Updated Method of Aptitude to Sustainable Urban Development for Including Green Infrastructure

Updated Method of Aptitude to Sustainable Urban Development for Including Green Infrastructure

José Luis Miralles I Garcia Vicent Jesús Altur Grau 

Department of Urban Planning, Polytechnic University of Valencia, Spain

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The research group UDR F. Eiximenis of Dpt of Urban Planning of Polytechnic University of Valencia, developed in 1992 the Method of Aptitude to Sustainable Urban Development. The method allows the identification of more or less adequate rural zones of Valencia region to transform for urban uses. The Valencia country is a Mediterranean landscape that is characterized by a mosaic of diverse rural and urban uses. The method is based on applying the concept of aptitude as a synthesis of the concepts of capacity and vulnerability of the territory to the residential, industrial and strategic public facilities. The method uses GIS technology as a tool for generating maps of adequate zones for uses with an analysis based on objective reasons that explain the outcome. Explicitly avoiding evaluation based on any types of weighted average of heterogeneous values of variables. The method has been applied in the assessment of environmental impacts caused by urban development in Valencia until today. Now arises the European policy to implement the concept of green infrastructure. The current planning and territorial policy in Valencia establishes the need to identify green infrastructure as a first step in the urban planning processes. The present paper develops a proposal for updating the method to sustainable urban development incorporating the concept of green infrastructure.


green infrastructure, management natural resources, management territorial risk, regional planning, sustainable urban development


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[3] Miralles i Garcia, J.L., An operative proposal for the implementation of the concept of sustainability in urban development. 2nd International Seminar Conservation and Urban Sustainable Development. A Theoretical Framework, Federal University of Pernambuco: Recife, pp. 195–206, 1999.

[4] European Landscape Convention, Council of Europe, available at http://www.coe.int/en/web/landscape

[5] European Commission, available at http://ec.europa.eu/environment/nature/ecosystems/index_en.htm

[6] Generalitat Valenciana, available at http://www.citma.gva.es/web/sistema-de-informacion-territorial

[7] Generalitat Valenciana, available at http://terrasit.gva.es/

[8] Communication from the Commission to the European Parliament, the Council, the European Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions. Green Infrastructure (GI) – Enhancing Europe’s Natural Capital. SWD (2013) 155 final, available at http://ec.europa.eu/environment/nature/ecosystems/docs/green_infrastructures/1_EN_ACT_part1_v5.pdf

[9] Llei 5/2014 d’Ordenació del Territorio, Urbanisme i Paisatge de la Comunitat Valenciana, available at www.citma.gva.es/ca/web/planificacion-territorial-e-infraestructuraverde