Rating systems has started to be a tool to manage and asses the performance in many countries in the world. Since the touristic communities are considered one of the critical markets in Egypt, therefore, the reliability of tourism sector requires enough means to improve the performance of these communities. The research objectives is to design a rating system that assist developers to enhance the quality of the existing and planned communities following the guidelines of site and urban development, green infrastructure, efficient energy, green transportation and sustainable tourism. The research method is to compare, adapt, and apply the most representative community environment assessment schemes that are in use today. A preliminary study of six different community rating systems (LEED-ND, Pearl, STAR community, BREEAM, IGBC and GSAS) took place on the urban level, and followed by analysis and design of a new rating system which is introduced and applied on the city of Sharm EL-Sheikh. The new Egyptian Rating System for Touristic Communities (ERSTC) achieved better environmental, social, and economic performance compared to other rating systems.
community, rating systems, tourism, touristic cities, touristic communities
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