Communication and Coordination Innovations in Improving the Performance of Permits for Suitability for Spatial Use Activities

Communication and Coordination Innovations in Improving the Performance of Permits for Suitability for Spatial Use Activities

Dwi Putranto Riau* Yonarisman Muhammad Akbar Tora Akadira Muhtarom Bambang Agus Diana

Graduate School of Public Administration Study Program, Universitas Terbuka, Tangerang Selatan 15437, Indonesia

Department of Communication and Information Science, Universitas Terbuka, Tangerang Selatan 15437, Indonesia

Department of Public Administration, Universitas Terbuka, Tangerang Selatan 15437, Indonesia

Department of Tax Administration, Universitas Terbuka, Tangerang Selatan 15437, Indonesia

Department of Public Administration, Universitas Terbuka, Tangerang Selatan 15437, Indonesia

Corresponding Author Email:
23 October 2023
13 May 2024
3 June 2024
Available online: 
30 July 2024
| Citation

© 2024 The authors. This article is published by IIETA and is licensed under the CC BY 4.0 license (



In the permitting process for City Plan Information (KRK) and Suitability of Space Utilization Activities (KKPR), intensive communication is required between the two implementing agencies, namely, the Investment Service and One-Stop Integrated Services (DPMPTSP) and the Public Works Office for Spatial Planning. Housing and Settlement Areas (DPUPRPKP) and the Technical Service in processing permit applications recommending KRK and KKPR. Problems with long coordination and communication meetings in recommending requests for KRK and KKPR. The research aims to identify and analyze the coordination and communication in the KRK/KKPR licensing recommendation process. This study used a qualitative method by interviewing staff of the Implementing Service and applying for KRK/KKPR permits and secondary data through journals, textbooks, and Implementing Office data. The analytical approach utilized involves reducing data, presenting data, and making inferences or doing verification. Based on Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) and Government Regulation 21 of 2021 concerning Spatial Planning, this research produced recommendations for quick and consistent communication performance in licensing services issuing KRK and KKPR.


service, licensing, KRK, KKPR

1. Introduction

In the implementation of the Spatial Utilization Forum (FBR), a meeting is held if there is an application for City Planning Information (KRK) and KKPR for non-business owners and the efforts made by the applicant and waiting for many applications to come in first, then a coordination meeting is held.

Problems with the licensing process take a long time because it needs clarification regarding administration and technical adjustments to the Detailed City Spatial Plan (RDTRK) or Regional Spatial Plan (RTRW) and needs approval or recommendations from FPR members. So far, in implementing an activity such as issuing permits, they still use the old ways, namely, formal coordination and communication in meetings and informal communication through meetings between two agencies or intentional or unintentional. The forum has used a hybrid method that combines offline techniques for team members from the service and online (Online) for teams from out of town; in the Out-of-town team, there are two deputy chairpersons and one community figure because these three members work outside the city [1].

In the public implementation of KRK/KKPR coordination meeting activities in the Space Utilization forum in recommending business permits if there is no regional head regulation regarding Detailed City Spatial Plans (RDTRK) and non-business permits, the implementation policy factors according to Expert Edward III [2] were influenced by Bureaucratic Structure, Resources, Disposition and Communication. Communication is extensive in producing the performance of policy implementation. According to the adjective, communis means generally or together. The verb communicate means dialogue, negotiating, or deliberating.

According to communication theory, studies of diverse occupations consistently identify the following communication qualities as among the most essential to success: Interpersonal, oral, and written skills, as well as personal characteristics [3]. In the conceptual description of the variable, communication is the process of passing information from the KKPR service provider to the service recipient and vice versa, as revealed by individual characteristics, interpersonal relationships, and oral and written communication skills. Three dimensions—the dimensions of special abilities and attitudes, the dimensions of interpersonal ability, and the dimensions of oral and written communication—are derived from this conceptual definition [4].

According to experts Zeithaml et al. [5], "Servequal encompasses tangibles, reliability, responsiveness, assurance, and empathy." According to the theory of public service quality, it has been determined that KKPR Service Quality is a trait of public services in the field of administration of spatial planning that is revealed from tangible, reliability, responsiveness, assurance, and empathy. This conceptual description yields five dimensions: the actual dimension, dependability dimension, responsiveness dimension, assurance dimension, and empathy dimension.

Five competency qualities are listed by other experts, including Spencer and Spencer [6], and these are "Motives, Traits, Self-concept, Knowledge, and Skill." According to the idea, Employee Competency is a characteristic of service officers' capacity to carry out KKPR service operations as disclosed by motives, attributes, self-concept, knowledge, and skills. The five research dimensions that emerge from this formulation are the Motives Dimension, Traits Dimension, Self-Concept Dimension, Knowledge Dimension, and Skills Dimension [7].

Andini ATV conducted research on this in 2019 concerning The issue of public services is a burden for the government since it frequently receives complaints about their execution, particularly in the area of land, where services regarding land appear complicated and take a long time. One Day Service for Land Services, also known as a one-day service that can be performed throughout the Agency's work area National Land all over Indonesia, is one of the accelerated public service programs in the land sector that are part of Head of Land Agency Regulation No. 1 of 2010's effort to address the National Land Agency of the Republic of Indonesia's subpar customer service. This initiative is anticipated to raise the standard of public services provided in the land sector, resulting in high-quality, effective, and efficient services [8].

This research was related to the problem of long KRK and KKPR recommendation processes because the Technical Service was waiting for requests from other applicants so that the number of applicants met for a meeting, there was no standard operating procedure (SOP) in the process of PKPR meetings and recommendations for KRK/KKPR applications [9].

The Communicative Constitution of Organizations method, or a related approach, is the notion that this construction is performed by interactive dialogues between persons who are involved in the communication. In order to enhance the effectiveness of communication and strategic communication, it emphasizes the act of turning to each other and listening to each other with respect to differences.

2. Literature Review

2.1 Definition of communication

The word or term "communication" comes from the Latin "communication," which means "to share" or "to belong together." Thus, word communication, according to the language dictionary, refers to an effort to achieve togetherness. Communication can also be interpreted as sharing between parties that carry out these communication activities.

Who is explained through the method of communication? What have you said? What channel is this? To whom? What impact or outcome? (Who? What is said? What channel is this? To whom? With what result? [10]. A message is sent through specified channels, either directly or indirectly, from the communicator (source) to the communicant (receiver), to have the desired influence or effect on the communicant. This satisfies the five elements which say what. Who and how will this channel affect?

The definition and meaning of communication must consider the viewpoints of various professionals who are engaged in communication studies because communication science is a multidisciplinary social science. According to the advancement of communication science, each highlights communication's importance while highlighting distinct aspects of its goal, scope, and context [4].

2.2 Coordination

To establish a consistent and harmonious activity with predetermined goals, coordination is a synchronized and regular effort to offer the proper amount of time, space, and direct execution. Bringing together disparate organizational divisions or fields to accomplish well-defined organizational goals is another definition of coordination.

In order to achieve mutual support, assistance, and complementarity between agencies, agencies, and units in carrying out specific responsibilities, Awaluddin Djamin describes coordination as a cooperative endeavor. As a result, coordination can be understood as an endeavor to synchronize how functions and activities are carried out inside an organization [11, 12].

On the other hand, the form of coordination must also be considered in each process. According to Syafiie [13], the state of coordination has three parts: (1) Horizontal Coordination, where the alignment of cooperation is harmonious and synchronous between institutions of equal rank; (2) Vertical Coordination by harmonizing and synchronous cooperation from Institutions with higher degrees to Institutions with lower degrees; (3) Functional Coordination which is also the alignment of cooperation harmoniously and synchronously between institutions - institutions that have similarities in work functions [14].

As for the factors that affect coordination, according to Hasibuan et al. [15], there are four factors, namely: (1) Factor Unity Action, where in essence, coordination requires the awareness of each member of the organization or organizational unit to adjust to each other or their duties with members or other administrative units, so that don't walk alone. Therefore, the concept of the unity of action is the essence of coordination; (2) Communication factors that cannot be separated from coordination because of communication, several units within the organization will be coordinated based on a range where most of it is determined by the existence of communication; (3) The Division of labor factors in the principle of the division of labor is that if an organization is expected to be successful in achieving its goals, then it should divide work. By carrying out this division of delivery, it is hoped that it will function to realize the goals of an organization; (4) The Disciplinary Factor, which is clearly a discipline related to an attitude and behavior, whether it is an individual or a group that is subject to and obeys the rules of an organization. Punishment is therefore important in the process of obtaining objectives; this is a crucial requirement for achieving the intended purposes [16-18].

2.3 Human resource management and sustainable development

Three pillars serve as the foundation for their human resource management (HRM) philosophy [19]: maintaining a healthy work-life balance, remaining "attractive" on the job market, and enhancing employees' flexibility and autonomy with respect to their skill sets; enhancing employee freedom and autonomy in relation to their talents, and staying "attractive" in the job market. Zalena and Wyrzykowska the HRM regions and their linkages are shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1. Three pillars of HRM

The above concept started to expand somewhat later to encompass minimizing the negative effects of enterprises' operations on the social, working, and ecological surroundings [20]. Pabian and Pabian [21] offered a somewhat different method for implementing sustainable HRM. He contends that businesses should concentrate their efforts primarily on the hiring process. The workforce's ability to most effectively contribute to the achievement of economic, environmental, and social goals by having an impact on the balance of intergenerational demands is then emphasized [21].

Pfeffer [22] took a novel perspective on the idea of sustainable development. It particularly links HRM policies to have an impact on employees' physical and emotional health as opposed to their life expectancy.

The idea of "green management of human resources" can be seen as a crucial element of human resource management. According to Wagner [23], green human resource management is a subset of sustainable human resource management. Due to the fact that some scientists merged environmental management and human resource management [24]. Thus, the term "green management of human resources" has been a hot topic in recent studies, and ecological management study continues to investigate it [25]. It is crucial to employ a few of its definitions before continuing. Through the adoption of green human resources policies and practices, it can be conceptualized as the process of transforming employees into environmentally friendly individuals. People, society, the neighborhood, and the entire world ought to gain from it. This idea incorporates tactics for human resource management that are eco-friendly for the sustainable use of resources. It causes a rise in productivity, a reduction in waste, and an improvement in work attitudes [26-28].

As a result, both corporate social responsibility initiatives and green human resource management fall under the umbrella of sustainable management of human resources. According to Muster and Schrader [29], Mashi and Rohana [30], and Ragas et al. [31], the main objectives of green resource management are to increase employee ecological sensitivity, foster an environment at work that respects the environment, and motivate employees to extend their commitment to responsibility in their personal lives. Other scientific studies also had these elements [32-34].

2.4 The process of actor-actor communication

Interaction is crucial when visualizing something, which is the goal of two-way communication. However, there are various perspectives on "interaction" in this context. "Acting on and influencing each other" as well as "direct reciprocal dialogue" are both mentioned in the phrase's etymology [35]. As a result, the phrase can be used to refer to both the mechanics of a direct human connection as well as a more abstract concept of the interaction that takes place when people relate to meaning while creating their own meanings [36].

For a summary, see Littlejohn, 1983, pp. 227–240. Two examples of how interaction is evaluated from the standpoint of person-to-person or group interaction in the theory of interpersonal communication are the analysis of the Bales process or the Fisher interaction analysis. This idea is also evident in Bateson's relational communication theory, which maintains that every interpersonal communication contains a message that makes a claim about connection as well as a substantive or communication. The final part of the message was named "metacommunication" and designated as such by Watzlawick et al. [37].

According to Watzlawick et al. [37], relationships develop as a result of human interaction, during which a variety of communication rules are developed. called the latter part of the message "metacommunication." Watzlawick et al. assert that human interaction, during which a variety of rules are developed to direct individual communicative activities, provides the basis for the development of relationships. By following the guidelines, the participants give their approval for the established partnership. In these approaches, the interaction is centered on how people interact and communicate to produce meaning through conversation.

Therefore, this interactional approach's main concern is whether or not mediated interpersonal discussions are effective. The emphasis on the actions of rotation is sometimes referred to as "dialogue" in this context. By following the rules, participants support the relationship that has been created. In these models, communication between individuals and their convergence on meaning are at the heart of interaction. Interpersonal discussions are therefore at the core of this interactional method, regardless of how they are mediated. In this context, the word "dialogue" is occasionally used to refer to the fact that special focus is placed on the behaviors of turning to one another and listening to one another while respecting differences in order to increase the quality of communication [38].

When analyzing communication in strategy theory, the communicative composition of organizations approach triumphs. According to Ashcraft et al. in Schoeneborn’s study [35], communication serves as the main framework for understanding social reality rather than being an incidental outcome of human activity. This theory forms the basis of CCO thinking. This viewpoint, which originated from the Chicago School of Urban Sociology, was popularized by Berger and Luckmann in their interpretation of reality as what humans create rather than "something" [39]. It is common for CCO and related methodologies to believe that this creation is produced through collaborative effort amongst persons.

Taylor and Van Every [40] created the CCO Montreal model and used a co-oriented strategy for communication using speech theory as their framework. They emphasized everyday contact between people since, in accordance with Taylor and Van Every [40], it is through these encounters that organizations are created. Organizations come into existence "through member sense rolling activities, cease renegotiated." They encourage close proximity between individuals, which might lead to brief periods of agreement, but these agreements are constantly renegotiated. According to Taylor and Every, co-orientation is a continual, developing process of these interactions.

2.5 Improving organizational climate and culture

Each of the five misconceptions discovered highlights a key element that needs to be altered to promote a creative corporate culture and climate. Here, leaders who foster communication should participate.

A new product, service method, technological advancements, or even inventive ideas and thoughts are just a few of the various forms that innovation can take in both society and the economy. Innovations thus alters not only the products themselves but also processes, specific job descriptions, and even entire organizations. These improvements can be seen in countless instances, even though they aren't necessarily referred to be innovations. It is important to explain to people what innovations are or can be. This can be accomplished through leadership communication by displaying to each employee how many inventions they have already taken part in. This highlights the wide spectrum of new ideas and expressions in organizational life.

Innovations are "risky" from the perspective of each employee because of how they will affect their working environment. The impact of innovation gives the idea that it is a risky endeavor. Most of the time, innovation results in change. Employees who are forced to depart from established habits may experience cognitive dissonance, anxiety, and resistance. For effective leadership communication, it is essential to stop bad feelings in their tracks. Leaders can also share information about impending changes, including what they would entail and any potential benefits. On the foundation of a trustworthy relationship between the leader and the followers, motivation and guidance by frames of reference are required.

Innovations frequently start as simple concepts that are discussed over lunch or in team kitchens. They don't just develop in universities or research institutes, or in R&D departments. As a result, they are rarely innovative ideas from brilliant minds. This is one of the primary obstacles to innovation management, especially when combined with the misconception that creativity and innovation go hand in hand. Innovations also result from real issues faced by customers, partners in cooperation, or other stakeholders. The task of innovation in its broadest sense must be shared by all. In the framework of the organization, this initially refers to the personnel in their specific working environments.

This has several ramifications for leadership communication. On the one hand, leaders must encourage and uphold creative thinking as a crucial element of innovation. Since informal and group conversation is the primary source of creative ideas, it is important to foster these channels of communication. However, managers must pay attention to fresh suggestions and encourage them. Both will be combined to create an organizational climate that is innovation-driven as well as an innovation-oriented organizational culture.

2.6 Standard operating procedure (SOP)

The process of public service is towards effective, efficient, and economic bureaucratic reform, one of which is on public service standards.

The targets achieved in the SOP are 1). Every government agency, down to the smallest unit, has its SOP. 2). Improving the process of administering government. 3). Order in governance. 4). Improving the quality of service to the community [41].

Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) are a set of standardized written instructions that describe how and when to administer different aspects of government administration, as well as where and by whom. Internal services refer to a variety of services provided to all departments or personnel within the internal environment of governmental organizations by support units (secretariat) as part of their primary responsibilities. Technical and administrative SOPs are standard procedures designed for executive-level work, and in-service technical SOPs are more extensive than standard procedures.

Preparation of Technical SOPs was carried out in service to the community. The SOP document is a document that contains standardized procedures, which form a unified process. Because the SOP document is a guideline for all employees (structural, functional, or written and carried out with specific duties and responsibilities), this document must have legal force. SOP explained the steps of the activity in detail and systematically using standardized procedures. For this SOP to be related to), each exercise should indicate certain standard qualities, such as the time needed to complete, the requirements for the required equipment (input standard), and the output. This expected quality will become a quality control tool so that the final product (end product) of a process truly has what is expected, as stipulated in the service.

The organization must consider the operational environment in carrying out its operations (tasks and functions), both internal and external. The bigger an organization is, the wider the room; · the scope of internal and external requirements on the organization. Internal factors such as composition of work in the organization, number of employees, number of types of services carried out, resources needed, main tasks and functions carried out, facilities and infrastructure, and so on

Customers' and markets' needs and wants, the organization's connections to other local and international, government and private companies, and different networking opportunities are examples of external variables. These elements will unavoidably have an impact on the SOP that will be created as well as the organizational operational environment, whether directly or indirectly.

Government Regulations Government policy refers to the laws and rules that have an impact on the creation of SOPs. These laws and norms may be in the form of statutes, executive orders, regional directives, or other conditions or rules pertaining to governmental bodies.

The needs of the organization and its stakeholders' needs assessment should also consider the needs of the organization and the needs of its stakeholders. Evaluation of the needs of the organization and stakeholders is closely related to prioritizing urgent procedures to be standardized immediately. Urgent needs can occur because of changes in organizational structure (organizational structure and work procedures) or because of pressure from stakeholders who want changes in service quality. The need can also occur due to changes in owned facilities and infrastructure, such as using new technology to carry out procedures. This causes the need to make improvements to operations. Changing SOPs, another thing related to organizational requirements for SOPs is technological development.

2.7 Performance of space utilization licensing

Performance is very important in improving space utilization licensing services. The performance of the space utilization licensing organization (KRK/KKPR) is the result of work achieved by a group of people at the Space Utilization Service agency with the authority and responsibilities previously determined by the organization. So with the authority and responsibilities given to public sector organizational officials, it is hoped that they will be able to provide the excellent service needed by the community.

Licensing (vergunning) is a form of implementation of regulatory and controlling functions (sturen) that the government has over activities. Permits are one of the government's legal instruments stipulated in laws and regulations, which are preventive in regulating and controlling every activity or behavior of individuals or collectives [42].

3. Methodology

The methodology used in this research is descriptive-qualitative. The examination strategy utilized is subjective, with contextual investigations and illustrations. As cited in Nurpeni and Sari [14], Sugiono's research aims to correlate and describe something that is inductive and idiographic [43]. Essential information concentrates on information assortment procedures by interviews with DPMPTSP and DPUPRPKP staff, and auxiliary information concentrates on information gathered through sites, virtual entertainment, books and show materials and others. The limitations of qualitative research methods are that they are subjective to the sources which pose a risk to the objective results of the research. The character of the researcher will influence the research.

The descriptive examination is the information investigation method utilized in this exploration, as proposed by Sugiyono [44], where the point is to investigate the information by portraying or depicting the information that has been gathered for what it's worth without utilizing the examination that is generally placed ahead because of measurable examination methods [2]. The peculiarity to be contemplated is the issue of KKPR administration quality through business and non-business authorizing. Issue peculiarities will be depicted efficiently, genuinely, and precisely.

Data analysis uses interactive analysis by Miles and Hubberman [45], namely data collection, data reduction, data presentation and drawing conclusions/data verification. Data reduction is a process of selecting, focusing, paying attention to simplifying, abstracting, and transforming "word" data that emerges from written field notes. In qualitative research, data presentation can be done in the form of short descriptions, charts, relationships between categories, flowcharts, and the data verification from the initial stage to the conclusion, namely trying to analyze and look for patterns, themes, relationships, similarities, things that often arise, hypotheses and so on which are conveyed in the conclusion [44, 45].

4. Results

The Probolinggo City Spatial Utilization Forum (FBR) reviewed applications for spatial use permits submitted by the public and private sectors. There was a total of 19 non-business applications and 79 business applications, with details shown in Table 1 and Table 2, meeting request information in Table 3, the number of HRS in KKPR services in Table 4, the number of Spatial Planning Forum (FPR) HRS in Table 5, and SOPs for holding meetings that do not require notice in Table 6.

4.1 Increased insight into coordination meeting materials

In discussing the coordination meetings held by the City Utilization Forum (FBR) in 2022, which have been held twice after the issuance of the Mayor's Decree in August 2022, there is no Standard Operational Procedure (SOP) for implementing FBR Meetings. So, the meeting followed the meeting procedure led by the Moderator, in this case, the Spatial Planning Coordinator of the DPUPKP of Probolinggo City. FBR, its duties, accommodates non-business meetings. In the meeting held for the first time, there was a discussion on KKPR for business permits, which was in the realm of OSS for business. The reason is that the Probolinggo City Government does not yet have a digital RDTR that accommodates the OSS RBA, so the meeting is included in the FBR because it discusses the same material related to Spatial Planning recommendations. With the Standard Operating Procedures (SOP), the meeting time is according to the schedule, and the completion of recommendations is completed according to the licensing schedule [11].

By the letter of the Coordinating Minister for the Economy dated December 11, 2022, Number: IPW.1.5/309/M.Ekon/12/2022 regarding Public Policy on Public Service Issues in the Housing Sector, it is explained in point 4 that the KKPR approval service (PKKPR) has been determined by the NSPK and SLA if, in the regions where no RDTR has been integrated with the OSS RBA, the KKPR will issue an analysis of documents which will be issued within 20 working days [46].

In writing down the results of the meeting, which will be submitted to the Head of Service as Secretary of the Spatial Planning Forum (FBR), it has complied with the standard operational procedures (SOP) with official notes according to Table 7, the results are as follows.

Table 1. Probolinggo City KKPR application







Non business







23 (Not Yet)

Process Validation

Source: Results analysis, 2022

Table 2. FBR meeting request in December 2022 to Probolinggo City





Communicated again



Non business











Source: Dpmptsp and Dpupr City of Probolinggo, 2022

Table 3. Application for FBR Meetings November-December 2022 in Probolinggo City



PPKPR Business Type

For Bussines


By the Rules



Towers Together.


Tower Construction

Housing area

The distance from other towers is 500 m according to Mayor Regulation 99 of 2019





Tower Construction

Housing area

The distance from other towers is 500 m according to Mayor Regulation 99 of 2019

Not appropriate Perwali tower distance from other towers is not appropriate. allowed




Development of Area Traffic Monitoring System

Road Owned Space (Rumija)

Placing of the pillars of Minister of Public Works No. 20 of 2010 concerning Guidelines for Utilization and Use of Road Sections

Not permitted


Two Ground Splitting


Split Certificate for Residential Houses


According to Probolinggo City Regulation No. 1 of 2020 regarding the RTRW of Residential Areas



Two Ground Splitting


Advertising Development

Road Owned Space (Rumija)

Regulation No. 1 of 2020 for the RTRW of Residential Areas of Probolinggo City

Not permitted




Split Certificate for Residential Houses


Regarding the RTRW of Residential Areas, Probolinggo City Regulation No. 1 of 2020

Postponed must complete the requirements


five landlords


Solving the plot of land certificate

Field/empty land

Residential Area



Warehousing Plan Application


Warehousing Plan

Warehousing Plan

Fields, warehouses, offices, public facilities, mosques, water reservoirs and pump houses, heavy equipment garages and operational vehicles


Source: Problinggo City Puprpkp Office, 2022

Table 4. Probolinggo City's human resources for KKPR services



KKPR Services

KKPR Staff


Public Works Service

Concurrent Online



Licensing Service Office

Concurrent Online


Source: Public Works Service and Licensing Service Office, 2022

Table 5. Probolnggo City's spatial planning forum (FPR) Hr


Number of Hr

Municipal Government Internals






Source: Public Works Service, 2022

Table 6. Standard operating procedures (SOP) for business and non-business licensing at KKPR




Non Business



There isn't any yet

There isn't any yet

Source: DPMPTSP and DPUPR Probolinggo City, 2022

Table 7. Fbr meeting results


Number of Applicants


Not Approved





Source: DPUPRPKP Probolinggo City, 2022

The results of the Meeting are in Table 7, the recommendations made by FBR are by Regional Regulations on Regional Spatial Planning No. 1 of 2020 and Regional Regulations No. 4 of 2008 concerning Buildings, and Mayor Regulation No. 99 of 2019 concerning Passive Communication Towers and Regional Regulations. 10 of 2010 concerning Advertising Permits and Perwali Kota Probolinggo. No. 149 of 2020 billboards are prohibited in Rumija; many are approved according to laws and regulations, and requests are not supported because they are not by statutory rules and because the requirements need to be completed.

The Spatial Planning Forum (FBR) is held in regular meetings to discuss existing issues. The first is a settlement business that already has plots with roads that have been arranged, but the road width is less than the standard stipulations. Road infrastructure by the standards of Regional Regulations with a width of 6 m; the two buildings were built in areas designated for housing, but the building is a business such as a trading business. For the Tower building, which has been standing in the military area, but because the ten-year lease period has been completed and will rent in an area that is not far away but in a residential area, there is already approval from residents in the surrounding area. Still, the TIM agreed to refrain from passing the recommendation because it is in a densely populated area.

At the next meeting of the application, there was approval from the neighbors, such as the telecommunications tower, that would move the tower's location. Still, because of housing allocation, the FBR Team did not recommend agreeing but returned the files not to recommend and approve. Still, the applicant usually submits a return to submit.

4.2 Preparation of SOPs

In requesting a KRK/KKPR meeting, what needs to be done is to prepare an SOP starting from the requested implementation of the KRK/KKPR meeting and recommendations. Technical coordination and communication in the performance of FBR meetings. The time for implementation of the SOP should be considered by looking at the version of the KRK/KKPR coordination meeting. Each SOP must be accompanied by the name of the SOP, the name of the SOP procedure; work units/work units; Document number, SOP procedure number; the date of manufacture, the date when this SOP was first made; revision date, revised SOP date; effective date, effective date; validation by a competent official; legal basis, statutory regulations that underlie the procedure; Interrelationships, explaining the linkages of standardized systems with other standardized methods; Warning, explains the possibilities that may occur when the process is carried out (or not carried out). Warnings indicate various problems that may arise and are beyond the control of the executor when the procedure is carried out and the multiple impacts that may occur. In this case, it also explained how to overcome it; Personnel Qualifications explain the qualifications of employees needed to carry out their roles according to standardized procedures; equipment and supplies explain the list of equipment and supplies needed; description of SOP and Recordkeeping [41].

The preparation of SOPs should use an innovative organizational culture and climate using a sustainable resource management (HRM) scheme, and the implementation of coordination and communication meetings becomes lively and according to the coordination meeting schedule and procedures. With the Standard Operating Procedures (SOP), the meeting time is according to the schedule, the completion of recommendations is completed according to the licensing schedule.

4.3 HR improvement

HR needs to be improved so that the implementation team members who attend the meeting can compile the meeting's outcomes. Based on the scientific evaluation of regional spatial planning and RDTK's spatial planning. It is important to have a solid understanding of spatial planning for staff when writing the minutes of the meeting because the outcomes need to be thoroughly researched so that the conclusions can be included in the meeting report or an official note to the head of the agency and the leadership's decision can be reflected in statutory regulations. According to the test results, the skill has a positive influence of 0.81 on service performance. The product will become stronger if it is controlled. The product will become stronger if the information and communication technology is kept at 0.91 [47].

To improve human resources, technological innovation or inventive ideas and concepts are required. Innovation thus affects not only products but also organizational workflows, specific job descriptions, and even whole organizations. It is crucial to explain to the workers what innovation can or cannot do. Each employee may see how much room there is for innovation through leadership communication. This accentuates how broadly new ideas can be implemented in company life, including coordination meetings.

It is crucial for leadership communication to head off uncomfortable emotions in the bud. Leaders can also share information about impending changes, where they might go, and what well they might accomplish. Based on the relationship of trust between the leader and followers, motivation and direction are required.

The value of leadership communication in stopping bad feelings from developing within a company. Leaders can share information on impending changes, where they might go, and what benefits they might have for the company. A trusting relationship between leader and employee is unavoidably the foundation of motivation and guidance in terms of examples.

According to Zaugg et al. [48], sustainable human resource management (HRM) can be used to improve HR. The idea of the three pillars—maintaining a work-life balance, remaining "attractive" in the job market, and boosting employees' independence and autonomy in terms of their competence—is particularly important when it comes to speech on applicable regulations relating to government policies on spatial planning, starting from the Law—Law on Spatial Planning, Government Regulations, and Mayor Regulations on Spatial Planning—which issue recommendations on spatial.

4.4 Practical implications

To improve the results of licensing meetings, the use of space for insight and knowledge of meeting participants is required by providing technical material related to the meeting material, in addition to improving human resources for officers through workshops and technical training by the Human Resources Development Service. Standard Operating Procedures serve as a reference and guideline in completing the space utilization permit process.

5. Conclusions

The following conclusions can be taken from the discussion above: it is vital to strengthen the Space Utilization Forum members' insight so that they can give suggestions based on technological studies; It is necessary to increase the technical service staff's human resources in order to make recommendations in accordance with applicable spatial planning regulations and employ sustainable human resource management (HRM) when putting the meeting together so that it can be directed and timely. Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) serve as guidelines for completing space utilization permits.


This research was supported by the Department of Public Works, Spatial Planning and Residential Areas of Probolinggo City and the Research and Community Service Institute (LPPM) Universitas Terbuka, Indonesia.


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