Use of Fishpond Sediment for Sustainable Aquaculture–Agriculture Farming

Use of Fishpond Sediment for Sustainable Aquaculture–Agriculture Farming

M.M. Rahman A. Yakupitiyage

Aquaculture and Aquatic Resources Management, School of Environment, Resources and Development, Asian Institute of Technology, Pathumthani, Thailand.

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(S0N0P0K0), fertilizer control (S0NPK), sediment 60kg without fertilizer (S60N0P0K0), sediment 60kg with N and K (S60NP0K), sediment 120kg without fertilizer (S120N0P0K0) and sediment 120kg with N and K (S120NP0K) to determine the potential of tilapia pond sediment to supply P to morning glory, and the effects on the soil aggregate stability and the bulk density. The application of 60 and 120kg sediment plot−1 corresponds to 30% and 60% of the plot soil by weight, respectively. The study confirmed that the application of tilapia pond sediment at 30% to farm soils with supplementation of N and K, i.e. the treatment S60NP0K, provided the required amount of P to morning glory and gave fresh and dry matter yields of morning glory equal to the fertilizer control plot. Furthermore, the application of 30% sediment significantly improved the soil aggregate stability and decreased the bulk density of farm soils to favorable levels. This kind of integration would ensure long-term sustainability of both aquaculture and agriculture farming.


 tilapia pond sediment, P supplementation, soil aggregate stability, bulk density


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