Administrative Law in Sustainable Development: A Case Study of the Interaction Between Eco-Business and Government in Jordan

Administrative Law in Sustainable Development: A Case Study of the Interaction Between Eco-Business and Government in Jordan

Khaled Khalaf Abed Rabbo Aldrou

Department of Law, Faculty of Law, Jadara University, Irbid 21110, Jordan

Corresponding Author Email:
11 March 2024
18 April 2024
6 May 2024
Available online: 
29 May 2024
| Citation

© 2024 The author. This article is published by IIETA and is licensed under the CC BY 4.0 license (



The main purpose of the article is a modern methodological approach to identifying and countering key negative factors that impede effective interaction between business and government in the region in the system of legal support for sustainable development. The object of the study is the business environment of Jordan and the features of its functioning in the context of sustainable development. The scientific task of the article is to form a modern approach to identifying and countering administrative and legal methods, and key obstacles in the system of interaction between business and government in the context of sustainable development. The research methodology involves the use of modern methods of structured Analysis, pairwise comparison and graphical modelling. As a result of the study, key problems were identified that impede an effective system of interaction between business and government in the region in the context of sustainable development. The innovativeness of the research results lies in the formation of a modern approach to identifying and countering the key problems of an effective system of interaction between business and government through legal support for sustainable development. The article is limited by taking into account the specifics of only one country. Prospects for further research are aimed at expanding the through legal support for sustainable development and taking into account more Middle Eastern countries.


public-private partnership, sustainable development, eco-business, innovation, administrative and legal support

1. Introduction

In an era of global challenges and changes, the issue of sustainable development is of particular relevance, requiring responsible interaction between business and government. A special place in this dynamic is to ensure effective cooperation at the regional level, which becomes a key factor in achieving balanced development. Sustainable interaction between these two sectors contributes not only to economic growth but also to social stability and environmental security, forming a strong foundation for a prosperous society.

However, in many regions, there are a number of problems in the interaction between businesses and authorities that impede sustainable development. These include corruption, bureaucracy, ineffective legal regulation, and lack of transparency and openness in decision-making. Such problems not only undermine trust between business and government but also limit opportunities for investment, innovation and development, which are critical to sustainable development.

In this context, effective legal support plays a key role in the formation of effective communication between the private and public sectors. At the same time, the vector of legislative support should be aimed at creating an environment with fair competition, where the rights and interests of market participants are protected and supplied by the state regulator. At the same time, an equally important aspect is the formation of social responsibility in business through legal norms and the stimulation of the rational use of natural resources. Taking this into account, the introduction of the principles of sustainable development in the interaction between business and government requires significant efforts and the use of an integrated approach that takes into account not only economic but also social and environmental aspects.

If we consider the features of interaction between business and government regulators in the context of Jordan, we should note significant positive changes in the context of government stimulation of so-called “green” investments and the development of environmentally friendly technologies. Thus, the Jordanian government is actively working to create a qualitatively new favourable business environment through the creation of new legislative initiatives aimed at the active use of new renewable energy sources and reducing carbon dioxide emissions. This position of the Jordanian government creates a positive dynamic in relations with the private sector, during which both participants receive economic benefits, while jointly achieving strategic goals for sustainable development.

In addition, the public and non-governmental organizations play an important role in the system of interaction between government and business in Jordan. Such a proactive position helps to increase the level of transparency and democracy in this interaction and also ensures control over the fulfilment of the basic needs and interests of different groups of the population. With this in mind, the integration of sustainable development goals and principles into the system of interaction between government and business in Jordan creates favourable conditions for the country's economic development, democratic business operations, and the preservation of the environment and natural resources for future generations.

Jordan's experience in integrating administrative law to facilitate sustainable development through eco-business-government interactions mirrors a broader global trend where regulatory frameworks play a crucial role in shaping sustainable practices. Globally, nations are increasingly recognizing the importance of stringent environmental regulations and robust governmental oversight to ensure that businesses contribute positively to sustainable goals. Like Jordan, many countries are implementing innovative policies that encourage eco-friendly business practices and foster collaborations between the public and private sectors. However, Jordan's unique geopolitical and economic context adds layers of complexity; its limited natural resources and economic challenges necessitate a more nuanced approach compared to regions with abundant resources and well-established infrastructures. Therefore, while Jordan follows the global movement towards sustainability, it must tailor its legal and administrative strategies to address its specific environmental and economic conditions more acutely than some other nations.

Currently, an in-depth study of the features of optimizing the legal regulation of interactions between the state and business is becoming increasingly relevant, especially in the context of sustainable development. Given the growing global need to ensure environmental balance, social justice and economic stability, the importance of legal mechanisms to promote such harmony cannot be overemphasized. Adequate legal regulation plays a key role in creating conditions for innovation, promoting responsible environmental management and ensuring equal opportunities for all market participants. A detailed study and optimization of such regulation will identify the most effective ways to achieve sustainable development goals, and will also contribute to the formation of a solid foundation for the long-term prosperity of society as a whole.

Table 1. The structure of the conducted research

Key Elements of the Structure

Essence and Meaning

Literature review

This chapter provides context for the study by demonstrating how it fits into an existing scholarly field. In addition, key gaps in scientific and practical literature are revealed


This section describes the methods we used to collect and analyze the data. This includes a rationale for choosing specific methods, a description of the procedures and tools for our research

Presentation of the main results of the study

Here we present the data and results of the study without their interpretation


In this section, we analyze and interpret the results, point out their implications, discuss and compare them with similar ones in the field


This section summarizes the key findings of our study, indicating their implications for the scientific field and possible perspectives for further research

The structure of the article involves a deep and detailed analysis, and its key features are shown in Table 1.

The main goal of the article is a modern methodological approach to identifying and countering key negative factors that impede effective interaction between business and government in the region in the system of legal support for sustainable development. The object of the study is the business environment of Jordan and the features of its functioning in the context of sustainable development.

2. Literature Review

The issue of interaction between business and government in the region is actively considered in scientific and practical literature, which indicates its relevance and importance. Researchers from different countries offer various approaches and methodologies to analyze these interactions, considering them through the prism of administrative and legal support, management efficiency, and impact on sustainable development.

The study by Mitkus and Cibulskienė [1] examines in detail how the legal environment influences the organization of housing construction, with a particular focus on the persistence of this industry. The authors analyze how changes in legislation can promote or hinder the development of environmentally sustainable building practices, and highlight the importance of adapting business models to legal regulations in the context of promoting sustainable development.

An interesting study by Alazzam et al. [2] proposes an innovative methodological approach to the selection of business management strategies as part of a change in business activity that is critical to adapting to the requirements of sustainable development. The authors draw attention to the need to respond to rapid changes in the global business environment and highlight how this affects the sustainability of entrepreneurial activity.

In a study by Tunčikienė et al. [3] considers aspects of developing partnerships between the public and private sectors, which are key to sustainable development. The study focuses on the managerial aspects of such partnerships, recognizing their potential to achieve sustainable development goals through shared efforts and innovation.

An interesting study by Alazzam et al. [4] highlights the legal issues and challenges of e-commerce, with particular attention to ways to overcome them in Jordan and other jurisdictions. The authors focus on the importance of legal regulation to support established business models in the digital era.

Pylypenko et al. [5] focus on the legal security of land relations, and the importance of legislative support for the sustainable use of land resources. The authors explore how effective regulations can promote resource conservation while promoting economic development.

The work of Al-edenat and Alhawamdeh [6] focuses on the role of business intelligence competencies in improving the effectiveness of organizational processes important for sustainable development. The study points to the need to develop skills and knowledge to adapt to a fast-paced business environment.

Alazzam et al. [7] explore threats to environmental security in the context of COVID-19, highlighting the importance of legal measures to ensure sustainable development during the pandemic. The authors note the role of legal practice in adapting to environmental challenges.

At the same time, Bazyliuk et al. [8] analyze the institutional dynamics of regional development in Ukraine from the point of view of publishing and printing activities, focusing on the importance of methodological and practical aspects of the sustainable development of this industry.

An interesting study by Rushchyshyn et al. [9], draws attention to the regulatory and legal component in ensuring the financial security of the state, which has a direct connection with sustainable development. The authors consider the importance of legislative support for economic stability as the basis for sustainable development.

In a study by Sylkin et al. [10] the use of crisis management to ensure the financial security of enterprises is discussed, which is important for their sustainable development in conditions of economic fluctuations. The authors show how process modelling can help enterprises adapt to crisis events.

At the same time, Fedorova et al. [11] attention paid to the problems of training leaders in the field of public administration in the context of the digital economy, which has a significant impact on sustainable development. The work emphasizes the need to develop the competencies of managers to effectively address modern challenges of sustainable development.

Albalawee et al. [12] examines the public administration of economic security systems through a human rights perspective in changing political and legal environments. Their research provides valuable insights into the integration of human rights in economic governance. However, their study largely focuses on the theoretical framework without offering concrete examples or case studies of how these principles are applied in specific environmental or sustainability contexts. This lack leaves a gap in understanding the practical implementation and effectiveness of such frameworks in actual environmental policy and business operations. Ahmed et al. [13] explores the interaction between administrative decision-making and environmental sustainability in urban settings. It highlights the complexities and conflicts that can arise between urban development and environmental conservation. Gap: The research, while comprehensive in the urban context, does not extend its findings to the broader interactions between national governments and business entities, missing a broader perspective on how these dynamics play out on a larger scale. Yesimov and Borovikova [14] discuss the administrative and legal frameworks that support the rights of business entities, providing insights into the legal scaffolding that supports business operations. Gap: Their study, while insightful, lacks a focused discussion on how these legal structures interact with sustainable development goals, particularly in sectors that are environmentally sensitive or require sustainable practices. Flanagan and Hannikainen [15] work on the intrinsic morality of law and its perception provides an interesting philosophical angle to the understanding of the law. Gap: However, the philosophical approach does not translate into actionable insights for administrative law or its application in sustainable development, leaving a practical gap in applying these philosophical concepts to real-world legal challenges in environmental governance. Aldrou et al. [16] delves into the administrative and legal factors that influence regional sustainable development amid changing external environments. Their analysis is crucial in understanding how external pressures affect regional policies. Gap: Despite its relevance, the study focuses more on regional dynamics without a deeper exploration into the specifics of business-government interactions that could enhance or impede sustainability, which is critical for comprehensive policy-making.

The reviewed literature collectively underscores the complexity of integrating administrative law into sustainable development initiatives. While they offer broad theoretical insights and some regional analyses, there is a notable lack of detailed, empirical research that connects these broader frameworks with specific business-government interactions in environmental contexts. Moreover, the existing studies do not sufficiently address the operationalization of these legal frameworks in real-world settings, particularly in countries with unique challenges like Jordan.

The reviewed literature provides a comprehensive overview of the various challenges and strategies in the system of interaction between business and government, particularly in the context of sustainable development. However, there are also key gaps in the scientific and practical literature for our chosen research problem (Figure 1).

Figure 1. The key gaps in the scientific literature in our study

Thus, the scientific task of the article is to form a modern approach to identifying and countering administrative and legal methods, key obstacles in the system of interaction between business and government in the context of sustainable development.

3. Methodology

The methodology we have chosen is a combination of various methods aimed at a detailed analysis of the problem under study. Thus, through the method of expert analysis, it made it possible to obtain expert opinions regarding the problems arising in the interaction between business and government, in particular, the emphasis was placed on the aspect of sustainable development. A special feature of this method is the possibility of integrating practical and professional judgments of experts through a properly selected composition of the expert group. Such comprehensive opinions will allow you to form a correct understanding of the problems and prospects in the area under study.

The next method is the Harnessing Expert Opinion, which is used after expert analysis and complements it. This method allows you to structure and systematize expert opinions. This method allows you to form a consensus decision and summarize expert opinions. In this way, the subjectivity of judgment is minimized, providing an objective and unbiased overview of the issue under study.

Based on the data obtained from the two previous methods, a structured analysis and comparison method will be used, which will determine the level of importance of each issue in the field of sustainable development. In the context of our research, this method involves the formation of a hierarchy of problems and their subsequent pairwise comparison to determine the weight of each problem. This approach provides objective information on the basis of which it will be possible to make informed decisions and formulate strategies based on quantitative analysis.

In addition, the graph theory method will be used, through which it will be possible to form a graphical display of the connections between the studied problems of interaction between government and business in the context of sustainable development. Clear visualization of the connections between problems will allow us to identify key points of influence and subsequently formulate more effective strategies for solving these problems. This method will be complemented by graphical modelling, which will allow a schematic representation of complex processes and the conclusions of complex calculations performed. Such graphical models make it possible to present the sequence and systematic nature of complex processes, which will provide a better understanding of the problem and possible consequences.

At the final stage, an abstract-logical method will be applied to summarize and systematize the conclusions and provide recommendations for improving the interaction between government and business in the context of compliance with the principles of sustainable development.

Taking this into account, an effective synthesis of the use of these methods will allow for a deep, detailed and impartial analysis of the problem under study and in the future to formulate key directions for solving problems of interaction between government and business on sustainable development.

A general diagram of the interaction of all the above research methods is presented in Figure 2.

Figure 2. Research methodology structure

Jordan, a country with scarce natural resources, particularly water and energy, faces significant sustainability challenges that are exacerbated by its economic constraints and regional instability. These factors make Jordan an ideal case study for exploring the dynamics of eco-business and government interactions under the auspices of administrative law. The country’s proactive approach to environmental legislation and its efforts to integrate sustainable practices into its economic development plans also provide rich ground for examining how legal frameworks can support or hinder sustainable growth in similar resource-constrained environments.

The software used for these analyses typically includes tools capable of handling complex data sets and providing robust modelling capabilities. We choices for such analytical tasks include MATLAB, R, and Python for their extensive libraries supporting hierarchical and pairwise analysis, as well as software like Microsoft Excel and specialized graphical modelling tools like GraphPad Prism or even GIS software for spatial analysis related to sustainable practices and planning. Experts were involved through the survey method.

4. Results of Research

The interaction between business and government in Jordan has its own characteristics that differ from other countries, given its unique political, economic and social context. This interaction is the basis for ensuring sustainable sustainable development. For businesses, effective interaction with the Jordanian authorities can bring a number of benefits. It should be noted that political instability in the region affects public-private partnership projects, as investors often seek stability and predictability in their investments. An uncertain political climate may discourage private investors who fear risks associated with political changes or social unrest. Economic instability also plays an important role. When a country's economy is weak or unstable, it can limit the availability of capital for large projects, as well as reduce the potential return on investment in such projects. Private companies are often reluctant to invest in projects where economic returns are guaranteed. Regulatory barriers and bureaucracy can get in the way. The complexity and opacity of regulatory procedures can complicate the implementation of public-private partnership projects. Private companies may find it difficult to navigate the complex regulatory environment, which reduces their interest in such projects (Figure 3).

Thus, by attracting 50 leading experts in the field of security in the region, representatives of business and government in Jordan, we, based on the results of the survey, identified the 7 most significant problems that impede effective interaction between business and government in Jordan in the context of sustainable development.

Figure 3. Dynamics of the number of partnerships between business and government in Jordan for 2019-2023, units

  1. Insufficient integration between different sectors of the economy. Lack of coordination between different economic sectors and lack of built-in strategies hinder the creation of joint initiatives between business and government.
  2. Social inequalities and lack of inclusion. Social inequality and lack of inclusiveness in interactions between business and government have led to social tensions and limit economic development.
  3. Political and economic instability. Political instability may deter investors, and economic instability may limit financing and investment opportunities.
  4. Regulatory interference. Poor legislation or excessive regulation hinders business development and forces entrepreneurs to waste resources on legal issues.
  5. Corruption and lack of transparency. Corruption can distort market competition and limit the effectiveness of interactions between the government and the private sector.
  6. Costs in infrastructure and education. Insufficient infrastructure and limited educational opportunities hinder the development of a skilled workforce and technological progress.
  7. Insufficient development of innovations and technologies. Lack of investment in research and development, as well as lagging technological progress, limit the ability of businesses to compete internationally.

For further modelling, we will establish a mathematical designation for a certain list of problems as B. Thus, the set of certain obstacles to the interaction between business and government is the following set of changes: $\mathrm{B}=\left\{\mathrm{B}_1, \mathrm{~B}_2, \mathrm{~B}_3, \mathrm{~B}_4\right.$, $\left.\mathrm{B}_5, \mathrm{~B}_6, \mathrm{~B}_7\right\}$.

To begin with, let’s build a graph of connections between certain problems that impede effective interaction between business and government in Jordan in the context of sustainable development (Figure 4).

Figure 4. A graph of connections between certain problems that impede effective interaction between business and government in Jordan in the context of sustainable development

Given the constructed graph, we can fill the matrix by taking into account the following Eq. (1):

$\mathrm{M}=\left\{\begin{array}{c}1, \text { if there is connection } \\ 0 \text { if not }\end{array}\right.$          (1)

So, according to the constructed graph and Eq. (1), we fill in the matrix (Figure 5).

Figure 5. Completed dependency matrix between specific issues

Next, we need to fill out another matrix in which the entire diagonal, according to the modeling procedure, is 1 and there are inverse values. In this case, the following Eq. (2) should be achieved:

$M_2=\left\{\begin{array}{c}1, \text { if from one problem is arrow to other } \\ 0 \text { if not }\end{array}\right.$          (2)

So, according to the constructed graph and Eq. (2), we fill in matrix number two (Figure 6).

Figure 6. Completed reachability matrix between specific issues

Figure 7. Calculation matrix for determining the level of action of problems that impede effective interaction between business and government in Jordan in the context of sustainable development

Further, problem b is considered solved in the presence of another problem b, if in the context of this analysis (Figure 4) there is a chain of solutions leading from problem b to the solution of another problem b. Such problems are classified as interrelated. So, we denote the set of problems that can be solved based on b as S(b). Similarly, a problem b is primary to another problem b if it directly contributes to its solution. The set of all such primary problems forms the subset P(b). Moreover, if this is true: S(b) $\cap$ R(b) then we denote this as R(b). Moreover, if R(b) = P(b), then this forms the lowest level of negative impact of the problem. Let us present a calculation matrix for determining the level of action of problems that impede effective interaction between business and government in Jordan (Figure 7).

As can be seen from Figure 6, equality holds for B6 and B2. Thus, they form the 3rd lowest level of negative impact on the interaction between business and government in the region. These problems are removed from the matrix and then we repeat this until there are only one or two left. Omitting these intermediate calculations, let us present the finished results. Thus, we will hierarchically organize the modeling results into one holistic model of the levels of impact of problems on the interaction between business and government in Jordan in the context of sustainable development (Figure 8).

To improve the effectiveness of interaction between business and government in Jordan, special attention should be paid to addressing the problems of insufficient integration between different sectors of the economy and combating corruption and lack of transparency. A good place to start is by developing and implementing integrated strategies that promote coordination across different sectors of the economy. This can be achieved through the creation of interdepartmental commissions and councils that focus on the development and implementation of comprehensive economic plans. These structures could include representatives from government, business, academia and civil society to ensure diversity of views and interests. The key is to establish clear goals and mechanisms for tracking progress to ensure that strategies are not only formulated, but also effectively implemented. The very model for introducing administrative and legal measures to improve the efficiency of interaction between business and government in Jordan is presented in Figure 9.

Figure 8. Model of orderly action of problems that impede effective interaction between business and government in Jordan in the context of sustainable development

Figure 9. Model for the implementation of legal support for sustainable development to improve the efficiency of interaction between business and government in Jordan

In the context of fighting corruption and increasing transparency, attention must be paid to strengthening the legislative framework and control mechanisms. This includes both improving existing anti-corruption laws and introducing new regulations aimed at raising standards of transparency in relations between the government and the private sector in the context of sustainable development. An important aspect is the creation of independent oversight bodies capable of effectively identifying and prosecuting acts of corruption. Particular attention should be paid to areas where interaction between business and government is most intense, for example, in the distribution of government contracts and licensing.

The primary limitation of this study is its focus solely on Jordan. While this allows for a deep dive into the country’s specific challenges and opportunities, it also restricts the broader applicability of the findings. Jordan's unique geopolitical, economic, and environmental conditions might not mirror those of other regions, particularly outside the Middle East. This specificity may limit the generalizability of the conclusions drawn, as legal frameworks and business-government interactions can vary significantly across different cultural, economic, and legal landscapes.

5. Discussions

The next important step is to compare the findings with existing studies. Comparison of our results with other scientific works not only highlights the uniqueness and innovative potential of our research but provides further insight into the wide range of challenges and opportunities facing modern legal systems in achieving sustainable development. This comparison plays a key role in situating our work in the academic debate, pointing to possible directions for further research and the development of more effective management and legal strategies.

Thus, Saleh et al. [17] explore the legal aspects of managing cryptocurrency assets in the national security system. This study focuses on the specific area of cryptocurrencies, looking at its legal and security challenges, while our study has a broader focus on the overall business-government framework in the context of sustainable development, providing a model for addressing various legal issues. Shakhatreh et al. [18] consider the methodology for developing a legal framework for the protection of land relations in the context of national security. While their research focused on land relations, our research broadened the perspective by analyzing key issues in the interface between business and government and offering comprehensive solutions to support sustainable development through legal instruments. Kryshtanových et al. [19] describe the determinants of influence on the engineering sector and its legal regulation system. While their research focuses on the engineering sector, our work uses similar methodological approaches to identify and analyze interactions across a wide range of business domains, highlighting the versatility and adaptability of the proposed model. Pereguda et al. [20] analyze legal policy in the economic sphere, highlighting current challenges and future trends. Our research complements their findings by suggesting concrete ways to address key challenges through regulations that promote sustainable development.

An interesting study is by Dragan et al. [21], who are engaged in improving the mechanisms of administrative and legal support for the financial and economic security of the state. Their approach to improving the efficiency of public administration complements our proposal to develop models of legal support for relations between business and government.

At the same time, Sylkin et al. [22] are developing an anti-crisis strategy to ensure the financial security of an engineering enterprise. Our research extends this approach by offering comprehensive solutions to overcome challenges in the broader context of business-government interactions. Yefimova et al. [23] consider economic and legal factors influencing social relations in the state. Our research uses a similar analysis to identify and solve problems in the system of interaction between business and government, in particular in the field of sustainable development.

In a study by Levchenko et al. [24] attention is focused on the formation of a model of legal protection of competitive advantages in the system of innovative management of sustainable development. This study complements our work by highlighting the importance of innovation and legal protection for sustainable development.

In the work of Sylkin et al. [25], the financial security of engineering enterprises is assessed as a prerequisite for the use of crisis management. This study is different in that it offers a broader view of the legal framework for interaction between business and government, providing a universal methodological approach.

The key differences in the research results obtained by us are presented in Table 2.

Table 2. Key differences in the research results obtained by us


Essence and Meaning


The innovativeness of the research results lies in the formation of a modern approach to identifying and countering the key problems of an effective system of interaction between business and government through legal support for sustainable development

Combination of modern methods

The research methodology involves the use of modern methods of structured analysis, pairwise comparison and graphical modelling

Emphasis on a specific region

Experts from a specific Middle Eastern country were selected and taken into account for the study

Specification of measures

A model for using administrative and legal methods to counteract identified problems has been developed. The innovativeness of the research results lies in the formation of a modern approach to identifying and countering the key problems of an effective system of interaction between business and government through legal support for sustainable development

After carefully comparing the results of our study with existing scientific works, we can reasonably conclude that our study is not only relevant but also makes a significant contribution to the field of sustainability research. The innovative approaches we have identified to solving problems of interaction between business and government through legal regulation demonstrate the latest opportunities for improving these relations, providing a more stable basis for sustainable development. Our study expands the understanding of this interaction by offering specific methodological tools for analyzing and assessing the influence of the legal environment. It thus contributes to the development of more effective strategies and policies that could support sustainable development across regions and industries, highlighting the importance of the legal field as a catalyst for achieving sustainability goals.

6. Conclusions

The modern paradigm of interaction between governments and businesses is characterized by significant integration of the principles of sustainable development and the implementation in this context of economic, social and environmental goals. This is especially relevant in the context of growing global environmental and social problems, such as global climate change, loss of biodiversity, environmental pollution and depletion of natural resources. In this context, the formation of new permanent goals for interaction between government and business becomes an even more important issue. At the end of our study, we come to important conclusions based on the analysis of a modern methodological approach to identifying and countering key negative factors that impede effective interaction between business and government in Jordan in the context of legal support for sustainable development. Our research highlights the complexity and interdependence of factors influencing the region's business environment and finds that effective collaboration between business and government is critical to driving sustainable development.

Using structured analysis, paired comparison and graphical modelling techniques allowed us to systematize and evaluate the key issues facing the business environment in Jordan. This made it possible not only to identify obstacles but also to develop a hierarchical model of their significance and impact on sustainable development. This approach was particularly useful in prioritizing solutions to identified problems and identifying the most effective strategies to counter them.

One of the main conclusions of our study is that successfully counteracting negative factors in the system of interaction between business and government requires an integrated approach, including the development and implementation of administrative and legal methods. Such practices should be aimed at maintaining transparency, accountability and collaboration among parties, which are key to achieving sustainable development goals.

The developed model for using administrative and legal methods to counter identified problems demonstrates an innovative approach to resolving conflicts between business and government, contributing to the creation of an effective system of interaction that can serve as the basis for sustainable development in the region. Our research also highlights the importance of involving a wide range of stakeholders, including the public and non-governmental organizations, in the process of forming and implementing policies to address the identified problems. This allows not only to expand the base of support for the initiatives introduced but also to ensure greater transparency and openness in the process of their implementation.

Given the specificity of the region, our findings and recommendations can serve as a valuable contribution to the development of sustainable development strategies not only for Jordan but also for other countries in the Middle East that face similar challenges. different legal systems on the effectiveness of interaction between business and government in the context of sustainable development. This will allow us not only to deepen our understanding of the identified problems but to find new ways to solve them.

Policymakers should focus on strengthening the clarity, enforceability, and transparency of laws governing eco-business activities. This includes streamlining administrative processes to reduce bureaucratic barriers and implementing stricter penalties for non-compliance with environmental regulations. Both policymakers and business leaders should invest in targeted education and training programs that emphasize the importance of legal compliance in sustainability. Enhancing the understanding of administrative law among business leaders can lead to more proactive engagement with sustainable practices.


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