more age-friendly outdoor activity places are often ignored. Furthermore, MOP tend to be more concerned with living cost, thus, an age-friendly city list for them would also need to include low cost or even free outdoor activity places and public transport. 


China, migrant older parents (MOP), social engagement, urban park, well-being


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