Electrification is an integrated continuous process of production, transmission, distribution and use of electric power in a region’s economy. Analysis of global trends shows that demand for electric power as the most advanced and flexible energy carrier has been growing as many countries are in transition to a new industrial landscape. Along with that, the energy provision of industrial and domestic processes is becoming more intellect-intensive, while environmental issues are receiving special attention. This determines the relevance of the study.
The authors have designed a methodology for factoring the environment into regional electrification programs. The methodology includes the following steps: ranking and selecting facilities to be electrified based on the criterion of minimal values of the ‘electricity-for-fuel substitution coefficient’; application of the energy and economic effect to financially compensate for environmental impacts; introduction of demand side management programs that help improve the environmental situation in the region.
An ‘ideal’ structural model of electrification is proposed for regions with high eco-loads. The model combines a method for selecting facilities to be electrified, pro-active energy conservation, adding more energy installations utilizing carbon-neutral fuels to the power generating system.
demand side management, ecology, electrification, energy intensity, fuel for direct firing, fuel replacement, region
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