The Development of Sustainable Ecotourism in Protected Area, Case Study: Siwa Oasis

The Development of Sustainable Ecotourism in Protected Area, Case Study: Siwa Oasis

M. Tawfik

Department of Architecture, Higher Institute of Engineering, El-Shorouk Academy, Cairo, Egypt

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The objective of this study is to present a coherent theoretical framework to deepen the essence of sustainable design and to reach an explanation for its constituent components in the environment of a protected area. This study examines the physical changes of protected areas and the acts of improvement made so that there will be fewer damages to the local environment. Reaching a sustainable framework would contribute to the protection of these areas and the environment in general. To achieve this objective, the ideas of ‘sustainable development’ and ‘sustainable ecotourism’ have been studied. The next step is concerned with the outcome of these studies; in addition a model called ‘sustainable design to Locator’ has been recommended to set up a theoretical framework for the main items in the design of a sustainable protected area. The final step is the fundamental assumptions, strategies and plans related to the subject; qualitative results based on functional, environmental, experimental and aesthetic items have been reached.


ecotourism, protected area, sustainability sustainable design to locator, sustainable devel- opment, sustainable structure


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