Towards the Construction of Territorial Intelligence Tourism Concept in Latin America

Towards the Construction of Territorial Intelligence Tourism Concept in Latin America

José Luis Cornejo-Ortega* Rodrigo Espinoza-Sánchez José Alejandro López-Sánchez

Centro Universitario de la Costa, Universidad de Guadalajara, Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco 48280, México

Corresponding Author Email:
20 November 2023
14 March 2024
12 April 2024
Available online: 
28 April 2024
| Citation

© 2024 The authors. This article is published by IIETA and is licensed under the CC BY 4.0 license (



The objective of this research is to analyze from the Latin American perspective (Colombia, Costa Rica and Mexico), the construct of Territorial Intelligence Tourism concept. The methodological tool chosen, given the characteristics of the research carried out, has been the realization of a remote expert panel, which has allowed validating the methodology proposed to strengthen, through the concept of territorial intelligence and its relationship with tourism. The responses to the interviews were analyzed through the ATLAS.ti 22 software. Within the code table of the expert groups, the frequencies of words that stood out the most with the answers are concentrated, giving 399 co-occurrences in codes, 257 routings and 174 densities. Part of the construct of the concept of Territorial Intelligence Tourism concept in the three participating countries (Mexico, Colombia and Costa Rica) of this study are located around Territorial Intelligence, where the categories are directly related to the three countries, these being: sustainable development, global community, tourism, urban development and development of science, technology and innovation.


intelligent territory, tourism, Latin America

1. Introduction

Some of the problems that society is currently experiencing are due to the prevailing economic model, based on consumption, where unlimited growth is the maxim that cannibalizes natural and cultural resources, and leads to increasingly pronounced social inequalities. A society that seeks to solve these differences by means of measures that are not only economic but also integral, must act intelligently given the degree of existing knowledge. It is, in this context that the concept of "territorial intelligence (TI)" arises, with the three elements that define it: sustainable development, governance and information and communication technologies (ICT) [1].

Today numerous organizations and institutions promote the progress of Territorial Intelligence. One of the supranational organizations and promoter of research in this field is Coordination Action of the European Network of Territorial Intelligence (CAENTI), leader in the study and development of TI. According to Ortoll [2], territorial intelligence refers to the knowledge needed to understand territorial dynamics and structures, as well as the instruments used for the generation and use of this knowledge. All this, in order to guarantee and promote sustainable territorial development. Its main objective is to promote new forms of relationships between different actors involved in a territory, since applying territorial intelligence policies or initiatives can constitute a differentiating axis between one territory and another, contributing to the development of the region and by extension to its companies and to the wellbeing of society in general" [3].

The scenarios that have been created, served for the discussion, scientific and technological development of territorial intelligence.

"From the European school, three programmatic axes are worked on: 1) the development of theoretical references on territorial intelligence, 2) the design and validation of methods and 3) the development of technological tools oriented to the application of territorial intelligence systems for diverse actors, problems and contexts. From the perspective of this group, various conceptions of TI are identified" [4].

"From the Latin American school guided by Horacio Bozzano, the axes are: 1) TI as a strategy for the sustainable development of territories; 2) a process based on the construction of people into subjects, of banal spaces into territories and of vague ideas into concrete projects, and 3) aims to work for identities, needs and future scenarios [4]".

TI is the application of Competitive Intelligence at local, regional or state level, in order to know better the territory and to be able to reach acceptable levels of development and sustained economic growth. TI takes into account the information of the environment and from its interpretation designs and carries out improvement actions related to the territory [3].

Territorial development does not depend only on the "purely technological" capabilities that have been developed in the region, but also on a set of "social capabilities", which are reflected not only in the quality of governance of the regional innovation system, but also in the values, beliefs and institutions that encourage and drive the active participation of society in the processes of development and regional learning [5].

One of territorial intelligence objectives, within the challenges linked to territorial sustainability and the application of ICT, is the co-construction of a territory, respecting the needs and expectations from a local perspective, territorial sustainability and the application of ICT. Is the co-construction of a territory, respecting the needs and expectations from a local perspective, in line with the global-local relationship, as an indispensable condition for the development of a territory from a local perspective. Considering the singularities and the projection that same territory offers in the globalization paradigm, understanding that the tourist space is not a unique element, since there are a multitude of resources integrated in multiple territorial forms according to the previous characteristics of the incorporated space and the conditions of appropriation according to the actors in the presence of capitals, ideologies, and cultural patterns [6, 7].

Despite this scarce interest in the field of tourism, it is interesting to plan the development of a tourist destination from the perspective of territorial intelligence, in which the actors are the main "intelligent entities" capable of shaping a strategy, monitoring the results and implementing lines of future action; capable of enhancing the value of tourist destinations and, therefore, strengthening a territory, offering opportunities and prospects for structural change, accompanied by population wellbeing [8].

In this sense, the objective of this research is to analyze from the Latin American perspective (Colombia, Costa Rica and Mexico), the construct of Territorial Intelligence Tourism concept.

2. Literature Review

The variables to assess community resilience in tourist the concept and tools of TI originated in the late 1980s in response to the needs of a group of territorial stakeholders working on projects to combat poverty [9]. In 1989, the absence of territorial plans based on participation, the demand for critical approaches in the field of sustainable development, the revolution of information and communication technologies, led to the emergence in Europe (Besançon, France) by the "Catalyse" method [10], whose main objective was the creation of collective intelligences through various tools (diagnostic and evaluation), in order to enable the actors to elaborate, argue, animate and evaluate sustainable development projects [1]. The two fundamental aspects that will mark other definitions: the scientific approach and the actors-territorial community [11-19].

The scientific approach in territorial intelligence has the function of integrating and developing multidisciplinary knowledge and methods necessary to understand territorial structures, territorial systems and territorial dynamics [20]. It follows that IT cannot be seen as a discipline, it is not the simple sum of knowledge, but is shaped as a set of knowledge obtained through observation and structured reasoning [1].

Tourism destinations, as spaces whose competitiveness depends on the overall quality of their territory (environment, landscape, business fabric, infrastructure, public facilities and services, heritage, etc.), have not been unaware of this concept, and the expression tourism governance has gained strength [21].

In this regard, in recent years there has been a growing number of scientific approaches to the application of the TI approach to tourism activity [22].

The actors-territorial community suppose the second pillar of IT; in fact, this is defined as a process that is based on the understanding that articulates knowledge, being essential the co-participation, co-construction and collaboration carried out by the different actors [15, 17, 23].

The definition used by ENTI states that "Territorial Intelligence is the science aimed at sustainable development and whose subject is the territorial community" [14]. Frediani [17] also proposes that territorial intelligence is a way of doing science. However, authors such as Girardot [24], Devillet and Breuer [13] and Sánchez et al. [18], who propose that territorial intelligence is a scientific approach due to its multidisciplinary nature, do not propose it as a science.

The tools and methods developed from territorial intelligence are based on the close collaboration of territorial actors and research teams, focused on a research-action dynamic to provide real solutions to current problems. Most of the tools that have been developed by ENTI and by the interdisciplinary research team Territory Actors and Governance for Transformation (TAG) in Latin America, have been designed to be used by a group of actors acting on the same problem or space. Such tools are characterized by combining qualitative, quantitative and spatial techniques based on ICT's [1].

From this perspective in Latin America there are already some TI initiatives as is the case of Argentina, Colombia and now Mexico is incorporated from the tourism vision to TI [25-27]. However, at the global level the conceptualization of this TI in question and the ways of how to interrelate the tourism dimension for the development of such territory continues to proliferate [1, 28].

In Latin America, the TAG team bases its tools on the Understanding, Intelligence and Territorial Development (UITD) Methodological Perspective, whose objective is to build among local actors research methods and territorial intervention instruments that systematically accompany the: image of the future, strategy that will lead to it and obtaining collective achievements [15].

2.1 Territorial intelligence and tourism

As recognized by Luque et al. [29], tourism has been a sector scarcely addressed by the methodologies of territorial intelligence; there are only a few projects in this line in Uruguay, Argentina and Morocco, framed in the development of tools for the promotion of sustainable tourism initiatives at the local level.

Tourism projects have been scarce, in fact, only five actions have been found that combine territorial intelligence and tourism:

(1) Uruguay (Punta del Este) in 2009, where work was carried out to generate employment, promote ecological and social innovation, and enhance the value of the destination's natural and cultural resources;

(2) Uruguay (Lavalleja) in 2010, where tourism was addressed with the aim of conserving biodiversity and cultural heritage, and investigating its impact on the quality of population life;

(3) Argentina (La Plata) in 2012, it is about rescuing heritage assets that are linked to the city and its social practices;

(4) Argentina, the "Parador ecológico La Posada" is carried out to revalue cultural and natural heritage and generate links with local stakeholders;

(5) Argentina (Santa Fé and Paraná) in 2011, the project "Organization of Territorial Intelligence, for Sustainable Tourism in the RMSP" was carried out [1].

Of this series of territorial intelligence initiatives focused on tourism, the last two have been analyzed in detail, which, like the others, seek to be promoted and developed by the host communities themselves [19]. Despite this scarce interest in the field of tourism, it is interesting to plan the development of a tourist destination from the perspective of TI, in which the actors are the main "intelligent entities" capable of shaping a strategy, monitoring the results and implementing lines of future action; capable of enhancing the value of tourist destinations [8].

From the perspective of the relationship between territorial intelligence and tourism, we are witnessing a paradigm shift linked to the valorization of the tourist territory by tourists and tourism producing agents, generating tourist attractions in which there is a tendency to connect history, tourist identity, environmental characteristics and, in general, resources and activities disjointed from the economic activity of the territory [8].

3. Methodology

The methodological tool chosen, given the characteristics of the research carried out, has been the realization of a remote expert panel, which has allowed validating the methodology proposed to strengthen, through the concept of territorial intelligence and its relationship with tourism. The panel of experts can be defined as a group of independent specialists with experience in the topic to be evaluated, who are asked to make a consensus judgment on that topic [30-33].

The group of experts that participated in this research consisted of nine experts, 4 from Colombia, 2 from Costa Rica and 3 from Mexico. It was established as a sine qua non condition that the participating experts should be people with recognized knowledge in the subject under evaluation, i.e. territorial intelligence applied to a territory, in this case to tourist destinations.

A group of remote experts was chosen because of the linkage of having previously worked with researchers from Colombia, Costa Rica and Mexico.

The study focused on obtaining empirical knowledge and subjective experiences of key actors through interviews, whereby this qualitative methodological approach allows to explore in depth the perceptions, experiences and lived realities of the participants, providing an in-depth understanding of the general ideologies and significant events in their statements [34]. In this way the study focuses on key aspects that are representative of the diverse realities of the concept of TI in the Latin American context, although the sample may not be extensive in a quantitative approach, the depth and relevance of the experiences in the qualitative approach compensate for its numerical limitation, ensuring that the perspectives are meaningful and relevant to the study of TI.

For this research, experts in different topics related to territorial intelligence and tourism were consulted in order to broaden the perspective and take into account elements of each of the topics, the characteristics of the interview are presented in Table 1.

Table 1. Semi-structured interview

Expert Interview Format. Territorial Intelligence and Tourism

Instrument: Semi-structured interview

Interview No:



Objective: To recognize how the different dynamics associated with the territory intervene in territorial intelligence in tourism.

Justification: Territorial intelligence is the improvement to the dialogue between the territory and society. Society, it is when knowledge and information become concrete and begin to play a very important role in the interpretation of the territory dynamics. based on multiple factors and variables from very important role in the interpretation of the dynamics of a territory from multiple factors and variables from which an endless number of relationships with a high social sense are derived.

The possibility of the existence of technological platforms that allow the communication of people's knowledge about their territories, tourism and their feedback is very broad and valuable; the challenge is to identify the appropriate method to achieve it. For this purpose, a series of interviews were conducted aimed at understanding territorial intelligence from different approaches to the territory, in order to understand the dynamics associated with it and how to intervene it.


1. What is Territorial Intelligence for you?

2. Do you agree that people are the pillar of Territorial intelligence?

Why do you agree?

3. How do you think tourism is related to territorial intelligence?

4. In order to dynamism territorial intelligence from tourism, would it be pertinent to use ICTs in a participatory manner.

5. Do you believe that people's perception of tourism can be better supported scientifically through ICTs?

6. What are the aspects, elements or variables of tourism that should be taken into account in your territory?

7. Can they be monitored through ICTs?

8. Do you believe that the community in your territory is interested in these aspects, elements or variables?

9. Do you believe that participation (from the monitoring of these variables in tourism) should be remunerated in some way?


10. Would you be willing to participate in the construction of a participation process with ICT's as a contribution to territorial intelligence in tourism?

Source: Own elaboration

The procedure at the time of applying the interview was done through the selection of experts and the sending of the interview via email, with a follow-up through telephone calls, thus verifying that the wording of the interview was clear and verifying compliance with the times and responses of these experts, for subsequent processing and analysis of results, Atlas.ti© software was used.

The purpose of the main functions of the program is to accommodate the theory-building procedures. In this sense, it facilitates the organization of the analysis through functions that allow segmenting quotations, conceptualizing, recording reflections, categorizing, relating processes and showing the theory that is constructed through diagrams. All these first- and second-order procedures give the analysis greater explanatory power for the research.

Finally, the responses to the interviews were analyzed through the ATLAS.ti 22 [35] software, given that it includes a set of tools that allow the management, extraction, exploration, and restructuring of significant data elements [36]. Which allowed identifying those codes (linked citations) that need to be saturated, this is possible through the function: codes-primary-documents-tables-networks, which show the number of citations that each code has, their co-occurrences (link between the citations), densities (relationships that are generated between the linked codes) and rooting (citations that are held with that code).

Although there are other tools such as NVivo and MaxQDA; which offer their own strengths and characteristics, ATLAS.ti was selected for its specific alignment with the methodological and theoretical needs for the study of IT [37]. Its focus on grounded theory and content analysis, along with its flexibility and depth in handling qualitative data, makes it a more suitable tool for our analysis, facilitating a richer and more detailed understanding of the data obtained.

The study adopted an interpretive theoretical approach, based on the premise that cultural systems of meaning influence the perception and creation of subjective and social reality, recognizing the importance of shaping individual and collective experiences [38]. Therefore, the data analysis process was designed to capture and understand these cultural and social complexities, allowing for an in-depth interpretation of the TI.

The data analysis conducted in the research followed a qualitative methodological approach; detailed and structured where each interview was carefully examined to ensure understanding and extraction of relevant information from each key stakeholder. Under this meticulous approach it was ensured that each piece of data was considered, providing a solid basis for subsequent IT analysis in ATLAS.ti software; facilitating the categorization and in-depth analysis of the elements that constitute this concept as expressed in the interview transcripts.

Therefore, this software function facilitates the application of the content saturation of each code and category, as proposed in the Grounded Theory and as shown in the following Table 2 of the operationalization of the object of study analyzed.

The applicability of ATLAS.ti in diverse areas of knowledge and research forms is evidenced by its successful use in different types of research, such as the analysis of interviews, surveys and student work, citing specific studies as examples [39-42]. Therefore, it not only demonstrates the versatility of the tool, but also for its ability to contribute to the understanding and analysis of complex qualitative data structures, allowing to discuss in detail the results obtained with ATLAS.ti in the context of the relevant theoretical literature of IT and strengthening the contribution of existing knowledge [43, 44].

The purpose of the main functions of the program is to accommodate the theory building procedures. In this sense, it facilitates the organization of the analysis through functions that allow: segment citations, conceptualize, record reflections, categorize, relate processes and show the theory that is built through diagrams or networks. All these first and second order procedures give the analysis greater explanatory power for research [35].

The research implied that perception and the construction of subjective reality vary in importance and manifestation among different groups and contexts. Therefore, the operationalization of this concept implies identifying and defining the specific components of TI, determining how its components influence the perception and experience of key stakeholders.

Table 2. Operationalization of the object of study of the construct of the concept of territorial intelligence

Analysis Unit





Territorial intelligence

Group of experts

Construct of the concept of tourism territorial intelligence in Latin America


Costa Rica.


Global community. Sustainable development.


Urban Development.

Development of science, technology and innovation.

Source: Own elaboration

4. Results and Discusion

For the analysis of the results, codes were generated for the linking of the information of the construct of the IT concept, this provided a summarized vision of the descriptions according to the categories and subcategories considered in the interviews, likewise, the frequency of the co-occurrences of the codes generated by the rooting and densities of the responses provided by the groups of experts were quantified.

Within the code table of the expert groups, the frequencies of words that stood out the most with the answers are concentrated, giving 399 co-occurrences in codes, 257 routings and 174 densities. The yellow dot indicates that everything was around the object of study; ITEM. The green dots are the categories, being the home countries of the expert groups. The red dots are the subcategories. The blue dots are the significant elements that arose from the unit of analysis of the answers (Table 3).

Finally, a network was created (as shown in Figure 1) that provides an overview of the entities of the linked codes, showing each of the results of the expert groups in the construction of the IT concept. In the same way, the meanings of the network connectors are shown; A: It is associated with; G: is part of; A: contradicts.

Table 3. Codes of the responses of the expert groups

Codes (25)


Costa Rica





● Academic institutions







● Artificial intelligence







● Big data







● Circular economy







● Colombia







● Community and its habitat







● Companies







● Costa Rica







● Covid-19







● Cultural







● Cultural transformation







● Development of science, technology, and innovation







● Digital education







● Economic







● Entrepreneurship







● Environmental







● Gig economy







● Global community







● México







● Quality of life







● Social







● Sustainable development







● Territorial intelligence







● Tourism







● Urban development














Source: Own elaboration

Figure 1. Linking network of codes for the construct of the concept of tourism territorial intelligence in Latin America

Source: Own elaboration

Part of the construct of the concept of tourism IT in the three participating countries (Mexico, Colombia and Costa Rica) of this study are located around IT, where the categories are directly related to the three countries, these being: sustainable development, global community, tourism, urban development and development of science, technology and innovation. From these categories in the network, the codes that were generated were in the sense of the perspectives of the group of experts in the analysis of their responses.

4.1 Colombia

In the group of experts from Colombia, their results showed that IT has to do with the management of space, the transformations of the social conditions of the community and its habitat, of which they seek to improve the living conditions of urban communities and rural, in turn, the benefit of IT must be supported by technology and innovation, since they are important elements that manage to transform cultural traditions and at the same time change social relations in all areas. Likewise, they redefine the current thinking of water waste and waste management, emphasizing green cities, specifically the circular economy and agroecology.

Regarding the capacity of the IT construct for the articulation of the agents involved in the development of a territory, they mention that one of the essential elements is the work in coordination for the fulfillment of collective objectives, where the community acts as an important pillar for obtaining information, joining efforts and the main strategists in favor of tourism for the benefit of the communities, these being important in the knowledge of the territory and promotion of their tourist activities.

In addition, they consider that knowledge in IT requires understanding and planning different dynamics from each region, as well as their techniques for creating knowledge, being the fundamental people in this process, because their intelligence is closely linked to the rational condition of the human being. Therefore, the plans that are designed and intended for the tourism sector and like any economic activity, a strategic direction process must be considered so that its analysis identifies and evaluates the impact of all exogenous and endogenous variables of the sector.

Therefore, they mentioned that there must be a political agreement or collective agreement between the actors of the territory for the efficient use of natural resources through legal mechanisms and territorial planning, which lead to social and economic use for the well-being of the community, local community, Equally important, institutional conditions must be fostered so that people can access technical, technological and higher education, allowing the activation and collective participation of community actors, without neglecting critical and scientific thinking.

4.2 Costa Rica

The group of experts from Costa Rica, IT must be linked to the interaction between the different entities of the State and society, who disclose their strategic plans and the actions to be followed in compliance with the different actions in regarding tourism, giving as an example the official institutions, where their strategic plans are contemplated, their programs aimed at companies and that people from local communities are included, adding all efforts for a superstructure, carrying out their laws and incentives for benefit to the actions of its resources, without leaving aside the responsible accompaniment of all the people involved in the action plans in the face of real needs and the effects of COVID-19.

Another point mentioned was ICT, where they mentioned that its impacts influence the strategic direction of companies and people, being a necessary element for the operation and internal administration of the company, where different marketing strategies can be carried out and among others. Actions with a direct interaction between client-company. Therefore, current companies, as of the pandemic, sanitary security measures were implemented for safe destinations and actively participated with local communities, not only in promoting them, but also in verifying and providing incentives to those who formulate and execute the actions proposed in their plans.

There must also be an active link with the universities, in this way their interrelationship can be strengthened in favor of considering smart tourist destinations. Therefore, this new normality requires reinventing itself for the adaptation of companies and their workforce, as it is in the Gig Economy, being the human talent that chooses where, how much and when they want to work through mobile applications, allowing companies to adapt and not die, also activate a collaborative economy in local development.

Part of this, they mentioned that the present capacities of the territory are considered the elements of knowledge, experiences, cultural, social and historical heritage, since they are the people who carry out the activities and it is they who shape the territories, taking advantage of and enhancing the conditions endogenous IT that is integrated into the community in co-construction processes. Also, its importance of applying accessible instruments that collect cultural historical bases, geographical conditions, natural heritage, ecological, socioeconomic, political and entrepreneurial ecosystems, these indicators being to generate opportunities for the creation of locally-based tourism products in territorial co-creation and ecosystems of entrepreneurs in the territory.

4.3 Mexico

Lastly, the group of experts from Mexico argued that IT is the understanding of the interrelationships that occur between the actors in a territory that seek their own development and that part of the premises of the knowledge of said actors should be incorporated into the processes of formulation and management of development plans for the territorial space. In turn, ICTs are an important element for supporting work and intelligent territorial development itself, thus reaching the basic construction of the IT concept, which are people or local actors, basic pillars to sustain themselves on intelligence manifold of the human being.

In addition to the interrelationships and interactions between the people who cohabit in the territory, they affect cultural diversity and worldviews towards development that are integrated by their identity and their relationship with nature in their local communities. In this sense, from its construct of IT, from the phenomenon of tourism, it is embedded in its spaces and the resources that allow it to develop from human interaction between foreigners and hosts, enabling the tourist experience from the spheres of life of the human being that impacts on the economic, social, cultural, environmental and political aspects, mainly.

Such impacts allow their intelligent territorial development to nurture the local sphere of the communities and, where ICTs serve as essential tools to streamline the processes of detecting the needs of the local population and at the same time generate the necessary information to project proposals of local development, starting from the bottom up so that they are the tenants who provide the precise information about what they want and what is required for the benefit of the local community.

In addition, the perception of the responsibility and seriousness of each individual in promoting intelligent development enters, in turn, the support of the scientific optics that are the academic institutions for the theoretical and methodological support for the analysis of social reality. Therefore, people from the local sphere must rethink that tourism positively impacts their quality of life and that the territory is not only a container of complexities, but also a series of living relationships between the impacts to society and nature, that is the development of IT.

At this time, where the valuation of different spaces by tourism tends to reproduce attractions, often disconnected from their history and identities, from their environmental characteristics and disjointed from other economic activities, it is proposed that IT provides a theoretical-methodological basis robust and proven. IT can be applied to any tourist destination, regardless of the degree of maturity, the tourist segment, etc., helping to improve the planning and management processes of tourism and the destination. In this way, there would be a more holistic and consensual vision that would have a positive impact on all the actors involved [1].

Therefore, its importance in the knowledge dedicated to the study of innovation and its thinking to satisfy the needs of the people who benefit their territory from the local, determining the various social strata and the differentiations that may exist. Therefore, their relationship generates a series of activities related to the economic, social, cultural and environmental aspects, where from a generation of enterprises they can be strengthened in their sector, as long as it is planned correctly and does not affect irregularities or is only exclusive to a few.

The construction of its concept alludes to other countries in the world reflecting on the various problems within their territories and, such effects of IT are a priority and that digital platforms are decisive in exercising a base support or, where appropriate, the causes for the opinions of consumers and make possible the opinions of the tourist influx, thus taking advantage of the spaces measuredly under the concept of IT and rethinking the load capacity, diversity of its tourist products and its local regulations of the communities.

The themes identified from the theory are in two aspects, the European school has three programmatic axes, theoretical references; design of methods and the development of technological tools, in this sense, the findings of this research differ with these axes, since the results reflect that, for the three countries studied, what is important is community knowledge, sustainable development, tourism aspects and strategies, people and territory, which coincides with the Latin American school whose axes are: sustainable development of territories, people and identities.

5. Conclusions

The dynamic situation of the territory is based on the acquisition of knowledge based on the natural and cultural resources that the territory has, in the particular case of the Colombian experts; their results showed that IT has to do with the management of the space. The transformations of the social conditions of the community and its habitat, in this sense, put tourism, the community and development as the main aspects of tourism territorial intelligence (Figure 2).

Regarding the group of experts from Costa Rica, they state that IT must be linked to the interaction between the different entities of the State and society, who make known their strategic plans and the actions to be followed in compliance with the different actions. In terms of tourism, in this sense, they put the differences, aspects and strategies as the main variables of tourism territorial intelligence (Figure 3).

The group of experts from Mexico argued that TI is the understanding the interrelationships that occur between the actors of a territory that seek their own development and that part of the premises of the knowledge of said actors must be incorporated into the processes of formulation and management of development plans for the territorial space, in this sense, put the territory, tourism and development as the main aspects of tourism territorial intelligence (Figure 4).

Figure 2. Cloud of words for the construct of the concept of tourism territorial intelligence in Colombia

Source: Own elaboration

Figure 3. Cloud of words for the construct of the concept of tourism territorial intelligence in Costa Rica

Source: Own elaboration

Figure 4. Cloud of words for the construct of the concept of tourism territorial intelligence in Mexico

Source: Own elaboration

The construct of the concept of tourism IT in the three participating countries (Mexico, Colombia and Costa Rica) of the present study are located around the territory, the community, development and tourism; where these categories are directly related to the three countries. Something important is that the actors do not see ICT as one of the main aspects for tourism IT.

This work is the first approach to the construction of a concept of territorial tourism intelligence from the point of view of three Latin American countries. Most of the concepts focus on smart destinations and smart cities but not a composite concept of territorial intelligence and its relation to tourism. Therefore, it is proposed that the territorial tourism intelligence is the community knowledge applied to sustainable development focusing on aspects and tourism strategies framed in the territory having as a fundamental entity the people and the use of ICT.

According to the above, it can be clearly assumed that the present work contributes to the theoretical conception of the object of study or research construct related to IT and tourism as important elements for the development of a territory according to the results of the Latin American experts who participated in the study

Qualitative research avoids quantification; narrative records are made of the phenomena that are studied through techniques such as participant observation and structured interviews. Qualitative methodology, aims at describing the qualities of a phenomenon. It seeks a concept that can encompass a part of reality. It is not a matter of proving or measuring to what degree a certain quality is found in a certain given event, but of discovering as many qualities as possible.

In qualitative research, one should speak of in-depth understanding rather than accuracy: it is a matter of obtaining as deep an understanding as possible.

One of the limitations of this study is the limited information provided by the experts involved, which makes it possible for future studies to approach the research from a quantitative or mixed approach in order to generalize better results.

This level of reflection and transparency in the discussion of methodological limitations not only increases the credibility and robustness of the current study, but also establishes a solid foundation for future research in the field of IT, generated by the development of more refined techniques to minimize subjectivity and bias in the interpretation of the data.


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