On the Efficiency of Stormwater Detention Tanks in Pollutant Removal

On the Efficiency of Stormwater Detention Tanks in Pollutant Removal

A. Raimondi G. Becciu

Politecnico di Milano, Italy.

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In the design of a stormwater detention tank is important to guarantee a sufficient retention time for the sedimentation of suspended solids, the biological uptake of nutrients and the die-off of bacteria carried in rainwaters. Long retention times increase the capacity of pollutant removal, but also the possibility of spills in downstream receivers and the risk of environmental pollution. In this paper, an analytical probabilistic approach, to estimate the probability distribution function of the average retention time and the efficiency in pollutant removal of stormwater tanks has been proposed. The possibility of water mixing from consecutive runoff events and storage carryover due to successive rainfall events has been considered. The method has been applied to a case study in Milano, Italy.


analytical probabilistic approach, environmental pollution control, stormwater detention tanks


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