In this paper, we present some results extracted from a social impact study carried out on a golf-based tourism development project (GBP). A phronetic approach is adopted, underpinned by case study methodology. The main objective of the article is to shed some light on the debate over the profitability of GBPs. To this end, firstly, we define GBP and briefly set out the sociological and economic reasons for their growth. Secondly, we describe the specific case studied and our analytical approach, based on (1) analysis of the financial balance and prospects of the business in question, and (2) qualitative analysis of the views of local stakeholders. Discussion of our data enables us to assess to what extent a GBP can be deemed beneficial or not, highlighting the need for holistic, multidimensional and locally-based analysis to suitably evaluate GBPs as an appropriate model for sustainable development.
economic impact, environmental and social impact assessment; golf tourism, qualitative methodologies, sustainable development
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