Greening the Change: Macro-Micro Perspectives in Sustainability Challenges in Indonesian Capital Relocation

Greening the Change: Macro-Micro Perspectives in Sustainability Challenges in Indonesian Capital Relocation

R. Rijanta* Erlis Saputra Ari Susanti Rosalina Kumalawati Puput Wahyu Budiman Azis Musthofa Elinda Tria Wati

Faculty of Geography, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta 55281, Indonesia

Faculty of Forestry, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta 55281, Indonesia

Faculty of Social Sciences, Lambung Mangkurat University, Banjarmasin 70123, Indonesia

Regional Board for Research and Development of East Kalimantan Province, Samarinda 75124, Indonesia

Corresponding Author Email:
10 September 2023
23 January 2024
6 May 2024
Available online: 
29 May 2024
| Citation

© 2024 The authors. This article is published by IIETA and is licensed under the CC BY 4.0 license (



This paper assesses the government's capacity and local people's readiness to address sustainability challenges in developing a new Indonesian capital in East Kalimantan Province. Although the overall national advancement in sustainable development is deemed inadequate, the province chosen for the location of the new capital city exceeds the national average in attaining Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Household surveys indicate limited local knowledge, attitudes, and practices in sustainable development, yet the community's openness to migrants is identified as an advantageous characteristic in facing urbanization. Skepticism is raised regarding the effectiveness of the new capital's development in addressing sustainability concerns, emphasizing the need for government commitment to integrating sustainability measures. Ongoing support is crucial for locals to navigate challenges and capitalize on opportunities arising from the urbanization of their villages, leading to improvements in livelihoods.


capital city relocation, sustainability challenges, forest city, inclusive urbanism, government readiness, local practices of sustainability, East Kalimantan, Indonesia

1. Introduction

The Government of Indonesia's announcement to relocate its capital city from Jakarta to the forest area of East Kalimantan Province has stirred controversy. Advocates for the capital city relocation assert that it would decentralize development opportunities and address Jakarta's ecological issues through the dual concept of forest city and smart city development [1].

However, the opposition groups assert that the relocation will ignore Jakarta's problems and negatively impact East Kalimantan's ecology and native people [2, 3]. Both arguments fail to consider how the new City might offer further inclusive and sustainable urbanization through forest city and smart city concepts. Relocation of the Indonesian capital from Jakarta to East Kalimantan may be the first case of capital relocation as a response to irreversible environmental degradation due to climate change and global warming [4]. Reasons for capital city relocations are generally attributable to five major issues: (1). nation-building, (2). the spread of regional development, (3). problems of the capital city, (4). the threat of insurrection, and (5). decisions of the national leader [5]. However, the problem of Jakarta as the existing capital as the push factor in Indonesia's case of capital relocation is unique in its contemporary context. Multiple disasters threatened Jakarta as the capital city, leading to permanent inundation due to regular floods and gradually expanding land subsidence [6]. Many studies indicate that this irreversible land subsidence is a consequence of climate change and global warming [7], induced by the anthropogenic process. Many world capital cities are also situated in coastal zones under the same threats as Jakarta [8], so there might be more capital relocations for the same reasons in the future.

Relocating the capital city to a different frontier region, resulting in a decreased, highly concentrated city, is not new [9]. He further asserts that most capital cities in the world occupy either central locations or peripheral ones. The convenient seaport positions enable capital cities in the peripheral regions. The capital cities that preoccupy the country's middle part reflect the advantages of access to and from all parts of the territory; peripheral maritime situations frequently occur in nations previously colonies of overseas powers. Statistical assessments suggest that geographical centrality fights relatively well with oceanic periphery locations nowadays. This trend aligns with the Indonesian government's decision to relocate the capital from Jakarta, situated in the southwestern part, to the proximate centroid of the country in the East Kalimantan Province area (Figure 1).

The Indonesian case is similar to Brazil's experiment in establishing a new capital city away from the country's primary population agglomeration [10]. The choice of location for the new capital of Indonesia in East Kalimantan has attracted heated debates due to its potential to degrade the natural environment and the livelihood of the natives. Furthermore, the rise of the COVID-19 pandemic since 2020 has led to even more criticism of the government as insensitive to the growing foreign debt, unemployment, and poverty. However, the government is very confident in implementing the relocation program and recently submitted a draft of the law on the relocation of the capital for approval to the parliament [11]. While the legislation proceeds in the House of Representatives, the government plans to relocate the civil servants to the capital city at the end of 2023 [12, 13]. The Independence Day ceremony on 17 August 2024 will take place in the new capital for the first time [14]. Nevertheless, up to the end of 2021, no significant construction activities are going on in the location of future central government buildings.

Figure 1. Relocation of the Capital City of Indonesia from Jakarta to East Kalimantan

At present, there are skeptical views that the mission of sustainability in developing the new capital would be difficult to achieve under the existing capacity and commitment of the government and the readiness of the local people [15]. Although the government promises sustainability through the concept of forest city and smart city development, there is no firm evidence of the capacity and commitment of the government to implement sustainable development. Moreover, given the selected location's peripherality, the people's ability to practice sustainable development in the new capital and its vicinity is still limited. This study aims to assess the government's capacity and commitment to implement sustainable development principles through the achievements of SDGs and the preparedness of the local community adjoining the selected location to deal with various changes arising from urbanization that follows the development of the new capital city. Furthermore, the local community's preparedness for future urbanization in the surrounding areas of the new capital is assessed through their knowledge, attitudes, and behavior in practicing sustainable development principles.

It is relevant to consider the development of the new Indonesian capital city in the context of the complementary and balanced relationship between sustainable ecological conservation and the sustainable livelihood of the locals. This is in line with the spirit of the conservation strategy's primary goal, which is to safeguard vital ecological processes, life-support systems, and genetic variety through the wise use of natural resources. It is also relevant to focus on rural populations in the surrounding area of the new capital who overuse natural resources to address the issues of malnutrition and poverty [16]. In the context of Kalimantan, it is also crucial to acknowledge indigenous knowledge and cultural viewpoints to address ecological issues due to the challenges of modernity brought by future urbanization surrounding the new capital city and the realization of sustainability [17, 18]. In discussing the issue of sustainability at the micro-household level, it is pivotal to consider the educational level of the local people and their daily practices on the principles of sustainable development. Harvey [19] asserts that education enhances three primary sources of environmental knowledge: environmental awareness, which motivates people to take action; environmental comprehension, which permits the creation of action plans; and environmental skill, which provides the tools for success.

2. Materials and Method

The research uses a combination of methods from the broad conceptual to a narrower practical level, as follows. First, the study uses a literature review to explore the concept of sustainable development and its practices at the provincial level in Indonesia to understand the relative position of East Kalimantan Province. Secondary data analysis describes the performance of sustainable development, its implications for sustainable urbanization in East Kalimantan Province, and the regencies affected by the development of the new capital city [20]. Second, a survey of affected households in the vicinity of the new capital city to explore the knowledge, attitudes, and acceptance of various households regarding the new capital development. Our household survey covers the buffer zone, the extension area, and the area beyond. The survey covers five villages representing the buffer zone (Pemaluan and Sepaku Villages), the extension zone (Teluk Dalam Village), and the area beyond the new capital (Babulu Darat Village). The buffer zone directly borders the core area of the new capital, i.e., the central government office. Outside the buffer zone are the extension area and the area beyond the new capital. The household survey data were processed using cross-tabulation techniques supplemented with descriptive statistics to depict the spatial variations of various variables related to sustainable development practices by the community in the buffer zone, development zone, and outskirts of the capital region. Third, in-depth interviews with relevant stakeholders would examine the expectations of various stakeholders regarding the perceived impacts of the new capital city development process on the sustainability of the environment and local community livelihoods. Fourth, a multi-level analysis linking the research findings from provincial to community levels of observation concludes the study.

3. Practice of Sustainability in the Development of Indonesia

The Indonesian government has adopted SDGs in various policies to formulate and implement various development plans. Presidential decree Number 59/2017 frames the government's commitment to achieving SDGs by 2030. The document contains the purposes, road map, national action plan, and regional action plan for achieving SDGs. The Indonesian Ministry of National Development Planning becomes the implementing coordinator and a member in achieving national goals. It collaborates with provincial governments, municipal and regency governments, community organizations, academics, philanthropy, and business actors.

SDGs Achievement Report shows the achievements of sustainable development in Indonesia by 2019. The report categorizes the level of achievement of SDGs indicators into three levels: improving, will improve, and need special attention. Out of the 280 SDGs measurements, 146 indicators are currently showing improvement, 84 indicators are expected to improve, and 50 indicators necessitate special attention. Only about half of the indicators reached the 2017-2019 National Action Plan targets. The rest are indicators that fall into the category that will improve and require special attention. Table 1 presents the distribution of indicator achievement categories based on SDGs pillars.

Table 1. Distribution of indicator achievement categories based on SDGs pillars, Indonesia 2019 (percent)

Achievement of SDGs Parameters

SDGs Pillars




Law and Governance






Will improve





Require special attention





Total (%)





Total (N)





Source: Calculated from the Achievement of Indonesian SDGs, 2019

The table suggests that more than half of SDGs indicators in the economy, environment, law, and governance have been improving. Conversely, indicators of social development pillars demonstrate the lowest achievements of improvements. It is also evident from the table that a substantial proportion of indicators on the pillars of social and economic development calls for special attention. However, given the large size of the country and its diversity, it is difficult to achieve all SDG pillars' development goals evenly and simultaneously in the foreseeable future. Moreover, many of the achievements of development objectives in an SDGs pillar are not complementary to those in other SDGs. As a country with a rich and diverse natural resources endowment, successful economic development, on the one hand, may conflict with the achievement of environmental protection and social equity in effect on the other. Fauzi and Oxtavianus [21] assert that the degradation of the environment is eventually correcting Indonesia's economic and social fields. It is among the reasons that Indonesia's position in realizing SDGs is relatively low. The country ranks 82 out of 163 countries available in the SDGs Dashboard with a score of achievement of 69,16 (SDGs Dashboard, 2022).

The persistent overarching challenges to achieving SDGs in Indonesia involve ensuring universal access and providing equal opportunities and fair treatment to all individuals. Noteworthy concerns include limited access to responsive public services, disparities in the quality of education and economic prospects, insufficient compliance of public services with national standards, and a lack of adequate data and information. Within the domain of good governance, issues center on corruption, restricted access to and suboptimal quality of public information, and the absence of inclusive data in formulating and implementing policies [22]. Addressing disaster risks and climate change involves focusing on disaster preparedness, energy diversification, and the prudent utilization of natural resources. There is a discernible need for increased innovation in domestic resource mobilization, particularly in tax compliance and administration.

East Kalimantan Province, the new location for the Indonesian capital city, has issued a governor's regulation regarding the Regional Action Plan for Sustainable Development Goals (RAN SDGs) for 2017-2018. The Regional Action Plan contains various activities and achievements of each pillar by involving all sectors and their respective actors. Empirical evidence at the national level shows that East Kalimantan is among the prosperous Indonesian provinces that are also relatively successful in achieving sustainable development goals. Indonesian Statistical Board has measured 14 of 17 SDGs in the country that place East Kalimantan Province among the most successful achievers (BPS, 2020). Out of the 14 objectives of sustainable development goals measured by BPS, East Kalimantan demonstrates achievement of 13 SDGs above the national score and the interprovincial average. However, the only lower score of SDG achievement is in its preparedness to respond to climate change, which is one of the most critical concerns of most opponents of national capital relocation (Table 2).

The table implies that the commitment to achieving SDGs in the province is among the highest in Indonesia. What is surprising is that the only SDG target that scores lower than the national average is climate action. Given that East Kalimantan Province is part of the lunge of the world, the lower achievement of SDGs in climate actions strongly confirmed the concern of many opponents of the plan. East Kalimantan Province has adopted the Green Growth Compact or GCC concept to improve its performance in climate action [23]. GCC is an initiative from the province to build a movement to make East Kalimantan a new green development model for Indonesia and the world by highlighting partnerships between the government, the private sector, and the community. Through this program, development in East Kalimantan will pay special attention to aspects of environmental sustainability, for example, planting 1 million seedlings, forest and land rehabilitation, mangrove forest rehabilitation, and watershed rehabilitation, as well as renewable energy sources ( However, given the province's strong dependency on the extractive economy, there is a doubt that within a short period, the action plan will significantly improve SDG measures in climate action.

Table 2. Relative position of SDGs of East Kalimantan Province compared to interprovincial average and national figures, 2020 (BPS, 2020)


Sustainable Development Goals


Interprovincial Average

East Kalimantan



No Poverty






Zero Hunger






Good Health and Well-being






Quality Education






Gender Equality






Clean Water and Sanitation






Affordable and Clean Energy






Decent Work and Economic Growth






Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure






Reduced Inequality






Sustainable Cities and Communities






Responsible Consumption and Production






Climate Action






Life Below Water






Life on Land






Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions






Partnerships for the Goals





Source: BPS, 2020

4. Knowledge, Attitude, and Practices of Sustainability at the Community Level

The researchers utilized a data set from a household survey to examine knowledge, attitude, and sustainability practices at the community level. The data cover five villages to represent the buffer zone (Pemaluan and Sepaku Villages), the extension zone (Teluk Dalam Village), and the area beyond the new capital (Babulu Darat Village), respectively. Pemaluan and Sepaku villages, which adjoin the capital city's core, will undergo significant urbanization soon. The area of Pemaluan Village encompasses the ground zero of the capital city. Sepaku Village is 12 kilometers away from ground zero. Teluk Dalam represents a village in the extension zone less likely to urbanize soon as the distance from the village to ground zero is about 113 kilometers. Babulu Darat Village, as a representative of the area beyond the capital city, is about 86 kilometers away from ground zero of the capital city. The village represents an important agro-based sub-regional center where there is a substantial population agglomeration (Figure 2).

Respondents are the heads of households encountered during the conducted interviews. Demographically, there is no significant difference in the age composition of respondents between those residing in buffer zones, expansion zones, and the outer zones of the country's capital. More than 80 percent of the interviewed heads of households fall within the age range of 25-64 years. Such an age structure delineates the dominance of the working-age population actively engaged in driving the extractive economy (such as coal mining, oil, and natural gas) as well as the agricultural sector (particularly in the plantation and forestry sectors).

This demographic structure aligns consistently with their educational attainment, where approximately 50-70 percent of household heads have only completed basic education or have never attended school. The limitation of educational infrastructure appears to be a contributing factor to the low educational levels of the studied heads of households. More detailed data on employment indicates that the majority work in the agricultural sector (20-40 percent), while most others are employed in the extractive sector, such as coal mining, oil, and gas, as reflected in service-related jobs, labor, or self-employment (40-60 percent). A small fraction of household heads work in the government sector, providing education, health, and administration services.

Figure 2. Proximities of the research villages to the ground zero of the capital city

Our research reveals that many respondents in all zones share similar knowledge on relocating the Indonesian capital to the Province of East Kalimantan. However, the respondents' understanding of the relocation of the Indonesian capital in all zones exhibits significant differences, especially on the items of knowledge on the exact locations of the capital city and the possible impacts of the capital city's development. The variation of knowledge on the more specific questions on the relocation indicates that there has been an intense circulation of information in the community closer to the capital city rather than those farther. In addition, activities of consultant field staff, surveyors, and government institutions on the spot, directly and indirectly, provide accurate information on the development of new capital that leads to higher knowledge in the village closer to ground zero (Table 3). 

Table 3. Percentage of positive responses on knowledge of the relocation of the Indonesian capital, 2021

Items of Knowledge

Buffer Zone (n=86)

Extension Zone (n=42)

Beyond the City (n=134)

Knowledge of the relocation of the capital city




Knowledge of the exact location of the capital city




Knowledge of the possible impacts of the relocation of the capital city




Source: Household Survey, 2021

The community in the buffer zone scores higher in its positive attitude toward developing the new capital. Many are proud of becoming new urban people shortly but are also aware of the consequences of changes. Among the crucial concerns of the locals is the growing possibility of land acquisition by the private or government sector to develop various facilities and buildings to support the new capital, which may marginalize them. The development of the new capital has led to a rise in land prices in its vicinity. Land speculation is mushrooming despite the government's effort to control it. The local community has optimism concerning the new economic opportunities that arise. However, they also worry about competing against the migrant population, who are mostly better educated, more skillful, and more tenacious. The fact that the local people of East Kalimantan are commonly friendly to the migrant population can be an early concern that special attention to prevent the marginalization of the locals in large-scale land development similar to the development of the new Indonesian capital.

Attitudes of the people residing in the vicinity of the new capital to accept the new capital are commonly high in all zones, especially on the policy to relocate the capital and the policy to relocate the capital city to East Kalimantan Province. More than half of the respondents accepted the idea of relocating the capital and relocation of capital to East Kalimantan. On the other hand, lower respondents' responses appear in all zones when the socialization of the project is concerned (Table 4). The choice of the site of the new capital, which occupies a plantation area rather than the villages, may be responsible for this low rate of positive response to socialization by the government as there is no socialization from the central government yet. By selecting the large plantation and industrial forest as the site of the capital city's core, the government minimizes the tension for land procurement.

Table 4. Percentage of positive responses on the attitudes on the relocation of the Indonesian capital, 2021

Items of Knowledge

Buffer Zone (n=86)

Extension Zone (n=42)

Beyond the City (n=134)

Positive responses to the relocation of the Capital




Knowledge of the exact location of the capital city




Positive responses to the relocation of the Capital to East Kalimantan




Source: Household Survey, 2021

The local people who live near the new capital expected that the socialization would come from the central government as the initiator of the relocation. The socialization should access all the people of the affected villages evenly rather than those who are less affected. However, local governments from the provincial and district levels have actually done socialization, although they have not covered all villages. The existing socialization primarily accesses various groups expected to support the development through investment or other professional support. For example, the provincial government of East Kalimantan provides socialization to the community through a Zoom Meeting attended by the representative of East Kalimantan in the House of Representatives, the Governor, Rectors of Universities, and the Head of Provincial Offices on Environmental Affairs. The socialization highlights the acceptance of the idea of capital relocation by the people of East Kalimantan. The central government addresses problems related to land procurement and the environment. ( Indonesian Chambers of Commerce has conducted socialization on the prospect of investments in the new capital city. The Chairperson of the Board of Authority of the New Capital City was attending the socialization. The development of the commercial sector, such as shopping centers and entertainment, as well as mixed-use areas for residential, hotel, and office development, have been prepared. Additionally, they have organized essential sectors such as education, health, energy, and telecommunications. Also attending this socialization were representatives of more than 25 associations, associations, unions, unions, and more than 60 business entities from the development, construction, education, health, energy, telecommunications, and other essential sectors (

Activities of the people in responding to the capital city development in the three zones differ significantly. While there are lower responses in participation in socialization and public consultation in all zones, the anticipative responses of those residing in the buffer zone exhibit the highest percentage (Table 4). Many locals invest in properties for commercial purposes, such as rented rooms, rented houses, hotels, shops, workshops, beauty salons, cafes, and restaurants, to anticipate the region's future growth following the capital city's development. Business prospects are perceived to be very good even from this moment. Occupancy rates of newly built hotels, rooms, and other lodging facilities are very high as many people are visiting the area for various purposes related to preparing multiple government buildings in the core of the new capital. Individuals move into the buffer zone in connection with activities like conducting field surveys, carrying out construction works, and mobilizing supplies. It is also important to note that the demand for construction workers has been increasing tremendously since the declaration of the capital relocation in 2019. Residents of the buffer zone must hire construction workers from other regions, such as East Java Province and South Sulawesi Province, to construct various commercial buildings. People have to spend more money on construction workers than they used to.

Table 5. Percentage of positive responses to the activities related to relocation of the Indonesian capital, 2021

Items of Knowledge

Buffer Zone (n=86)

Extension Zone (n=42)

Beyond the City (n=134)

Participation in socialization




Knowledge of the exact location of the capital city




Participation in public consultation




Source: Household Survey, 2021

Anticipation for the development of the new capital remains markedly low in the extension zone, specifically Teluk Dalam Village, compared to the area beyond the capital city, represented by Babulu Darat. This discrepancy arises from the geographical distance, with Teluk Dalam situated approximately 113 kilometers away from the ground zero of the new capital.

As part of Kutai Kartanegara District, Teluk Dalam envisions itself as a food supplier to the new capital city. Village respondents, expressing minimal anticipation for the new capital's development, stated that their current economic activities lack direct connections to the capital city. The Babulu Darat village, situated 80 kilometers from the ground zero of the new capital, also functions as the host for the capital city of Babulu Subdistrict, serving as the most crucial service center in the southwestern part of the district—an arterial road connecting the village to ground zero of the new Indonesian capital city. Relatively closer proximity and excellent connections to the capital city generate optimism for the people of this area beyond the capital city. The regency government heavily subsidized farmers to produce various commodities in the village, designated as the primary food production area of the district, to cater to the existing cities in East Kalimantan. Notably, many farmers in the surrounding villages also prepared their production of inland fish to anticipate the emerging opportunities in the new capital city.

Knowledge of sustainable development and urbanization among the locals is very limited or negligible [24]. However, their sustainable development attitudes and practices have evolved with local wisdom in resource management and environmental protection (Table 5). Most respondents in research areas of the capital city know that their places of residence will be affected by the relocation to the Indonesian capital. They commonly support the idea of relocating to the capital city and expect new development to improve their livelihood. At the community level, there are no activities related to the relocation of the capital involving the residents and participation in the preparation stage. Many residents do not understand the meaning of the terms sustainable development and sustainable urbanization as keywords when discussing relocation. However, many local practices of sustainable development principles have been identified as they align with their essential wisdom in natural resource management, environmental protection, and interaction with various groups of people from different parts of Indonesia. East Kalimantan has been the third most important destination of interprovincial migration after Jakarta and Riau Provinces for many decades. A more intense migration flow to East Kalimantan province will follow the relocation of the new capital.

Table 6. Levels of practices related to the achievement of sustainable development by the respondents in three different zones, 2021

Dimensions of Sustainable Development

Buffer Zone (n=86)

Extension Zone (n=42)

Beyond the City (n=134)

1. Knowledge of Sustainable Development




2. Knowledge of the impacts of excessive use of natural resources




3. Knowledge of the impacts of education on the achievement of sustainable development




4. Knowledge of the importance of environmental protection, economic growth, and social equity




5. Knowledge of the importance of having a good relationship with other countries for peace




6. Attention of the people to environmental issues




7. Attention of the people to the sustainability aspects in every political decision




8. Perception of the role of research institutions in sustainable development




9. Perception of the respect of community members for cultural differences




10. Perception of the community to sustainable lifestyle




11. Behaviour to save water




12. Behaviour of the community to use own bags for shopping




13. Behaviour of the community to recycle




14. Practices of the community in respecting all people with various cultural and religious backgrounds




15. Participation in the socialization of sustainable development




Source: Household Survey, 2021

The respondents in all locations have actively practiced many items of knowledge and sustainability activities, as indicated by Table 6. There is a sign that although all respondents in all zones may not understand the concept of sustainable development well, they practice a lot of activities and behaviors that suit the mission of sustainable development. Respondents in all zones scored low and very low on items related to urban life, such as knowledge of sustainable development, participation in the socialization of sustainable development, recycling behavior, using their bags to go shopping, and saving water. In contrast to this situation, respondents scored high and very high on knowledge of the impact of excessive use of natural resources, the impact of education on sustainable development, and the importance of environmental protection, economic growth, and social equity [25]. Respondents in all zones also scored high in attitude toward the attention of the people to ecological issues, attitude toward attention of the people to the sustainability aspects in every political decision, attitude in the perception of the role of research institutions in sustainable development, attitude towards the perception of the respect of community members for cultural differences, and attitude towards the perception of the community to a sustainable lifestyle.

5. Concluding Observation

At the government level, we observe various constraints to sustainability. Indonesia's achievement in realizing the SDGs is unsatisfactory at the national level. Higher economic growth has conflicted with environmental conservation and social equity. In the long run, developing the new capital city in East Kalimantan is expected to contribute to economic gain nationwide, possibly at the cost of the environment and worsening social equity, at least for the short term. Indonesia has faced the problem of inter-regional disparities for decades. Relocating the capital city from Jakarta to East Kalimantan is an early step in correcting the existing inter-regional inequality. So, it is plausible to adopt the forest city and smart city concepts in developing the new capital city of Indonesia. Given the weak implementation of various plans, there is a need for special attention to monitoring the performance of the forest city and smart city ideas in developing the new capital. 

At the provincial level, East Kalimantan Province has achieved notable success in implementing Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), positioning itself among the top performers in sustainable development within Indonesia. Nevertheless, one aspect of the SDGs falls below the national average for the province, specifically in climate action. The province's economic growth, fueled by extractive sectors that increase demand for consumptive goods, elevate fuel consumption in transportation and production processes and generate waste and pollution, links to this discrepancy. Altering people's consumption behaviors in the short term proves challenging, if not impossible. While the provincial government's initiative to plant one million trees annually is commendable, it falls short of addressing the broader need to regulate production and consumption at the community level. Currently, there is a lack of significant evidence indicating substantial progress in such endeavors. Sustainability in the development of the new capital city of Indonesia at the operational level in the vicinity of the selected area is well supported by good local practices in sustainable development. Lack of knowledge of technical terms like sustainable development and its allied concepts does not prevent the local people from practicing the principles of sustainable development. The principles of sustainable development, especially those related to human interaction with the natural environment, have been practiced in all zones beyond the capital city's core. On the contrary, respondents in all zones exhibit low positive responses to practices of sustainability related to the human environment in an urban context. This finding mainly implies that preparing people for sustainability has to be emphasized in the introduction and familiarization of urban life.


The paper is written based on the data collected from the joint research project on Following Frontiers of the 'Forest City': Towards Sustainable and Inclusive Urbanisation in Kalimantan and Beyond 2021 and 2022, conducted in cooperation between the research of Indonesia and the Netherlands. The Indonesian research team comprises Gadjah Mada University, Lambung Mangkurat University, Institut Teknologi Kalimantan, Regional Board for Research and Development of East Kalimantan Province, National Board for Peat and Mangrove Restoration, and DHV Consulting Engineer. The National Board financially supports the Indonesian Team for Research and Innovation (BRIN). The Netherlands team consists of Utrecht University, IHE Delf, and DHV Royal Haskoning, and is supported by the Dutch Research Council (NWO).


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