Relevance of Local Architecture for Destination Choice in Austria

Relevance of Local Architecture for Destination Choice in Austria

Carina Krausler Ulrike Pröbstl-Haider 

University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna, Austria

DOI: -426-435
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The local landscape is of high relevance for destination choice in central Europe. Landscape character is influenced by the geological formation, land use and in many cases also by the traditional construction of private houses, their integration into the landscape and use of local materials. However, many tourism destinations in Austria are not aware of the high relevance of private buildings for the overall landscape character and destination choice. In several rural destinations, a large number of new, modern buildings with a more  or less unspecific, generic style is in the process of changing the specific character of the destination. The presented case study analyses the situation in the Nature Park Pöllauer Valley in the south-eastern part of the Austrian Alps by asking tourists and potential tourists about their perception and their preferences. In an online survey, respondents were asked to evaluate different types of private buildings and to decide whether they were likely to support or to disturb the character of the destination. The findings underline the relevance of local architecture for destination choice and suggest that local councils should regulate the development of new buildings.


architecture of private homes, destination choice, nature park tourism


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