Designing public spaces usually responds to social expectations and provides more rich urban environment able to accommodate various human activities. it is very important for health, well-being, and perceived quality of life of local community members. Urban design, even if purely intuitive and composition oriented may still produce attractive results, but ultimate impacts will not be seen until its implementation into physical use. therefore the introduction of analytic and decision-supporting mechanisms seem to be justified.
In this paper an approach focused on qualities and typologies confronted with multiple functions of open public spaces is considered. it attempts to answer questions concerning connection between qualitative and quantitative aspects of urban environment. within this connection parametric understanding supports the expert knowledge of designer. Multiple functions affect the efficiency of the geometry of open spaces and in turn the ability to sustain social attractiveness and usefulness of these areas. the paper will discuss problems of urban design from the perspective of intervening and designing public spaces in peripheral municipal zones in an efficient way. It proposes framework, its application, and shows specific key elements to be included in order to acquire these improvement oriented goals.
FAST, public open spaces, sustainability, urban design analysis
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