Ultra-High Intensity Redevelopment of The Core Area of Japanese Rail Transit Hub Station

Ultra-High Intensity Redevelopment of The Core Area of Japanese Rail Transit Hub Station

Cheng-Hao Yang Min-Feng Yao 

School of Architecture, Huaqiao University, Xiamen, China

Key Laboratory of Ecological Environment of Southeast Fujian Province, China

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Japanese rail transit hub station has gradually changed from being high-intensity to ultra-high intensity with the guidance from the urban regeneration policy. This change aims to promote compact urban construction and optimize public transportation system for sustainable urban development. Along with demand for city expansion and city intensification, land utilization around hub stations gradually change from incremental development mode to redevelopment mode that tends to stock. This study summarizes the implementation of typical ultra-high-intensity redevelopment projects, which are classified into three categories. This study also provides a comparative study of the design methods and strategies of these cases from the perspective of developing intensity, functional layout, pedestrian system, and land- scape space. Finally, this study provides relevant references and suggestions for the ultra-high-intensity redevelopment of the core area of hub stations by analyzing the aforementioned factors


core area, Japan, rail transit hub station, redevelopment, ultra-high intensity


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