Tourist Loyalty in Bali Tourism: Can Tourist Satisfaction Mediate the Effect of Quality of Food and Destination Image?

Tourist Loyalty in Bali Tourism: Can Tourist Satisfaction Mediate the Effect of Quality of Food and Destination Image?

Ni Ketut Seminari* I Gusti Ayu Tara Laksemiyasa Ditha Sri Wahyu Lelly Hana Setyanti

Economy and Business Faculty, University of Udayana, Bali 80361, Indonesia

Economy and Business Faculty, University of Jember, East Java 68121, Indonesia

Corresponding Author Email:
9 October 2024
13 November 2024
18 November 2024
Available online: 
28 November 2024
| Citation

© 2024 The authors. This article is published by IIETA and is licensed under the CC BY 4.0 license (



The aim of this research is to analyze whether tourist satisfaction can mediate the influence of the quality of food and destination image on tourist loyalty in Bali Tourism. This research uses the SEM-PLS method using PLS 3.0 software. The population in this study were all tourists who had visited Bali and enjoyed local culinary delights. The sample was determined using non-probability sampling based on purposive sampling with 105 respondents. The research results show that the quality of food and destination image influence tourist satisfaction and loyalty. Apart from that, tourist satisfaction is able to mediate the influence of the quality of food and destination image on loyalty. The results of this research can later contribute as a reference for decision making for stakeholders related to the research topic.


tourist loyalty, tourist satisfaction, quality of food, destination image

1. Introduction

The tourism industry has experienced new advancements and innovations due to dynamic changes in market segments driven by global population growth [1]. In 2015, the United Nations (UN) introduced the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, which includes 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) embraced by over 150 countries. This initiative aimed to assist nations in addressing issues related to social, environmental, and economic challenges [2].

Tourism is a service-oriented industry that is both needed by many nations to propel the regional economy toward quick expansion and highly sought by the general public, who want vacations to avoid becoming bored after working one day a year [3]. As per the 2023 study by the World Travel and Tourism Council, the travel and tourism sector generated 9.1% of the global GDP (US$ 9.9 trillion) and contributed 27.4 million jobs to the workforce [4].

Tourist opinions are very highly subjective because their perspectives on the same objective can be formed by very diverse antecedents, which in turn rely on personal beliefs and feelings [5, 6]. Tourists are carriers of the demand for tourism advantages since they use a variety of tourism services. The volume of revenue is highly reliant on the financial availability of tourism items and the volume of dynamic tourist traffic. The demand from tourists drives the development of products meant to meet their needs [7, 8]. Tourism is also connected to a number of industries, such as product placement, and commercial organizations. There is no doubt that the tourism sector contributes significantly to the development of the country [9].

Many nations have talked extensively about the tourism context. Such as studies that discuss tourism in Thailand [10], Bangladesh [11], Brunei Darussalam [12], and many other countries. In Indonesia, the most visited tourist destination is Bali Island. BPS data for 2024 shows that the number of foreign visitors (tourists) who arrived in Bali Province directly in July 2024 was 625,665, up 20.11 percent over the previous month's recorded 520,898 visits [13]. In increasing tourist attraction, of course, various things must be considered.

The arrival of tourists in tourist areas is the main focus of tourism. Therefore, in order to do this, passengers must be devoted in order for them to return to the tour or promote it to their friends and family. The intention to return to a location, purchase a tourist product again, dine there or stay there again, use the same mode of transportation, and/or promote it or be inclined to recommend it are all examples of a tourist's loyalty [14]. Loyalty is a kind of customer behavior that shows a willingness to continue purchasing a product and a refusal to purchase goods made by other companies [15].

Tourist satisfaction is related to loyalty. Studies have looked into the connection between visitor tourist satisfaction and loyalty. Destination loyalty is thought to be significantly influenced by tourist satisfaction (both behavioral and attitude component) [16]. In order to achieve loyalty for tourists, one of them must achieve tourist satisfaction. Tourist satisfaction depends on the expectations you have before and after a trip. When the experience surpasses expectations, tourist satisfaction will follow, and vice versa [17]. Tourist satisfaction is influenced by several factors, such as welcome received, food and beverages, entertainment, leisure activities, safety, transportation to attractions, location, visitors' perceptions of destination, and concerns to payment and costs [18].

One factor that can increase tourist satisfaction and loyalty is local food. Food tourism is a significant aspect of global tourism and travel [19]. About 40% of the tourist budget is a third of the total spent in the place to travel for meals [20, 21]. Food will be more valuable and memorable depending on its quality, as food quality plays a significant role in improving the traveler experience [22]. Food has a significant impact on traveler decision-making and marketing tactics for destinations. Additionally, culinary travelers wish to partake in and spread fascinating and enlightening tourism experiences. [23]. A growing number of local food businesses are making use of chances to provide tourism experiences in response to travelers' growing interest in eating local food, which eventually helps the economy of the nation [22].

Another factor that can enhance tourist satisfaction and loyalty is the destination image. Since the image of a tourist destination is a highly abstract concept, characterized by aspects such as diversity, comprehensiveness, dynamism, and relativity, there are differences in how the image is measured [24]. In the fiercely competitive worldwide market of today, differentiating one's destination image has become crucial to making a name for oneself [5].

Tourists are anticipated to be more adaptable and to finish the activities offered in tourist locations [25]. Local food has grown to be a vital component of tourism resources and symbolizes a nation [22]. As previous studies have shown, the quality of food influences tourist satisfaction [21, 26-28] and tourist loyalty is also influenced by food quality [28].

Destination image is regarded as a key influencing factor in many conceptual frameworks that explain how visitors make decisions [25]. According to previous studies [24, 29, 30], destination image influences tourist satisfaction and tourist loyalty [2, 30, 31]. Different results show [17, 32] that destination image has no effect on tourist loyalty.

This research aims to find out whether tourist satisfaction can mediate the influence of quality of food and destination image on tourist loyalty in Bali Tourism. Based on the results of previous research, inconsistencies in the results were still found, which is a novelty for researchers to test these variables on Bali Tourism objects.

2. Literature Review

2.1 Tourist loyalty

Tourists’ loyalty is the fervent wish to stick with the same brand or line of goods going forward, despite outside pressures and advertising campaigns that would tempt one to change one's mind [31]. Loyalty has drawn particular attention in the literature on tourism marketing because devoted visitors serve as a conduit for information that unofficially links friends' networks and other potential travelers, in addition to providing places with a steady stream of revenue. Returning visitors also have a stronger readiness to pay and are less price sensitive [33]. However, behind these strategic values, how Bali Tourism maintains visitor loyalty is considered more important than attracting new visitors [17]. Loyalty is a type of consumer behavior that manifests a promise to buy a product again and a refusal to acquire goods made or branded by other companies. Generally speaking, three variables are used to quantify consumer loyalty: behavior, attitude, and combine [15].

2.2 Tourist satisfaction

Tourist satisfaction refers to the actions taken by consumers who, after receiving a good or service, give it high marks and go on to suggest it to others or make more purchases [24, 34]. Numerous elements might impact the success of tourism. Nevertheless, any activities or methods that are employed must be tightly linked to ensuring the tourist satisfaction of tourists [5].

In a competitive world, prioritizing tourist satisfaction is a key goal for companies looking to outperform their peers [35, 36]. If customers have found what they want or what is in their mind, it will create comfort for the customer [37]. Understanding how tourist satisfaction relates to the standards of products and services provided by the tourism industry can help suppliers create a solid marketing strategy that will keep customers happy and encourage repeat business [11].

2.3 Quality of food

Food services are therefore important considerations while choosing a trip destination [25, 38]. Food has become a popular tourist attraction as travelers' desire for culinary experiences and taste sensations has grown [23]. Food will be memorable and have more value based on its quality. Quality is described as a customer's assessment of the quality of a product or service's performance based on how they perceive the individual characteristics that come together to produce the overall performance [22].

Food tourism has been embraced in recent decades as an alternative source of income for local communities, as most tourists visiting rural areas, where many of these tourism businesses are based, come to experience and learn about the local culture [39]. Culture is one of key factors that influences consumers' food choices, as well as their attitudes and beliefs about food. It shapes their behavior, refines their tastes, and determines their preferences [37].

2.4 Destination image

Destination image is regarded as a key influencing factor in many conceptual frameworks that explain how visitors make decisions [25]. Destination image is usually believed to be an image in the mind of the features and advantages wanted of a destination, formed from a variety of concepts and perceptions based on information processing many sources over time [31].

Bali is globally recognized for its tourism, attracting a large number of both domestic and international visitors each year. The island offers a wide range of tourist destinations [17]. Bali's natural beauty, rich culture, warm hospitality, and well-developed tourism infrastructure make it a leading destination in Indonesia's tourism industry [40].

There are differences in the measuring content of the tourist destination image as it is an extremely ethereal concept with characteristics like relativity, diversity, comprehensiveness, and dynamism [24]. In the fiercely competitive worldwide market of today, differentiating one's destination image has become crucial to making a name for oneself [5].

2.5 Hypothesis development and conceptual model

2.5.1 The effect of quality of food on tourist satisfaction

Local food has grown to be a vital component of tourism resources and symbolizes a nation [22]. In a competitive world, prioritizing tourist satisfaction is a key goal for companies looking to outperform their peers [35, 36]. Referring to previous research [21, 26-28] where quality of food influences tourist satisfaction. In light of the explanation and earlier research, the following is the study's hypothesis:

H1: Quality of food influences tourist satisfaction.

2.5.2 The effect of destination image on tourist satisfaction

Destination image is regarded as a key influencing factor in many conceptual frameworks that explain how visitors make decisions [25] one of which is achieving tourist satisfaction. Tourist satisfaction plays a crucial part in building strategies for local developments and services to be brought to the tourism market, as well as serving as a marketing tool to draw in the public [31]. Referring to previous research [24, 29, 30] where destination image influences tourist satisfaction. In light of the explanation and earlier research, the following is the study's hypothesis:

H2: Destination image influences tourist satisfaction.

2.5.3 The effect of quality of food on tourist loyalty

In the tourism industry, loyalty is typically assessed by the frequency of visits to a particular destination, attraction, or point of interest. When compared to other methods, the behavioral method offers a true picture of its appeal [41, 42] one of them is through quality of food. Referring to previous research [28] where quality of food influences tourist loyalty. In light of the explanation and earlier research, the following is the study's hypothesis:

H3: Quality of food influences tourist loyalty.

2.5.4 The effect of destination image on tourist loyalty

Destination image is generally believed to be a mental image, assembled from a range of thoughts and perceptions based on information processing from numerous sources over time, of the desired attributes and benefits of a destination [31]. Destination image can increase tourist loyalty. Referring to previous research [2, 30, 31] where destination image influences tourist loyalty. Different results with research [17, 32] destination image has no effect on tourist loyalty. In light of the explanation and earlier research, the following is the study's hypothesis:

H4: Destination image influences tourist loyalty.

2.5.5 The effect of tourist satisfaction on tourist loyalty

Tourists are content when people feel good about their post-travel experiences compared to their pre-travel expectations, and they will become unhappy if they start thinking negatively [25, 33]. Additionally, it is anticipated that visitors' loyalty to the attraction will increase if they are satisfied with it [41]. Destination loyalty is thought to be significantly influenced by tourist satisfaction (both behavioral and attitude component) [16]. Referring to previous research [43-45] where tourist satisfaction influences tourist loyalty. In light of the explanation and earlier research, the following is the study's hypothesis:

H5: Tourist satisfaction influences tourist loyalty.

2.5.6 Effect quality of food on tourist loyalty through tourist satisfaction

The perceived quality of food is a crucial step in the decision-making process for customers [22]. If tourists like the quality of the food, tourist satisfaction will arise. The tourist satisfaction factor is essential research because it examines how satisfied foreign visitors are, which is a crucial metric for assessing their return trips and a key predictor of the country's economy [46]. Tourists who enjoy their encounter are far more likely to suggest giving a location to their close friends and return later [11]. Referring to previous research [47] where destination image influences tourist loyalty through tourist satisfaction. In light of the explanation and earlier research, the following is the study's hypothesis:

H6: Quality of food influences tourist loyalty through tourist satisfaction.

2.5.7 Effect of destination image on tourist loyalty through tourist satisfaction

Destination image was among the crucial factors that destination markers had to consider. The perception of a destination directly influences visitor tourist satisfaction, which in turn influences visitor loyalty indirectly. As a result, travel industry marketers ought to work to enhance travelers' perceptions of their location [32]. Referring to previous research where [17, 30] destination image influences tourist loyalty through tourist satisfaction. In light of the explanation and earlier research, the following is the study's hypothesis:

H7: Destination image influences tourist loyalty through tourist satisfaction.

The conceptual model of this research in Figure 1:

Figure 1. Conceptual model research

Source: Developed by Researchers (2024)


    ——►Direct Effects

    -----►Indirect Effects

3. Methodology

3.1 Analysis method

To examine the hypothesis and determine the results, this study design uses a quantitative methodology with SmartPLS 3.0 software and the Partial Least Squares Path Modeling (SEM-PLS) method was employed to analyze the impact of quality of food and destination image on tourist loyalty through tourist satisfaction with the research object. Smart-PLS was used as the analytical tool in this study. In addition to confirming hypotheses and forecasting relationship between constructs, Smart-PLS was useful in clarifying the existence of relationships among the factors [48].

3.2 Research variables

Independent variable (X)

Independent variables are factors that affect the dependent variable or dependent object [49]. Independent variables are those that influence or cause changes in dependent (bound) variables. Quality of Food and Destination Image is the research's independent variable.

Dependent variable (Y)

The dependent variable is commonly referred to as the variable output, criteria, and consequences [49]. In Indonesian, it's frequently called a variable dependent. The variable that is affected by or results from the independent variable is known as the dependent variable. Tourist Loyalty is the dependent variable in this study.

Intervening variable (Z)

Intervening variables are those that have the capacity to affect how the independent and dependent variables are related indirectly even though they are neither quantifiable or observable [49]. This variable prevents the independent variable from directly influencing the emergence or modifications in the dependent variable by acting as an intermediary or intervening variable between the independent and dependent variables. Tourist satisfaction serves as the research's intervening variable.

3.3 Population and sampling procedure

Population is characterized as every subject or thing under study. Participant in this research is a traveler/tourist who has been to Bali Tourism. A sample is a subset of the population whose composition is altered to suit the demands of the study [49]. Non-probability sampling with purposive sampling is a sampling technique that was used to produce the sample for this study and involves giving your personal assessment of the sample within the selected demographic. Naturally, if the assessment satisfies specific requirements related to the research issue, it is considered [50]. The reason for using purposive sampling is that researchers have certain criteria for selecting respondents, namely:

1) The respondent is more than 17 years old.

2) The respondent is a domestic tourist who visited the destination Bali and has tasted the culinary delights of Bali.

Purposive sampling is important because it allows researchers to select samples based on specific characteristics or criteria that are relevant to the research objectives. The reason for using purposive sampling is to match the sample with the research objectives and targets, thereby improving the quality of the study as well as the reliability of the data and results [51]. This method is especially useful when researchers want to gain an in-depth understanding of groups or individuals who have specific experiences, or characteristics that can provide sharper insights into the topic being studied.

If the population size is unknown [48], the sample size is calculated by multiplying the number of indicators (in this study, there were 19 indications). So the least number of respondents required is 95, and the highest is 190. A total of 105 visitors fulfilled the requirements for the sample size that the researchers used to complete the questionnaire and with this amount, stable results can be found, because SEM PLS is powerful software for analyzing research data. As a result, the characteristics of the respondents were as follows:

Table 1. Respondent characteristic

Demographic Characteristics




















≥ 45


























Government employees



Private employees







More than two times



Two times



First times



Source: Primary data processed by researchers (2024)

Based on Table 1 above, the characteristics of respondents are divided into several categories, namely gender, age, origin, career, and visit. Based on gender, the majority of respondents were male, 56% or 53.3%. Meanwhile, the majority of respondents aged 26-35 were 43 people or 41%. In terms of origin, many are from the island of Java, 26 people or 24.8%. Then, with 31 employees, or 29.6% of the total, other jobs lead the career list. Lastly, 52 persons, or 49.5% of the total, were repeat visitors, accounting for the majority of visits.

3.4 Data collection

It was explained to respondents how to get this data by filling out the questionnaire directly. Standardized questionnaires were distributed to 105 tourists in May 2024 in order to gather data. This research was conducted in a mixed manner which was distributed online (Google form) and offline at tourist attractions in Bali. The responses of the participants were gathered using a Likert scale, where 5 indicates Strongly Agree, 4 indicates Agree, 3 indicates Neutral, 2 indicates Disagree, and 1 indicates Strongly Disagree. Numerous methods were employed in this study to collect data, such as questionnaires, which are lists of questions printed or printed out and given to respondents to fill out. Interview: this method of obtaining information from employees involves direct questions. observation, the systematic or sequential recording of variables [49].

3.5 Measurements

The measurement model describes how each construct is measured [48], whereas the structural model describes the variables. A multi-item scale was used to measure each study construct. In accordance with the study setting, validated scales from earlier empirical research were identified and adjusted [52]. To facilitate comparison of this study with other research, all variables were measured using instruments that had already been established and used. Prior to dissemination the results are presented in Table 2:

Table 2. Variable measurement





Questionnaire Statement

Quality of Food

[21, 53]

QF 1

QF 2

QF 3

QF 4

QF 5

  1. Quality of Raw Materials
  2. Taste and Texture
  3. Presentation and Appearance
  4. Affordability and Availability
  5. Consumer Experience
  1. I feel local food has good quality ingredients
  2. I feel the taste and texture of local food is good
  3. I feel the appearance of local food attractive
  4. I feel the level of food availability is very easy
  5. I feel that quality local food can make me feel excited

Destination Image

[5, 17]

DI 1

DI 2

DI 3

DI 4

DI 5

  1. Attraction to natural views
  2. Emotional impression of a destination
  3. Unique local culture
  4. Global impression of a destination
  5. Comfortable interacting socially
  1. I feel an attraction to natural views in Bali, such as beaches, mountains, forests or parks
  2. I feel an emotional impression of a destination, such as a pleasant, relaxed or busy impression
  3. I feel unique local culture, traditions, special foods, festivals or cultural heritage
  4. I feel a global impression of a destination based on experiences, stories, or information received from various sources
  5. I feel comfortable interacting socially with other tourists or local residents

Tourist Satisfaction

[8, 31]

TS 1

TS 2

TS 3

TS 4

TS 5

TS 6

  1. Availability of a variety of local products
  2. Perception of quality of service
  3. Comfortable with cleanliness and hygiene
  4. Perception of supporting facilities
  5. Ease of access to tourism
  6. Tourist destination meets initial expectations
  1. I feel satisfied with the availability of a variety of local products
  2. I feel satisfied with the quality of services on tours, including hotel, restaurant, transportation and tour guide services
  3. I feel satisfied with the cleanliness and hygiene of local tourism
  4. I feel satisfied with the supporting facilities at tourist attractions
  5. I feel satisfied with the ease of access to tourism
  6. I feel that the tourist destination meets initial expectations

Tourist Loyalty

[46, 54]

TL 1

TL 2

TL 3

  1. Recommendations to other people
  2. Spread positive news to other people
  3. Visit the tour again
  1. I want to recommend tourist destinations to other tourists
  2. I want to spread positive news to other travelers
  3. I want to visit this tourist destination again

Source: Primary data processed by researchers (2024)

4. Results

4.1 Measurement model

A thorough measurement technique was used in this study to guarantee the constructs' validity and reliability. Every construct is measured using a set of indicators. The following table displays the main statistical metrics for these constructs. Path Diagram Construction uses the SmartPLS 3.0 program to combine the inner and exterior models. Because the construct is reflected or embodied in the indicator, Figure 2 of this study uses a reflecting model (arrow pointing from construct to indicator).

This research uses SEM-PLS as a statistical technique for simulating intricate interactions between indicators and latent variables, or factors that are not directly measurable [55]. Partial least square (PLS) modeling is a widely used second-generation method of multivariate data analysis [56]. By employing this analytical tool, readily test hypotheses since researchers may examine direct associations between latent variables using the structural paths indicated in the model. Using this approach, one can directly test hypotheses such whether the independent variable significantly affects the dependent variable. The requirement to optimize the dependent variable's explanation of variance and to aid in the formation of theories during the exploratory phase led to the selection of PLS-SEM. Through path analysis, construct validity, and procedures such as bootstrapping, PLS-SEM provides complete hypothesis.

Figure 2. Structural model research

Source: Primary data processed by researchers (2024)

In order to assess the accuracy of the indicator values for the variables, a validity test is carried out when conducting research to ascertain the validity of the frequency distribution of data supplied by respondents when completing the questionnaire. For an indication to be deemed legitimate [55], the correlation value needs to be more than 0.6. The results are in Table 3 below.

Based on the result in Table 3, the research's questionnaire data is deemed genuine since each indicator's outer loadings value which must be more than 0.600 meets the predetermined criteria for each variable. To determine a study variable's dependability, dependability tests are then run. A variable's composite reliability values need to be more than 0.6 in order for it to be considered reliable [55].

AVE value is examined to conduct testing. A research model is considered good if the AVE value is greater than 0.5 [55]. AVE is used to determine whether the requirements have discriminant validity. The Cronbach alpha and composite reliability methods are used in this study's reliability tests. For a variable to be considered reliable, its Cronbach alpha and composite reliability must both be greater than 0.6 [55]. The results are presented in Table 4 below.

Table 3. Convergent validity test



Loading Factor



Rule of Thumb

Quality of Food (X1)





















Destination Image (X2)





















Tourist Satisfaction (Z)

























Tourist Loyalty (Y)













Source: Primary data processed by researchers (2024)

Table 4. Cronbach alpha, composite reliability, AVE


Cronbach Alpha

Rule of Thumb

Composite Reliability

Rule of Thumb


Rule of Thumb


Quality of Food (X1)








Destination Image (X2)








Tourist Satisfaction (Z)








Tourist Loyalty (Y)








Source: Primary data processed by researchers (2024)

Table 4 shows that the AVE value is higher than 0.5 in order to declare all of the variables utilized in this study to be legitimate. Additionally, each research variable has a composite reliability value and a Cronbach alpha of greater than 0.6, meaning that the variables are considered reliable and appropriate for use as a hypothesis test or as a measure of responder consistency in providing accurate or consistent answers to a question.

4.2 PLS predict

Researchers employed the Partial Least Squares (PLS) prediction approach to assess our model's predictive power, which is essential for determining how well our model can forecast data that has not yet been seen. This analysis is especially crucial for structural equation modeling since it shows how useful the model is in real-world situations [48]. Evaluating goodness of fit involves assessing both the external and internal models in two stages. Outer model testing is a useful technique for determining the level of validity and reliability of an indicator.

Impact size and predictive relevance are assessed during inner model testing using f-square (f²) and Q-square (Q²), respectively. Utilized as the determinant coefficient, the R-Square (R²) value.

To determine how well the independent (exogenous) variables describe the endogenous variables Y and Z, the R-Square test is utilized. It is known that the exogenous variable, also known as the independent variable, has a value of 0.514 in the green creativity variable and 0.613 in the green motivation (Z) variable. This indicates that other factors not included in the study hold 51.4% and 61.3% of the impact power of the independent variable, respectively. Next, assess the model's appropriateness using the F Square test.

The score of 0.067 indicates a significant exogenous effect on the endogenous [55], a value of 0.033 indicates a moderate exogenous influence, and a value of 0.019 indicates a tendency for the exogenous influence on the endogenous to be mild. The next test is the F-Square (F2) method. Apart from ascertaining the presence of a noteworthy correlation between variables.

It is imperative to ascertain the degree of influence between variables by employing the effect size or F Square. If 0.02 for a little influence, 0.15 for a medium influence, and 0.35 for a high influence. Next, the Q-Square (Q2) test was carried out. In the q-square test 0 < Q² < 1. This means that if the Q² value is closer to one, model is getting better. 

Table 5 regarding F Square tourist satisfaction has a value of 0.829, meaning 82.9% of the variance explained. Meanwhile, 0.543 means 54.3% variance explained. Next, F Square The information in the table ranges from weak to strong associations. Of the 5 models in the F Square test, 3 models have a strong relationship, 2 models have a medium relationship.

Table 5 shows that the value achieved in variable tourist loyalty (Y) is 0.756 or 75.6% (strong), whereas value variable tourist satisfaction (Z) is 0.695 (strong). So the ability of the quality of food (X1), and destination image (X2) variables to influence the tourist satisfaction variable (Z) is 69.5%, while influencing the tourist loyalty variable (Y) is 75.6%. The rest is influenced by other factors outside research.

Table 5. R Square, F Square, Q Square

Analysis Type




R Square

Tourist Satisfaction

Tourist Loyalty



82.9% variance explained

54.3% variance explained

F Square

QF (X1) → TS (Z)

DI (X2) → TS (Z)

QF (X1) → TL (Y)

DI (X2) → TL (Y)

GC (Z) → GC (Y)






Strong relation

Strong relation

Medium relation

Medium relation

Strong relation

Q Square

Tourist Satisfaction

Tourist Loyalty



Models are getting better

Models are getting better

Source: Primary data processed by researchers (2024)

4.3 Hypothesis testing

Using the bootstrap resampling method, hypothesis testing is employed to assess the relevance of the influence of exogenous variables on endogenous variables. The p-value used in this study is less than 5%, or 0.05 [55]. Table 6 below presents the findings from the hypothesis testing for direct influence:

Table 6. Hypothesis testing



T Statistic



Direct QF (X1) → TS (Z)

DI (X2) → TS (Z)

QF (X1) → TL (Y)

DI (X2) → TL (Y)

QF (X1) → TL (Y)

Hypothesis 1

Hypothesis 2

Hypothesis 3

Hypothesis 4

Hypothesis 5
















Indirect QF (X1) → TS (Z) → TL (Y)

DI (X2) → TS (Z) → TL (Y)

Hypothesis 6

Hypothesis 7







Source: Primary data processed by researchers (2024)

Based on Table 6 above, data is presented on the research hypothesis directly and indirectly. If the p value found is less than 0.05 then it is said that there is a significant influence. The hypothesis directly shows that the t statistic value is positive and has a p-value of less than 0.05 so that the exogenous variable has an effect on the endogenous variable, which means that H1 to H7 are accepted and H0 is rejected. Then the indirect hypothesis also shows similar results where the t statistic value is positive and the p value is less than 0.05, which means that H1 to H7 are accepted and H0 is rejected.

5. Discussion

5.1 The effect of quality of food on tourist satisfaction

Table 6 reveals that quality of food has an impact on tourist satisfaction, as indicated by the T statistic value of 3.230 and the p value of 0.001. Therefore, H1 is accepted and H0 is rejected. The results of this study are supported by previous research [21, 26-28] where quality of food influences tourist satisfaction. Food has a big impact on tourism in a lot of ways, one of which is that it helps travelers remember and relive their culinary experiences while visiting popular destinations [19, 53]. Eating local food at a tourist destination is a way to fully immerse oneself in the history and culture of the place, making the experience unforgettable in a way that is unmatched and intimate. It is more than just filling one's stomach, having an unusual dinner, or sipping a glass of strong fermented grape juice while traveling [57]. Food quality in Bali, such as taste, cleanliness, and freshness of ingredients, significantly affect the level of tourist satisfaction. A satisfying culinary experience increases tourist loyalty and the likelihood of recommendation to the Bali destination.

5.2 The effect of destination image on tourist satisfaction

Table 6 reveals that destination image has an impact on tourist satisfaction, as indicated by the T statistic value of 2.781 and the p value of 0.006. Therefore, H2 is accepted and H0 is rejected. The results of this study are supported by previous research [24, 29, 30] where destination image influences tourist satisfaction. Destination image was among the crucial factors that destination markers had to consider. As a result, travel industry marketers ought to work to enhance travelers' perceptions of their location [32].

Another part is tourist satisfaction plays a crucial part in building strategies for local developments and services to be brought to the tourism market, as well as serving as a marketing tool to draw in the public [31]. A positive destination image, including beauty, safety, and friendliness, has a major impact on tourist satisfaction. When a destination delivers an experience that meets or exceeds expectations, tourists’ satisfaction levels tend to increase, encouraging them to return or recommend the destination to others.

5.3 The effect of quality of food on tourist loyalty

Table 6 reveals that quality of food has an impact on tourist loyalty, as indicated by the T statistic value of 2.302 and the p value of 0.022. Therefore, H3 is accepted and H0 is rejected. The results of this study are supported by previous research [28] where quality of food influences tourist loyalty. Providing tourists with enjoyable dining experiences has grown to be a top priority for travel destinations [58]. If visitors are pleased with the caliber of the cuisine, they will remain devoted. The greatest factor influencing travelers' decisions on where to go is their level of commitment to a certain location.

The inclination to return to a specific tourist site and recommend it to others is known as tourist loyalty [59]. Even though they have to spend money and time there, travelers who are happy with a place tend to get devoted to it and are very inclined to return [17]. Tourists who are satisfied with food quality tend to show greater loyalty, both in the form of repeat visits and as promoters of the destination to others.

5.4 The effect of destination image on tourist loyalty

Table 6 reveals that destination image has an impact on tourist loyalty, as indicated by the T statistic value of 3.239 and the p value of 0.001. Therefore, H4 is accepted and H0 is rejected. The results of this study are supported by previous research [2, 30, 31] where destination image influences tourist loyalty. Different results with research [17, 32] destination image has no effect on tourist loyalty.

Tourist loyalty is highly prized by tourism places since devoted tourists will generate revenue and help the location continue to develop [60]. With the expanding number of tourist attractions, the urgency to establish tourist loyalty develops in a more competitive setting [17]. A strong and positive destination image can build an emotional connection with tourists, increasing their loyalty to the destination.

5.5 The effect tourist satisfaction on tourist loyalt

Table 6 reveals that tourist satisfaction has an impact on tourist loyalty, as indicated by the T statistic value of 4.484 and the p value of 0.000. Therefore, H5 is accepted and H0 is rejected. The results are supported by previous research [43], [47] where tourist satisfaction influences tourist loyalty. Loyalty does more than only serve as a reliable source of revenue; it also serves as a channel for information that unofficially links friends and other possible travelers [16, 54]. Tourists who are satisfied with the services and facilities they receive are more likely to show loyalty in the form of repeat visits and sharing their positive experiences with others.

5.6 The effect quality of food on tourist loyalty through tourist satisfaction

Table 6 reveals that quality of food has an impact on tourist loyalty through tourist satisfaction, as indicated by the T statistic value of 2.761 and the p value of 0.006. Therefore, H6 is accepted and H0 is rejected. The results of this study are supported by previous research [47] destination image influences tourist loyalty through tourist satisfaction.

Food is a crucial element of tourism that is frequently encountered throughout the traveler experience in a variety of scenarios [61]. Local food not only uses ingredients from the area, but also its culture. Because the product-based strategy is built on the destination resources, having local cuisine and ingredients in products can provide the destination a competitive advantage and increase visitor happiness and loyalty. Through a variety of venues, including eateries, hawkers, and food courts, visitors can sample regional cuisine relevant to the location [20].

5.7 Effect destination image on tourist loyalty through tourist satisfaction

Table 6 reveals that destination image has an impact on tourist loyalty through tourist satisfaction, as indicated by the T statistic value of 2.042 and the p value of 0.042. Therefore, H7 is accepted and H0 is rejected. The results of this study are supported by previous research [17, 30] destination image influences tourist loyalty through tourist satisfaction.

The tourist satisfaction factor is essential research because it examines how satisfied foreign visitors are, which is a crucial metric for assessing their return trips and a key predictor of the country's economy [46]. Tourists who enjoy their encounter are far more likely to suggest giving a location to their close friends and return later [11].

6. Conclusion, Implication, and Limitation

6.1 Conclusions

The study's conclusions show that quality of food and destination images influence tourist loyalty. Based on similar data processing results, The relationship between food quality and destination impressions and visitor loyalty might be mediated by visitor tourist satisfaction. It is anticipated that visitors will exhibit greater adaptability and engage in all of the activities offered in tourist locations [25]. Local food has grown to be a vital component of tourism resources and symbolizes a nation [22]. Referring to previous research [21, 26-28] where quality of food influences tourist satisfaction and referring to previous research [28] where quality of food influences tourist loyalty. Destination image is regarded as a key influencing factor in many conceptual frameworks that explain how visitors make decisions [25]. Referring to previous research [24, 29, 30] where destination image influences tourist satisfaction and also referring to previous research [2, 30, 31] where destination image influences tourist loyalty. Different results with research [17, 32] destination image has no effect on tourist loyalty.

6.2 Implications

The recommendations that follow are based on the research's findings and the conversations that have occurred:

a. For tourism provider

The results of this research can be a reference for managers to maximize the quality of local food because it is vital to making tourists content. Some aspects that must be prioritized in food quality are 1) taste and authenticity, 2) presentation and hygiene, 3) variety and dietary preferences, and 4) customer service and atmosphere.

In addition, we focus on the destination's image, which encompasses everything from tourism to amenities, cuisine, goods, services, and everything else offered to visitors. Several aspects that must be prioritized in the destination image are 1) natural beauty and scenic views, 2) cultural heritage and authenticity, 3) safety and cleanliness, and 4) accessibility and convenience. Tourism managers can then refer to the study's findings to assist them in making future decisions that are specifically related to the research question. Some of the methods used for targeted marketing campaigns include culinary tourism campaigns, image-based advertising, customized packages, and influencer and testimonial marketing.

b. For researcher

It is intended that this research will serve as a resource for future researchers who are interested in conducting research on the same topic and regarding in order to enhance the number of variables, indicators, and thorough references to assist theoretical and empirical research investigations about quality of food, destination image on tourist loyalty through tourist satisfaction. In this way, research findings can improve existing research. Future researchers can use these findings as a reference.

6.3 Limitations and recommendation

This study has several limitations in carrying out research. The limitations of the research include:

  1. Researchers only study a few subjects, such as food quality and the impact of a destination's image on visitor loyalty through tourist satisfaction.
  2. The sample size of 105 participants was subjected to a sampling quota, so restricting the applicability of the research findings to a broader demographic. The outcomes might not hold true in other locations and might only apply to specific local groups.
  3. Research that is exclusive to Bali Tourism and might be limited in scope. The social, economic, and environmental backdrop in this area may differ from that of other areas, hence the research's conclusions might not be broadly relevant to areas outside its purview.

So that further research can produce better results, it is recommended to:

  1. Future researchers can employ additional elements, such as pricing, service quality, trust, and others, that may have an impact on tourist loyalty to determine whether or not research findings are consistent.
  2. The next researcher can modify the sampling by employing random sampling or other appropriate sampling procedures and increasing the number of samples in order to paint a complete picture of the respondents, which will raise the generalization of the findings.

To increase the external validity of the research findings and produce more thorough findings, future researchers can duplicate their work in other domains with dissimilar characteristics.


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