The arrival of large immigrant populations affects the social as well as the urban structure of the host cities. Immigrants with similar ethnic and social background often occupy segregated areas in host cities, where residential conditions are systematically different from other areas. Residential conditions consist of citywide aspects (spatial distribution, transportation network), neighbourhood facilities (public space, amenities) housing standards (size, occupation, facilities). Based on a literature survey, these concepts are defined through parameters. Specific demographic profiles of immigrants can be identified (country of origin, age, sex, employment status, economic status, religion, economic situation or length of stay in the host area) in order to explore specific residential conditions in the case study cities). The paper presents a model of relationship between immigrant population and residential conditions on the different levels. Here, the level of spatial integration or segregation is of particular interest. Some of these parameters are illustrated by examples from Oslo and Stavanger.
housing quality, immigration, integration, neighbourhood quality, residential conditions, segregation.
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