The Impact of a Practice-Oriented Paradigm on Public Administration and National Security

The Impact of a Practice-Oriented Paradigm on Public Administration and National Security

Serhii Bielai Liudmyla Antonova Serhii Hololobov* Ihor Yevtushenko Kostiantyn Sporyshev

Educational and Methodological Center, Department of Methodological Support of the Educational Process, National Academy of the National Guard of Ukraine, Maidan Zahysnykiv Ukrainy, Kharkiv 61001, Ukraine

Department of Accounting and Audit of the Petro Mohyla Black Sea National University, Mykolaiv 54003, Ukraine

Department of Event Management and Social Communications of the Separate Devision “Mykolaiv Branch of the Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts”, Mykolaiv 54017, Ukraine

Department of Tactical-Special, Fire and Special Physical Training, Yaroslav Mudryi National Law University, Kharkiv 61093, Ukraine

Adjunct and Doctoral Studies, National Academy of the National Guard of Ukraine, Maidan Zahysnykiv Ukrainy, Kharkiv 61001, Ukraine

Corresponding Author Email:
13 June 2023
8 September 2023
15 November 2023
Available online: 
31 January 2024
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The purpose of the article is to reveal the impact of the practice-oriented paradigm on public administration for effective national security and to identify ways to improve the management system with due regard for current challenges and threats. The methodology of the article includes an analysis of scientific literature, documentary sources, and applied research in the field of public administration and national security. The study found that the practice-oriented paradigm allows for the effective implementation of strategies and policies, promotes coordination and cooperation between different agencies and organizations, and ensures an effective response to crisis situations. The results of the study confirm that the practice-oriented paradigm of public administration has a direct impact on national security through the following key aspects: effectiveness of crisis response (approaches aimed at solving specific problems and solving problems allow for a better response to crises and ensure the sustainability of national security); involvement of experts (taking into account the opinions and experience of specialists and practitioners allows for the development of more adaptive and effective security strategies); flexibility and adaptation. The conclusions of the article point to the need for continuous improvement of the management system and strategy development, taking into account current challenges and threats. The significance of this article lies in the fact that it offers practical recommendations for political and managerial personnel that will help improve the public administration system and ensure national security. The findings of the study can be used to develop strategies, policies, and programs in the field of public administration and national security.


state policy in the field of culture, public administration, national security, paradigm

1. Introduction

Context. The importance of examining the application-focused approach to public administration, particularly in relation to national security, is significantly heightened in today's geopolitical and socio-economic climate. Amidst ongoing transformations, geopolitical upheavals, and various challenges, competent public administration emerges as a crucial instrument for safeguarding national security.

The importance of national security. Safeguarding national security stands as a fundamental role of contemporary states. Amidst the backdrop of increasing globalization and intensified international ties, the nature of threats to national security is evolving to be more intricate and diverse. As a result, the significance of national security is paramount in maintaining the sovereignty, stability, economic progress, and overall welfare of the nation.

Practice-oriented paradigm. The practice-oriented paradigm of public administration, based on the use of specific tools and techniques, is becoming increasingly important in achieving national security objectives. It is aimed at implementing practical actions and measures for effective state governance, including in areas that affect national security [1].

Therefore, the study of the practice-oriented paradigm of public administration in the context of national security is both urgent and significant. This task necessitates thorough scientific research and the practical application of its results.

2. Literature Review

In today's world, where security and defense are important aspects of a country's stability and development, an analysis of the latest research and publications in this area is crucial. Striving for continuous improvement of the security system, taking into account new threats and challenges, as well as developing effective strategies are essential for ensuring national security.

We have systematized the existing scientific developments into the following five main groups of research: The first group of studies contributes to deepening the understanding in such areas as the legal basis of national security, the conceptual framework of state and national security, the paradigms of synergistic management in the national economic context, and the institutional development of national security [1-6]. The second group of studies contributes to the understanding of the theoretical foundations of public administration and national security, and mechanisms for improving efficiency in the field of national security and public administration [7-12]. The third group of studies focuses on the elements that contribute to the effective functioning and preservation of socio-political systems. The role of the government in public administration and national security is studied, and the need to develop the competencies of national security actors is substantiated [13-18]. The fourth group of studies makes a significant contribution to the understanding and promotion of such important issues as cybersecurity, public order, national security indicators, and the formation of social leadership for national security [19-24]. The fifth group of studies examines the dynamics of public administration, social changes, national security methodology, and the symbiotic relationship between state institutions and society [25-31].

Paying tribute to the research work of these authors, it should be noted that in the context of existing globalization, political challenges, and threats, at the present stage of national state-building, there is an urgent need to update the understanding of the practice-oriented paradigm of public administration in the context of national security. This need determines the main purpose of our study. Our work is based on the existing scientific basis but expands it by paying special attention to the practical aspect of the paradigm. By initiating a discussion and analysis of specific methods and tools that can be used in real-world conditions to ensure national security, we offer a new perspective on the existing issues. This paper aims to identify ways to optimize public administration, make it more efficient, and adapt it to the new realities of the global political arena. We are aiming to identify key aspects that will help ensure national security in the face of heightened challenges. Thus, our research is aimed at the practical applicability and pragmatism of solutions that can be implemented in real politics and governance, making it relevant and important for politicians, academics, and security and defense professionals.

3. Research Methods

This study is based on the systemic, synergistic and targeted approaches, and a set of methods that ensure their implementation, namely:

- Literature review method (to analyze scientific sources, scientific articles, books and other publications related to the research topic: legal regulation of the security and defense sector, institutional and civilizational paradigm of national security, effectiveness of security strategies in crisis situations, impact of external factors on the security and defense of Ukraine, innovative technologies in the security and defense sector). This method allowed us to study and summarize existing theoretical approaches, studies and publications that have already been conducted in this area, and to contribute by expanding or clarifying existing knowledge);

- The method of factor analysis, synthesis and abstraction (this method was used to summarize the conceptual directions that define the essence of the practice-oriented paradigm of public administration and national security. We analyzed a wide range of scientific sources, studies and expert opinions to identify the main concepts and factors that influence these paradigms);

- The method of comprehensive analysis (this method was used for an in-depth analysis of the current state of public administration and national security. We thoroughly examined various aspects of these areas, including the legislative framework, institutional structure, programs and strategies. Based on this analysis, we developed practical recommendations for further improvement in these areas);

- Logical generalization and modeling method (this method was used to create models that reflect key aspects of public administration and national security. We have developed conceptual models that help to understand the interrelationships between different components of these paradigms;

- The method of logical generalization of research results and expert assessments (this method was used to summarize the results of our research and expert assessments. We systematized the information received, theoretically summarized the provisions and formulated conclusions and proposals for improving public administration and national security).

The choice of these methods was justified by the fact that they best met our research question and research objectives. Each method helped us to better understand the essence of the practice-oriented paradigm of public administration and national security and to develop practical recommendations for their further improvement.

Secondary data was used in this study. Sources of secondary data include the following: academic sources (we conducted a systematic review of scientific literature using academic databases such as Scopus, Web of Science, and Google Scholar. In this review, we analyzed available publications related to the practice-oriented paradigm of public administration and national security); government reports and official sources (we also used government reports, legislation, and official documents related to public administration and national security); documents of international organizations (some of the secondary data were obtained from official reports and publications of international organizations such as the United Nations, the European Union, the European Commission, and others. These documents provide information on global trends in the field of national security and public administration); international experience (additional information was obtained from research and publications related to national security and public administration in other countries. This allowed us to perform a comparative analysis and identify best practices). The method of data selection involved a systematic analysis of the above sources and highlighting the key aspects that were important for our research. We used a structured approach to processing this data to ensure its accuracy and objectivity.

The purpose of the article is to reveal the impact of the practice-oriented paradigm on public administration for effective national security and to identify ways to improve the management system with due regard for current challenges and threats.

4. Results of Research

The significance of the practice-oriented paradigm of public administration for national security. The application-focused approach to public administration, particularly in the realm of national security, holds significant weight and impact on the efficacy and triumph of governmental strategies and policies. It serves as a vital instrument for guaranteeing the stability, safeguarding, and advancement of the nation amidst escalating threats and challenges.

One of the key aspects of the practice-oriented paradigm of public administration is the approach aimed at implementing specific actions and measures. It provides an opportunity to analyze in detail the problems affecting national security and to develop strategic solutions and recommendations to address them [2].

The practice-oriented paradigm of public administration for national security is of great importance in the context of effective management and response to potential threats and challenges. This paradigm defines an approach aimed at the practical implementation of strategic decisions and recommendations to ensure the country's security. The main stages of using the practice-oriented paradigm of public administration to ensure national security help to organize and structure the process of achieving this goal (Figure 1).

Figure 1. The main stages of using the practice-oriented paradigm of public administration to ensure national security

Source: Compiled by the authors

This figure illustrates the main stages of using the practice-oriented paradigm of public administration to ensure national security:

I. Analysis of national security problems and identification of key challenges. At this stage, a comprehensive analysis of the problems affecting the national security of the country is carried out. This includes identifying potential threats, assessing risks and identifying key challenges faced by the country;

II. Development of strategic decisions and recommendations. At this stage, strategic decisions and recommendations are developed to address the identified problems and challenges. This includes analysis and selection of optimal ways of action, development of security strategies, formulation of specific measures and recommendations to ensure national security;

III. Implementation of actions and measures to ensure national security. At this stage, the developed strategic decisions and recommendations are implemented. State bodies and structures take specific actions aimed at preventing threats, responding to challenges and ensuring national security;

IV. Coordination and interaction of state bodies and structures. At this stage, coordination and interaction between various state bodies and structures responsible for national security is ensured. This allows avoiding duplication of functions, optimizing activities and ensuring the effective implementation of security tasks;

V. Use of modern tools and technologies. At this stage, modern tools, methodologies and technologies are used to support decision-making, situation analysis, monitoring and evaluation of results. This allows for a quick response to changes in society and the environment, the introduction of innovative approaches and increased efficiency in national security management;

VI. Monitoring and evaluation of results to identify potential threats and challenges. This stage involves systematic monitoring and analysis of the actions taken in the previous stages in order to identify potential threats and challenges and to assess the effectiveness of the measures taken.

The figure illustrates the order and interrelation of these phases within the framework of the practice-oriented approach to public administration concerning national security. Therefore, the value of this practice-oriented model in public administration for national security lies in its role in shaping the methodology for enacting strategic choices and advice. Furthermore, the key phases of employing this paradigm aid in organizing and systematizing the process of attaining the nation's security.

The application of the practice-oriented paradigm allows to diversify and optimize the activities of state bodies and structures, ensuring their interaction and coordination in the field of national security. This makes it possible to achieve higher efficiency in management, prevent crises, respond quickly to threats and challenges, as well as plan and implement strategic measures to ensure national security [3].

Moreover, the application-focused approach in public administration encourages the adoption of contemporary tools, methods, and technologies that facilitate decision-making, analysis of situations, and the monitoring and assessment of outcomes. This approach enables swift responses to societal and environmental shifts, and also fosters the integration of innovative strategies in national security.

Thus, the practice-oriented paradigm of public administration in the context of national security contributes to the effective solution of problems and challenges facing the country. It helps to ensure sustainability, stability and development while maintaining the security and well-being of the nation [4].

Given the importance of the practice-oriented paradigm of public administration for national security, it is important to review the concepts and approaches used in this paradigm. A review of concepts and approaches will provide us with an understanding of the various aspects and factors that influence effective public administration for achieving national security. This review will help to provide a broader context and background for this study by allowing us to examine the various concepts and approaches that have been developed and used in the practical field of public administration. Such a review is an important step that will allow us to reaffirm the importance of the practice-oriented paradigm of public administration for national security, and will also direct our research to more specific and relevant aspects of its application.

Concepts and approaches to the practice-oriented paradigm of public administration. A review of the concepts and approaches to the practice-oriented paradigm of public administration will allow us to gain a deeper understanding of the essence of this approach and identify the key principles underlying it. Below are some important concepts and approaches to the practice-oriented paradigm of public administration:

- Strategic management. This approach emphasizes the formulation of strategy and action planning based on the long-term goals and priorities of the state. It emphasizes the need to establish a mission, define goals and choose strategic directions to achieve national security;

- Integrated approach. This approach envisages interaction and coordination of different sectors and public administration bodies in order to achieve common national security goals. It takes into account the relationship between the economic, social, political and cultural development of the country;

- Risk-oriented approach. This approach is based on the identification, assessment and management of risks that may threaten national security. It focuses on analyzing potential threats, determining their impact and developing countermeasures;

- Innovative approach. This approach aims to promote the introduction of the latest technologies, methods and practices in public administration to improve efficiency and effectiveness. It is based on continuous updating and adaptation of public administration to changing requirements and challenges;

- Participatory approach. This approach is designed to involve the public, civil society organizations and the private sector in the public administration process. It envisages partnership, cooperation and interaction between different stakeholders in order to jointly achieve national security [5].

These concepts and approaches represent only some aspects of the practice-oriented public administration paradigm. It is important to carefully study each of them, their advantages and limitations, and to take into account the context and peculiarities of your own country to determine the most effective approach to ensuring national security.

Reflecting on the theories and methodologies related to the practice-oriented paradigm in public administration, it becomes clear that these methodologies establish the foundational principles of efficient governmental administration. They mirror the strategic and tactical foundations that shape the evolution of contemporary practical public policy. Nonetheless, for our research, it is essential to progress towards examining the core principles and characteristics of the practice-oriented paradigm in public administration, specifically in terms of national security. Doing so will enhance our comprehension of the nature of this paradigm and identify which principles and attributes render it effective in safeguarding national security.

Principles and features of the practice-oriented paradigm of public administration in the context of national security. The practice-oriented paradigm of public administration in the context of national security is based on several key principles and has its own peculiarities. Here are some of them:

- Integration. The practice-oriented paradigm involves combining various aspects of public administration, including political, economic, social and cultural, to ensure national security. This means taking into account the interconnection and interaction of different sectors and institutions in the process of security governance;

- Risk-oriented. The public administration paradigm, in accordance with the practical paradigm, is designed to identify and manage risks that may affect national security. This includes analyzing potential threats, assessing their impact and developing countermeasures to prevent and effectively manage crisis situations [6];

- Systemic approach. The practice-oriented paradigm recognizes that the public administration system should be organized and function as an integral system in which different components interact and cooperate to achieve national security. This means that decisions and measures should be coordinated and aimed at achieving common security goals;

- Flexibility and adaptability. The practice-oriented paradigm implies the ability of public administration to respond quickly to new challenges and changes in the security context. This means flexibility in decision-making, the ability to quickly switch and adapt to new conditions, and an innovative approach to problem solving;

- Stakeholder engagement. The practice-oriented paradigm involves the active involvement of various stakeholders, such as the public, the private sector, the academic community and civil society organizations, in the process of state security governance. This helps to increase efficiency, legitimacy and trust in the decisions made [7].

Taking into account these key principles and features, the practice-oriented paradigm of public administration can become a powerful tool for ensuring national security, achieving strategic goals and addressing current challenges and threats.

Upon examining the principles and characteristics of the practice-focused paradigm in public administration, particularly regarding national security, it becomes evident that these elements are crucial to establishing a solid base for governance that is dedicated to safeguarding and enhancing national security. These principles set forth strategic priorities which enable state institutions to engage, collaborate, and synchronize their efforts in this domain.

However, to fully reveal the importance of these principles and features, it is necessary to consider them in the context of the relationship with public administration and national security. Therefore, the next step in our research is to highlight the relationship between public administration and national security.

The relationship between public administration and national security. Public administration and national security are closely related concepts, as effective management of public affairs has a direct impact on the country's security. The relationship between them is manifested at several levels:

- Formulation of policies and strategies. Public administration determines the political and strategic direction of the country. This includes the development of policies, laws, and strategies aimed at ensuring national security. For example, governments set rules for defense, counterterrorism, cybersecurity, and other aspects of national security;

- Coordination and cooperation. Public administration involves coordinating the actions of various agencies and organizations to ensure national security. For example, different ministries and agencies may cooperate in the areas of defense, security, environmental safety, etc. This ensures interaction and exchange of information, which helps to identify potential threats and develop appropriate strategies [8];

- Implementation of security measures. Public administration is responsible for implementing measures aimed at ensuring national security. This includes the implementation of security systems, border control, law enforcement, crisis management and other actions aimed at preventing threats and ensuring the safety of citizens;

- Responding to crisis situations. Public administration has an important role in responding to crisis situations that may threaten national security. For example, natural disasters, terrorist attacks or cyberattacks require effective leadership and coordination to ensure the safety of citizens and minimize the consequences [9].

Public administration and national security are inextricably linked aspects of a country's stability and prosperity. Public administration determines political and strategic directions, coordinates the actions of various agencies and implements security measures, ensuring effective management and response to crisis situations. National security encompasses measures aimed at protecting against threats, including military security, information security, economic security, and environmental security. The relationship between public administration and national security is a key factor in ensuring the safety and well-being of the country's citizens (Figure 2).

Figure 2. The relationship between public administration and national security

Source: Compiled by the authors

This figure presents the relationship between public administration and national security, taking into account additional aspects and relevant spheres of influence. Public administration includes various sectors and authorities that cooperate to ensure the effective management of the state's affairs. National security covers measures aimed at ensuring the security of the country in various aspects [10]. This figure shows that public administration affects national security through a number of key areas:

- Formulation of policies and strategies. Public administration determines the political and strategic directions of the country, including policies, laws and strategies aimed at ensuring national security;

- Coordination and cooperation. Public administration includes the coordination of the actions of various agencies and organizations to ensure national security. Different ministries and agencies cooperate in the areas of defense, security, environmental safety and other aspects, which ensures interaction and information exchange;

- Implementation of security measures. The public administration is responsible for implementing measures aimed at ensuring national security. This includes the development and implementation of security systems, border control, law enforcement, crisis management and other actions aimed at preventing threats and ensuring the safety of citizens;

- Responding to crisis situations. Public administration plays an important role in responding to crisis situations that may threaten national security. It provides effective leadership and coordination of actions to ensure the safety of citizens and minimize the consequences [11].

The figure takes into account other aspects that are also important for national security:

- Military power. Protection against external threats is carried out through military force and military strategy;

- Information security. Control over the information space, cybersecurity and protection against information threats are of great importance for national security;

- Economic security. Protection of economic interests and stability of the economy is an important aspect of national security;

- Environmental security. Conservation of natural resources, public health and environmental development contribute to national security [12].

The proposed figure demonstrates the relationship between different aspects of public administration and national security, showing the importance of coordination and cooperation between different sectors of government to ensure the country's security.

Thus, public administration and national security are interconnected, as effective management of public affairs is a prerequisite for ensuring national security. This requires continuous improvement of the governance system and development of strategies that take into account current challenges and threats to national security.

In examining the relationship between public administration and national security, we have found that effective governance is a key factor in ensuring the country's security. Understanding this relationship allows us to see how the political, economic, social and cultural aspects of a state affect its security. In particular, understanding the importance of the cultural sphere becomes necessary because culture is an important component of a nation's identity and social stability. Therefore, the next component of our study is the role of state policy in the field of culture in ensuring national security.

The role of state policy in the field of culture in ensuring national security. State policy in the field of culture plays an important role in ensuring national security, as culture permeates absolutely all spheres of the country's life. Culture influences the formation of national identity, contributes to strengthening social cohesion and cooperation in society, and affects the economic development and international prestige of the country. Here are some aspects that indicate the role of state policy in the field of culture in ensuring national security:

- Strengthening national identity. Culture is a key element of national identity. State policy can contribute to the preservation and development of cultural values, traditions, language and history of the country. This contributes to the formation of a positive internal image of the country and strengthens its unity, which in turn contributes to stability and security;

- Cultural diplomacy. Culture can serve as a mechanism for establishing dialogue and mutual understanding between countries. The state policy in the field of culture can promote the study and dissemination of its own culture in the international community, as well as the establishment of cultural exchange and cooperation. This helps to maintain international stability and establish partnerships [13];

- Fighting extremism and radicalization. Culture can act as a mechanism to counter extremism and radicalization. By supporting cultural diversity, including the promotion of tolerance, mutual understanding and dialogue, public policy in the field of culture can help prevent conflicts and reduce violence in society;

- Economic development. Culture can be a source of economic development. State policy aimed at developing cultural industries, tourism, creative economy and innovative industries contributes to job creation, investment attraction and raising the living standards of citizens. Economic stability and prosperity also contribute to overall national security [14].

Hence, the government's policy in the realm of culture is pivotal in bolstering national security by fostering a sense of national identity, facilitating international dialogue, combating extremism and radicalism, and driving economic growth and the nation's prosperity. A diverse array of cultural initiatives, encompassing education and the arts, plays a key role in enriching the nation's cultural profile. Moreover, investing in cultural exchanges and collaborations aids in the advancement of cultural diplomacy, which in turn enhances the country's global recognition and understanding. Government programs aimed at nurturing creative industries not only spur economic expansion through job creation and boosting cultural tourism, but they also act as a bulwark against extremism and radicalism by offering alternatives and fostering mutual understanding and tolerance among varied cultures. Collectively, these facets of state cultural policy contribute significantly to elevating the overall quality of life and societal development.

Considering the role of state policy in the field of culture in ensuring national security, we noted its importance as a tool for creating a sustainable socio-cultural environment that contributes to strengthening the country's security. The state policy can influence the development of cultural institutions, preservation and popularization of cultural heritage, creation of conditions for creative development and self-realization of citizens. Strengthening the state's interaction with the cultural sphere contributes to the support of cultural diversity, stimulates the creative potential of the nation and creates a positive socio-cultural environment that contributes to national security [15]. However, in order to achieve these goals, it is also necessary to consider the impact of state policy in the field of culture on national security. In the next part of our study, we will consider what problems and threats exist in the field of culture that may affect national security, as well as ways to counteract these problems and recommendations for further strengthening national security through public administration in the field of culture.

The impact of state policy in the field of culture on national security. State policy in the field of culture has a significant impact on national security. Here are some aspects that explain this impact:

- Creating a positive image of the country. State policy in the field of culture can influence the formation of the country's external image. Promoting one's culture, art, literature, and other cultural expressions helps to create a positive perception and understanding of the country by the international community. This can have a positive impact on foreign relations, international cooperation and national security;

- Prevention and counteraction to information warfare. State policy in the field of culture is important in preventing and countering information warfare. Cultural institutions, media, and education can be used to counteract disinformation, manipulation, and influence of negative actors. Supporting independent and objective cultural media, promoting critical thinking and media literacy can provide protection against information manipulation and threats to national security [16];

- Social stability and intercultural dialogue. The state policy in the field of culture contributes to the maintenance of social stability and the development of intercultural dialogue. Ensuring equal opportunities for access to cultural resources for all groups of the population, promoting understanding and respect for different cultural traditions and heritage help to reduce conflicts and increase social harmony. This, in turn, contributes to national security by ensuring stability and harmony in society [17].

Thus, the state policy in the field of culture plays an important role in ensuring national security, helping to counteract the information war, maintain social stability and intercultural dialogue, as well as the country's prosperity.

In studying the impact of state policy in the field of culture on national security, we have considered important aspects such as the role of culture in shaping a sustainable socio-cultural environment and promoting national security. State policy can have a significant impact on the development of cultural institutions, support for the creative potential of citizens and the preservation of cultural heritage [18]. However, we must also take into account the current problems and threats that exist in the field of culture and may affect national security. These problems may include the unsatisfactory state of cultural infrastructure, the growth of the cultural information space and cybersecurity threats, extremism and terrorism, as well as illicit trafficking in cultural property. By studying these problems and threats, we will be able to propose effective measures to ensure national security in the field of culture. In the next part of our study, we will cover these problems and threats in more detail and suggest ways that can help minimize them and strengthen national security in the field of culture.

Modern problems and threats in the field of culture that affect national security. In today's world, there are various problems and threats in the field of culture that can affect national security. We believe that one of the most important of them is the following:

- Cultural asymmetry. The threat lies in the uneven distribution of cultural resources, where dominant cultures are influential and dominant, while other cultures are marginalized. This can lead to inequality, disobedience and conflict in society, which threatens national security;

- Cultural colonization. The penetration of global cultural influences and the assimilation of local cultures can lead to a loss of identity and loss of self-definition for national communities. This can provoke social tensions and conflicts that undermine national security [19];

- Cultural conflicts. Differences in values, beliefs and traditions can lead to cultural conflicts in society. This may arise due to religious, ethnic or ideological differences, which threatens social stability and national security;

- Information warfare. The use of cultural channels and media to spread disinformation, propaganda and manipulation can have a negative impact on society and national security. The task of a capable state policy in the field of culture is to counter these threats and ensure media literacy and critical thinking in society;

- Illegal trade in cultural property. The loss of historical artifacts, masterpieces of art and other cultural property through illicit trafficking can affect a country's cultural wealth and national identity. It can also have negative consequences for the country's economy and image, threatening national security [20].

Recognizing and addressing these issues and risks within the cultural sector is a crucial measure in safeguarding national security. It is imperative that government policy focuses on the protection and preservation of cultural diversity, the advocacy of cultural equality, the enhancement of cultural education and dialogue, as well as the promotion of media literacy and the prevention of illegal trade in cultural artifacts.

Analyzing the current problems and threats in the field of culture that affect national security, we found that there are a number of challenges that require attention and effective measures from the public administration. Some of these problems include the unsatisfactory state of cultural infrastructure, a decline in public interest in cultural property, loss of cultural heritage, extremism and terrorism in the cultural sphere, cyber threats, illicit trafficking in cultural property, and more [21]. To counter these problems and ensure national security through public administration, it is necessary to develop a comprehensive approach that includes strategic planning, legislative framework, coordination with other areas of public administration, and involvement of the public and active stakeholders. Among the ways to counteract this threat are strengthening cultural infrastructure, supporting the creative potential of citizens, enhancing cultural education and awareness, improving cultural programs and security measures, developing cybersecurity, and cooperating with international organizations and partners. These measures will contribute to improving national security through effective cultural management and prevention of potential threats in the field of culture.

Ways to counteract the above-mentioned problems and improve national security through public administration. In our opinion, there are several ways to counteract the above-mentioned problems in the field of culture and improve national security through public administration. Here are some of them:

- Developing implementation strategies. The public administration should develop strategies aimed at preserving cultural diversity, supporting traditions and national identity. These strategies should include measures to protect cultural property, support art and cultural projects [22];

- Promoting access to cultural resources. Public administration should ensure equal access to cultural resources for all groups of the population. This may include the development of cultural development programs, support for cultural institutions, and access to artistic events and educational programs;

- Supporting cultural education and awareness. The state administration should promote cultural education that will help citizens better understand and appreciate their own culture, as well as understand and respect the cultures of other peoples. This will help build a tolerant society and reduce cultural conflicts [23];

- Protection of cultural heritage. Public administration should pay special attention to the protection of cultural heritage. This includes the preservation of architectural monuments, artifacts, traditional knowledge and other values that are part of the national culture. The development of legislation to protect cultural heritage and the effective implementation of these laws are important aspects of public administration;

- International cooperation. The public administration should actively cooperate with international organizations and other countries to exchange experience, support joint cultural projects, and protect cultural heritage at the international level. This will help strengthen national security through joint efforts to preserve and promote cultural heritage [24].

These ways to counteract cultural problems and improve national security through public administration can help ensure the country's sustainable development, strengthen national identity, and reduce cultural threats.

When considering ways to counteract the above-mentioned problems and improve national security through public administration, it is important to pay attention to examples of successful implementation of state policy in the field of culture, which have already brought positive results in terms of ensuring national security. There are numerous cases where states have made strategic decisions and developed programs aimed at strengthening security in the cultural sphere. For example, the application of effective mechanisms for controlling and regulating trade in cultural property, the development of preventive measures against cyber threats, the creation of a network of specialized institutions for the protection of cultural heritage and cooperation with other states to share experiences and resources [25]. Examples of the successful implementation of such state policies in the field of culture show that the implementation of targeted measures and innovative approaches can significantly increase the level of national security and ensure the protection of cultural property from potential threats. The experience of these successful examples can serve as an important source of information and improvement of cultural management strategies to ensure national security.

Examples of successful implementation of the state policy in the field of culture in terms of ensuring national security. Successful implementation of state policy in the field of culture can have a significant impact on national security. Here are some examples of successful implementation of state policy in this area that contributed to strengthening national security:

- Cultural heritage preservation programs. Some countries have implemented programs aimed at preserving and restoring cultural heritage, including architectural monuments, artistic works, and traditional knowledge. These programs contribute to strengthening national identity, stimulating tourism and economic development, and preventing the loss of values that could affect national security;

- Development of cultural industries. Public policies that support cultural industries such as film, music, art, and more can create new jobs, attract investment, and promote economic growth. The development of these industries strengthens the national economy, attracts talented young people, and helps reduce unemployment, which in turn contributes to political and social stability [26];

- Cultural diplomacy. The state policy in the field of culture may include the development of cultural diplomacy, which is the promotion of cultural exchange, exhibitions, festivals and other cultural events to improve international relations and maintain peace and stability. This helps build trust between countries, facilitates conflict resolution and brings peoples closer together, which has a positive impact on national security;

- Cultural education and awareness. State policy can be aimed at developing cultural education and awareness among citizens, in particular by including cultural subjects in curricula and supporting cultural events for the population. This contributes to increasing the level of education, tolerance, understanding and respect for different cultures, which contributes to social stability and national security [27].

These instances demonstrate the impact of governmental policy in the cultural domain on national security, through reinforcing national identity, spurring economic growth, fostering international collaboration, and enhancing education and awareness. Collectively, these strategic actions contribute to establishing a stable and secure societal setting for the nation.

Among the examples of successful implementation of state policy in the field of culture that contributed to strengthening national security, it is important to note the experience of Japan. In this country, the government introduced a comprehensive program to support cultural industries, including funding for new films, music projects, and artistic performances. This initiative significantly increased the number of jobs in the cultural sector and led to international recognition of Japanese culture. Support for the arts and cultural innovation has become an important stimulus for economic development, attracting investment and promoting the creation of new creative jobs.

In addition, Italy has implemented a cultural heritage preservation program that includes the restoration and preservation of architectural monuments and art collections. This initiative has contributed to the preservation of important cultural values and strengthening of national identity, as well as supported tourism and economic development.

These case studies illustrate how state cultural policy can have a real positive impact on national security through the development of cultural industries and the preservation of cultural heritage. These successful experiences reflect the importance of implementing such approaches to achieve stability and prosperity in a country.

By analyzing examples of successful implementation of state policy in the field of culture to ensure national security, it is possible to identify important measures and recommendations that can be applied to further implement a practice-oriented paradigm in the field of culture. The examples highlighted above indicate the importance of introducing a system for monitoring and evaluating the effectiveness of state policy in the field of culture from the point of view of national security. In addition, the creation of mechanisms for cooperation between government agencies, cultural institutions and public organizations is a prerequisite for the effective implementation of the practice-oriented paradigm in the cultural sphere. The use of innovative technologies in the cultural sphere, active support for initiatives and projects aimed at raising public awareness of national security, as well as the development of educational programs aimed at fostering national identity and patriotism are also of great importance [28]. Taking into account these measures and recommendations in the further implementation of the practice-oriented paradigm in the field of culture will help ensure national security and increase the level of protection of cultural property.

Specific measures and recommendations for further implementation of the practice-oriented paradigm in the field of culture. Here are some specific measures and recommendations that may be useful for further implementation of the practice-oriented paradigm in the field of culture in order to ensure national security:

- Development of strategic plans. The development of long-term strategic plans in the field of culture that take into account national needs, goals and priorities is an important step. These plans should include specific measures and evaluation criteria, as well as define roles and responsibilities for their implementation;

- Financial support. Ensuring adequate funding for the cultural sector is important for its sustainable development. The state can allocate budgetary funds, create funds, or facilitate investment to support projects and programs that contribute to national security through the development of culture [29];

- Promoting creativity and innovation. Supporting and stimulating creative industries and innovative approaches to cultural development can help attract new ideas, talent, and resources. This includes support for creative spaces, accelerators and financial scholarships for young creators, as well as promoting interaction between the cultural and technological sectors;

- Infrastructure development. Providing adequate infrastructure for cultural events and projects is an important aspect. This includes the construction and support of cultural centers, theaters, museums, libraries, as well as the development of digital infrastructure for access to cultural resources online [30];

- Public involvement. It is important to create mechanisms for active public participation in decision-making on cultural development. This may include public consultations, dialog platforms, and the creation of councils or committees of public representatives that will facilitate interaction and involvement of the public in decision-making;

- International cooperation. Cooperation with other countries in the field of culture can facilitate the exchange of experience, the development of cultural tourism and mutual enrichment. It is important to develop and support international exchange programs, festivals, and projects that promote cultural diversity and understanding of international partners [31].

These measures and recommendations can be used to further implement the practice-oriented paradigm in the field of culture. They are aimed at strengthening the cultural sector, developing creativity, public engagement and international cooperation, which contribute to improving national security through the development of cultural diversity, harmony and mutual understanding.

A detailed explanation of the process of implementing these recommendations is a critical step for their successful implementation. Before implementing these measures, several key aspects should be carefully considered.

1. Planning and strategy development. The first step is to develop long-term strategic plans that reflect the mission, goals, and specific steps to achieve success. These strategies should be tailored to national needs as well as possible internal and external challenges;

2. Funding and resources. Ensuring adequate funding is an important aspect of successful implementation. The state may consider allocating budgetary funds, creating funds for cultural projects, and attracting investments to ensure financial sustainability;

3. Cooperation and partnerships. Engaging the public, the private sector, and international partners is an important step. Partnerships can provide access to resources, expert support, and new ideas;

4. Monitoring and evaluation. For successful implementation of the recommendations, it is necessary to establish a system of monitoring and evaluation of results. This will help to respond to problems in time and adjust strategies;

5. Addressing challenges. Challenges may arise during the implementation of any program. It is important to have strategies to overcome them, whether it is financial difficulties, resistance from a part of the public, or other difficulties.

These specific actions and approaches will help to understand how the recommendations can be put into practice, taking into account potential challenges and opportunities. It is important to prioritize these aspects for the successful implementation of a cultural development strategy aimed at strengthening national identity and ensuring national security.

By analyzing specific measures and recommendations for further implementation of the practice-oriented paradigm in the field of culture, it is possible to draw conclusions and formulate recommendations for state policy in this area in order to ensure national security. The existing measures and recommendations indicate the need to create a comprehensive strategy that combines the cultural sphere and national security. Among the key recommendations are the support and development of cultural projects aimed at strengthening national consciousness and identity, in particular through cultural events and festivals, and the study and promotion of national heritage. In addition, important elements are the creation of an effective system for monitoring and assessing the impact of cultural processes on national security, as well as support for cultural education and the development of information technology to provide access to cultural values. These recommendations are intended to ensure a balanced approach to the relationship between culture and national security, as well as to implement effective mechanisms of interaction between the state, cultural institutions and the public. Taking these conclusions and recommendations into account in the state policy in the field of culture will help ensure national security and develop the country's cultural potential.

5. Conclusions

Conclusions and recommendations for state policy in the field of culture to ensure national security. The central problem of our research is to reveal the impact of the practice-oriented paradigm on public administration for effective national security and to identify ways to improve the governance system in view of current challenges and threats; to study the impact of public policy in the field of culture on ensuring national identity, cultural diplomacy, combating extremism and radicalization, and economic development. This problem is full of social challenges and requires attention because of its potential role in creating a stable and secure socio-cultural environment. Based on all of the above, conclusions and recommendations for state policy in the field of culture in order to ensure national security can be as follows (Table 1):

Table 1. Recommendations for state policy in the field of culture to ensure national security


Content of the Recommendation

Awareness of the importance of culture for national security

Government agencies should understand that the development of culture and the cultural sector has a direct impact on national security. Culture has a powerful potential to shape national identity, maintain social stability and promote intercultural understanding.

Ensuring adequate funding

The state should allocate sufficient resources for the development of the cultural sector. This includes funding for cultural events, infrastructure, projects, and programs that contribute to national security through cultural diversity and the development of creative potential.

Public and stakeholder engagement

It is important to involve the public, cultural organizations, experts and other stakeholders in the decision-making process on cultural policy. This helps to ensure a diversity of views, take into account the needs of the community, and increase the legitimacy of decisions.

Development of cultural partnerships

Cooperation between government agencies, cultural institutions, civil society organizations and the private sector should be a priority. Such partnerships can facilitate the exchange of resources, expertise, and innovative approaches that will contribute to the development of the cultural sector and improve national security.

Supporting cultural diversity

State policy should promote and preserve cultural diversity. This includes supporting diverse cultural expressions, languages, traditions and heritage. Diversity contributes to cultural understanding, tolerance and social stability.

Involving culture in education

Cultural education should be an important part of the educational system. Providing access to cultural knowledge, history, art and traditions contributes to the formation of civic consciousness, support for national identity and understanding of cultural diversity.

Use of information technologies

The introduction of modern technologies in the cultural sector contributes to its development and increases management efficiency. The development of digital platforms, virtual museums, online collections, and other digital initiatives helps to engage audiences, preserve cultural heritage, and distribute cultural content.

Source: Compiled by the authors

These recommendations will help the state ensure effective cultural governance to strengthen national security. The implementation of these measures will contribute to the development of the cultural sector, strengthening national identity, social stability and contribute to the formation of a tolerant and harmonious society.

General conclusions. Thus, in the presented article, the practically oriented paradigm of public administration in the context of ensuring national security was considered. It was shown that the development of the cultural sector and the formation of national identity have a direct impact on national security. Culture promotes social stability, intercultural understanding and support for civil society. The practice-oriented paradigm of public administration is seen as an effective approach to achieving these goals.

A review of the concepts and approaches to the practice-oriented public administration paradigm has shown that this approach requires an integrated approach, active cooperation between government agencies, cultural institutions, civil society organizations and the private sector. It also emphasizes the importance of involving the public and stakeholders in the decision-making process and developing cultural partnerships.

The fundamental principles and characteristics of the practice-focused paradigm in public administration, especially in relation to national security, encompass sufficient financial support for the cultural sector, the advancement of cultural infrastructure, fostering creativity and innovation, encouraging public participation in cultural activities, and safeguarding cultural heritage and diversity. Establishing a connection between public administration and national security through the alignment of political, social, economic, and cultural elements is crucial.

The state policy in the field of culture has a great impact on national security. It includes the development of cultural education, support for cultural projects, encouragement of creativity and innovation, preservation and promotion of cultural heritage. State policy should promote the development and preservation of cultural diversity, the use of information technology in the cultural sphere, and facilitate cultural dialogue and mutual understanding.

Today, there are modern problems and threats in the field of culture that affect national security, such as cultural imperialization, cultural asymmetry, destruction of cultural heritage, cyber threats and terrorism. To counteract these problems, it is necessary to strengthen international cooperation, develop cultural diplomacy, and improve mechanisms of cultural control and cybersecurity.

Ways to counter the above-mentioned problems and improve national security through public administration include the creation of effective mechanisms for coordination between government agencies, the development of strategies and programs for cultural development, the introduction of innovative technologies in the cultural sphere, support for creative activity and entrepreneurship in the cultural industry, and the promotion of public participation and partnership with NGOs.

Examples of successful implementation of the state policy in the field of culture to ensure national security include the creation of cultural centers, festivals and events that promote cultural tourism, support for young talents and cultural projects, promotion of cultural heritage and internationalization of cultural events.

Thus, in this study, we have considered a practically oriented paradigm of public administration in the field of culture from the perspective of national security. One of the main contributions of this study is that it has identified the direct impact of the development of the cultural sector and national identity on national security.

The study also highlighted the need for an integrated approach to the practice-oriented paradigm of public administration. The importance of cooperation between various stakeholders, such as government agencies, cultural institutions, civil society organizations and the private sector, is identified as a key element of the successful application of this paradigm.

Challenges and threats related to culture are not static. Our study also focuses on current issues such as cultural imperialization, cultural asymmetry, cyber threats and terrorism, and emphasizes the need to constantly update approaches to public administration in this area.

Finally, the conclusions emphasize that it is necessary to actively develop mechanisms of coordination between state bodies, develop strategies for the development of culture and introduce innovative technologies in the cultural sphere, promote public participation and partnership with public organizations.

The conclusions of the study are an important step that allows us to systematize and summarize the results. They reflect the main provisions related to the research object and its relationship with various aspects. However, the subject matter of this study is not exhaustive and opens up ample opportunities for further development and improvement. Therefore, an important step is to identify promising areas for further research. To do this, it is necessary to conduct a detailed analysis of the results, identify relevant unresolved aspects and identify potential areas of development of the topic. Further research may be aimed at expanding the scope of analysis, using new research methods, introducing comparative analysis, or studying the impact of other factors. Experiments, surveys, or case studies are also possible areas of research. Given the relevance of the topic and the potential for further development, researchers have the opportunity to develop and implement new research that will complement and expand existing knowledge in this area.

Promising areas for further research. In the context of this study, we consider the following promising areas for further theoretical and practical research:

- Study of effective mechanisms for implementing the practice-oriented paradigm of public administration in the context of ensuring national security. This involves a detailed analysis of various models and approaches to public administration, their practical applicability and impact on national security;

- Study of the relationship between public administration and the cultural sector in terms of ensuring national security. This may include an analysis of the role of cultural institutions, organizations and processes in shaping national identity, strengthening social stability and countering extremism;

- Study the impact of information technology and cyberspace on national security in the context of cultural processes. This involves analyzing cyber threats, cyber attacks and the use of social media to spread disinformation and manipulation, as well as developing cybersecurity strategies in the cultural environment;

- Study the mechanisms of interaction between culture and other spheres of life to ensure national security. This may include an analysis of the role of culture in education, social activities, intercultural dialogue and the formation of civil society;

- Study of mechanisms for managing crisis situations in the cultural sphere and their impact on national security. This involves analyzing strategies for preventing and responding to crisis events, including natural disasters, terrorist threats, conflicts, etc.

In choosing these specific areas, we followed several key principles that we consider important:

- Relevance to the present. Each of the selected areas corresponds to the current challenges and threats that exist in the modern world in relation to culture and national security. Ensuring national security through culture is becoming an increasingly important task, and our selected research areas are aimed at this;

- The need for deeper understanding. In each of the areas, there are gaps and questions that require in-depth scholarly consideration. We believe that a detailed analysis of these issues will help to reveal new opportunities for strengthening national security;

- Significance for practice. The results of research in these areas can have a practical impact on the development of public administration strategies and policies. They can serve as a basis for further actions in the field of cultural policy and national security.

Therefore, the selection of these particular research topics is grounded in their pertinence, the necessity for thorough examination, and their prospects for practical implementation. We believe that these fields will significantly aid in advancing our comprehension and in the reinforcement of national security via cultural means.

The proposed areas of research are aimed at further improving and developing a practice-oriented paradigm of public administration in the context of national security. The results of such research can become the basis for the development of effective strategies and policies aimed at strengthening national security through the cultural sphere.


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