Complex Approach to Assessment of Competitiveness of Power-Generating Companies of Developing Economies

Complex Approach to Assessment of Competitiveness of Power-Generating Companies of Developing Economies


Academic Department of banking and investment management, Ural Federal University named after the first President of Russia B.N. Yeltsin, Russia

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The present-day trends in the economic development are characterized by both the processes of restructuring initiating investment activity and the mounting competitive pressure. These special char- acteristics clearly manifest themselves in the developing economies featuring low level of development of infrastructure – in the power sector in particular, and this gives rise to the development of specific forms of competition in the power-generating sphere. Finding solutions to the problems of development of energy infrastructure will be instrumental in strengthening the competitive position of the develop- ing countries on the world market and reducing the threat of takeover. This paper presents a complex approach to assessment of competitiveness of power-generating companies in developing countries. Such an approach offers an opportunity to assess the attractiveness of current levels of investment of a company and its long-term sustainability through application of modern analytical tools. The practical aspects of the authors’ methodological approach to the assessment of competitiveness are discussed using a Russian power-generating company as an example. The proposed ideas based on revealing the most risk-bearing hazards, those of latent nature including, may serve as a methodological basis for the development of risk management programmes in the power-generating sphere, to the benefit of realiza- tion of investment projects as well.


bayes method, competitiveness, developing country, investment decision, power-generating company, risk, risk rating, ‘TGK-9’ JSC’’.


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