This paper identifies climate change adaptation measures in the municipality of La Paz, Mexico, based on the results of previous vulnerability analysis. To prioritize the specified measures the GIZ methodol- ogy is used base don milticriteria and cost-benefit analysis. The study comprises the following stages, firstly policies and instruments suggested by the academic team, were discussed and slightly modified at a meeting with the representatives of La Paz Municipality. Secondly, a survey was applied to the main directors and employees according to the criteria provided by the GIZ methodology. Thirdly, a Public Consultation Forum was organized with the main stakeholders of La Paz municipality (NGO, Business, professional associations), where the adaptation measures were ranked by thematic and mul- ticriteria approach. This stage complemented the multicriteria analysis and presented the measures that ranked in first places. The last step consisted in the cost- benefit analysis that provided a further ranking to the measures and specified the short-term adaptation strategy for the city of La Paz. The main areas of this strategy are the following: I. Hydric resources; II. Coasts and Tourism; III. Fisheries and biodi- versity; IV: Urban Planning and Infrastructure; V. Environmental education and research. Finally, we present the adaptation strategy for La Paz municipality based on the prioritized adaptation measures.
adaptation strategy, cost-benefit analysis, mexico, multicriteria analysis, municipality of La Paz
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