Promoting sustainable transport in metropolitan areas is a complex problem due to the large number of stakeholders involved. These stakeholders often have conflicting objectives, and each community absorbs sustainability-related concepts in a different way depending on the local context. In this environment, it is crucial to understand the perspectives of the different stakeholders and to seek out a process capable of effectively supporting an understanding of the problem and thereby propose sustainable transport options. Based on the requirements for sustainable transport and through the involvement of the various stakeholders, a process was created to meet their fundamental objectives in a way that makes possible the application of this process in any metropolitan area. The proposal was applied to the Greater Santos Metropolitan Area, known locally as the Baixada Santista, an important metropolitan coastal area in southeastern Brazil. Thirty-nine fundamental objectives were established. They were organized into environmental, social, and economic categories that reflect the multifaceted nature of the process used to determine the various stakeholders’ objectives regarding the sustainability issues of metropolitan transportation.
involvement, metropolitan transportation, objectives, sustainability, transportation planning
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