The notion of integrative and multidisciplinary approach in developing and implementing sustainable urban mobility plans (SUMPs) has been prevalent in the transportation planning agenda for several years now. The benefits of such approach include preparing better and public legitimate plans and pro-moting cooperative planning culture. In this context, European Commission (EC) currently promotes the concept of the SUMP, which can be defined as a strategic planning framework for the urban multi-modal transport system combining multi-disciplinarity, policy analysis and decision making, while its objectives concise with the main pillars of sustainable urban mobility. Furthermore application guide-lines for SUMP propose a combination of appropriate techniques and tools, for successful conduction of the activities and fulfilment of the requirements of the planning process. In this context, this paper argues that the use of Land Use Transport Interaction (LUTI) models could enhance the prospect of successful implementation of such plans. Therefore, it explores the possibility of integrating LUTI models in the various phases of a SUMP cycle. To do so, it starts with an investigation and recording of the different types of land use models and their functionality. It then specifies the criteria that someone should use in order to choose the appropriate LUTI model and it proposes a framework for the integra-tion of LUTI models into a SUMP cycle. Finally, it discusses the expected benefits and drawbacks from such integration. The paper concludes that integration of LUTI models into the SUMP cycle, could enhance the strategic and communicative aspects of SUMPs, mainly due to the fact that LUTI models can be used as testing and evaluating tools of alternative ‘mobility futures’, and as tools to communicate and ensure mutual understanding amongst involved stakeholders and individuals.
integrated strategic planning, land use transport interaction models, mobility plans, sustain-able development, sustainable urban mobility.
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