Urban Spatial Management Strategy: Transforming Slums into Tourist Attractions in Bantarsari Bungursari Village, Tasikmalaya District

Urban Spatial Management Strategy: Transforming Slums into Tourist Attractions in Bantarsari Bungursari Village, Tasikmalaya District

Siti Fadjarajani* Muhammad Zid Mohammad Zohir Bin Ahmad Shaari Vita Meylani

Department of Geography Education, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Universitas Siliwangi, Tasikmalaya 46115, Indonesia

Department of Geography Education, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Universitas Negeri Jakarta, Jakarta 13220, Indonesia

Department of Geography and Environment, Faculty of Human Sciences, Sultan Idris Education University, Perak 35900, Malaysia

Department of Biology Education, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Universitas Siliwangi, Tasikmalaya 46115, Indonesia

Corresponding Author Email: 
5 June 2023
25 September 2023
1 October 2023
Available online: 
30 November 2023
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The high rate of population growth has caused many problems, one of which is the increase in slum areas which has resulted in a decline in environmental quality, residents' health, and the level of welfare of local residents. So a mature strategy is needed from and involving the community to overcome these problems, both through the development and promotion of agricultural and tourism products. This research aims to identify the potential of slum areas to become tourist villages, one of which is in Bantarsari Bungursari Village, Tasikmalaya City, and reveal the strategies and potential of rural areas in supporting slum areas to become tourist attractions. Data collection used a qualitative descriptive method by asking the community directly about the strategies used to transform slum areas into tourist areas. The research results show that the potential of the tourist village area is natural physical potential in the form of geographical factors that support rural tourism, namely agrotourism and house-building characteristics as well as socio-cultural potential in the form of friendly habits of local residents and good service to tourists. It can be concluded that slum area management can be carried out through the natural physical and socio-cultural potential of the community.


strategy, slum environment, tourist attraction, Tasikmalaya City

1. Introduction

Population growth in Tasikmalaya City is quite high (with a population growth rate for the 2021-2022 period of 1.32% [1] which results in higher poverty rates, this will have an impact on the expansion of slum settlements. In Tasikmalaya City, the overall percentage of poor people in 2022 is 12.72%, which has increased from the previous year [1]. This is because the fulfillment of human needs is increasing, such as clothing, food, shelter, education, and health [2]. This has triggered various new problems in urban areas and even in rural areas, one of which is the lack of organized environmental management, followed by a number of regional environmental problems such as the availability of clean water, land use conversion, and environmental pollution. So many areas in the city and surrounding areas have become slums. Many people live in slum areas because of a lack of knowledge about personal health and the environment. The factors that cause environmental concern are based on human thinking and behavior [3]. So several strategies are needed to manage environmental threats, namely through intervention in the field of education (changing citizens' paradigm towards the environment), environmental management regulations, and infrastructure improvements [4]. This is because environmental protection and sustainable management are the responsibility of the local government and community.

Developing the tourism sector through education is certainly one of the right strategies. Because persistence in managing the region through the tourism sector can be a clear choice as a tool for sustainable development [5, 6]. In utilizing areas in the tourism sector, there are various kinds of potential that need to be considered, such as natural tourism potential, cultural tourism potential, and artificial tourism potential. The tourism sector is a potential field in contributing to the economic growth of a country which is influenced by the existence of human and natural interactions within it, which includes tourists and tourism workers [7]. The slum areas in Bantarsari District are spread across 6 (six) sub-districts, namely Sukajaya Subdistrict, Sukalaksana Subdistrict, Bungursari Subdistrict, Cibunigeulis Subdistrict, Sukarindik Subdistrict, and Bantarsari Subdistrict, of which the densest and worst-hit area is Bantarsari Subdistrict [8]. Because the potential of tourism as a tourist area will be beneficial for the development of the tourism industry in the area [9]. Considering the geographical conditions of Bantarsari Village in the form of large areas of hilly land, rice fields, plantations, and having type C mineral mining resources (sand and stone), it has its own potential to become a tourist attraction, so it needs to be utilized as fully as possible to become an amazing tourist attraction.

The processing certainly requires the role of the authorities in the planning, development and typology of appropriate slum tourism [10]. One of the strategies implemented is to create a community-based environmental management program (PLPBK) located in Bungursari Village RW 14 which is crossed by the Cidongkol river. As for the implementation of the PLBK program in various regions, for example the Bali Regional Government prohibits the use of single-use plastic which indirectly increases the attraction of local and foreign tourists [3]. Likewise in the Tasikmalaya City area, where previously the area was dirty and densely populated, this was because many people who lived in slum areas did not receive education about the importance of health. Through educational programs, it is believed that the community is able to instill individual ethics, values, attitudes and behavior that are in line with regional management [11]. So it is hoped that after the implementation of the PLBK program in Bungursari Village, it will be able to turn it into a beautiful, clean, healthy, and sustainable tourist attraction area.

In the past, the Cidongkol River was the disposal of household rubbish from the surrounding community, so the water in the Dongkol River was dirty, smelly, poisonous, and contained many chemicals that were harmful to health. So it takes a program and the role of the community in changing these locations. Through this program, the community can participate in various preparations to develop the area to be a potential tourist attraction. As for the problem in this research, it is revealed the right strategy in developing the potential of slums to become a tourist villages. Moreover, because of the geographical conditions of the region is very supportive of advancing the village into a tourist attraction.

2. Research Methodology

The data collection process in this research used descriptive qualitative. Through an ethnographic study approach, researchers collected data related to strategies for processing slum areas into tourist areas carried out by rural communities. Similarly, qualitative research describes a number of findings in the field by comparing the results with previous research so that it can give rise to a new theoretical basis [12]. By using qualitative descriptive research, research can provide a clearer, systematic, factual, and accurate picture of the facts about the processing of slum areas into tourist locations in Bantarsari Village, Bungursari District, Tasikmalaya City. Data collection techniques were carried out using direct observation, interviews, questionnaires, and documentation studies. After all the data related to the strategy and system for processing slum villages to be managed into tourist areas is found, the researcher will then describe them.

3. Results and Discussion

3.1 Results

The strategies adopted by the village community include physical and social aspects of the village. Through physical potential, villagers change the appearance of villages to be more attractive. Through the social aspect, villagers have a high mutual cooperation attitude and are friendly towards outsiders who come to visit the village. Both of these strategies certainly need a learning process, awareness and socialization process which can be seen from the following explanation.

3.1.1 Regional physical potential

Figure 1. Location of the tourist village

Figure 1 describes the direction of the development of the village that was a slum and today becomes a tourist area. The development process of this tourism village began in September 2016, this development was carried out to create a comfortable, clean, and beautiful environment. The envisioned environment reflects an area for better development. The physical potential of the area in question is the physical nature of artificial tourism. The natural physical potential is the area and access to the tourism village of Bantarsari which is administratively located in two RWs namely, RW 07 and RW 014. Access to the tourist village can be accessed from the direction of Bypass - Indihiang Road then towards Jalan Bantarsari. Distance from the Bantarsari road to the tourist village with ± 2 Km. Other access can be passed by Jalan Mangin-Indihiang, and later you will find the intersection of Jalan Galunggung and Jalan Bantarsari. From the intersection to the tourist village of Bantarsari, it can be reached within ± 4 Km distance.

This area has rice fields and plantations that are cool and beautiful potential that can be developed in the development of the area into a tourism village. A tourism village is a tourism potential that can support the economy of a particular region. A tourist village can be considered as a potential tourist area if it has a uniqueness in the area in the form of the daily life of the local community, customs, and local culture that is an attraction for tourists.

Seeing this potential, the village community adopted a strategy by changing the village's physicality to be more attractive. By making citizens' houses that are colorful paint as shown in Figure 2 below. By changing the appearance of the housing and the yard around the moat. So, this village will have its own charm. So it will attract tourists to visit the region [13]. Of course, through this program, it is expected to increase the economy.

In addition, to change the color of the usual housing to colorful. Residents also utilize the potential of agriculture and regional plantations to be part of the tourist attraction. As shown in Figure 3 that shows the area of agriculture that was originally a slum was converted into an area of planting corn, chili peppers, beans, and so forth. The figure shows the location of the plantation can be part of a tourist attraction with the condition that management must be more creative.

Figure 2. Colorful housing

Figure 3. Potential of agriculture and forestry

Figure 4. Creating the painting, graffiti, jogging, and fishing area

Besides the agricultural sector and coloring houses, residents also utilize the ability of the community in the arts. Based on the Figure 4 above, it is clear that physically changing an area will be very beneficial for the village itself. These changes certainly require creativity and a desire to advance the village. Moreover, the village has physical potential that supports changing areas that used to be slums become more interesting. The program can be started by creating a residential area in colorful paint, the walls of the house are decorated with interesting graffiti writing.

3.1.2 Facilities and infrastructure availability

Figure 5. Facilities and infrastructure

The availability of facilities and infrastructure will be one of the supports in attracting tourists to attend the location. Because facilities and infrastructure have become an important part in fulfilling the required facilities [14]. Moreover the infrastructure such as waste bins, toilets, drainage systems, garbage disposal vehicles and others are also important [4, 15]. The basic facilities and infrastructure that are available in the tourism village of Bantarsari are the place of worship (mosque), public toilets, special rubbish bins, and supports in the form of concrete rebates (the boundary between the river and the roadside), and concrete bridges. In addition, there is also a jogging track area and fishing area on the Ci Dongkol Riverbank that can be a potential area that needs to be developed (Figure 5).

In addition, there are several potentials in the tourism village in Bantarsari Village, Bungursari District, Tasikmalaya City, as follows:

a) Potential of tourism village (what to see)

Figure 6. Welcome gate

That can be seen from the tourist village of Bantarsari Village is the architectural design of a more modern tourist village (Figure 6). This architect gives a different impression when seen by tourists who want to visit. The residents' houses are painted colorful, making them one of the attractions for tourists. Besides that, there are many graffiti paintings on various walls of people's homes in the tourist village area, this is of course to attract the attention of the public to visit the tourist village area.


Figure 7. The yard of the community house was planted with ornamental plants (a) and family medicinal plants (b)

Then, many people already have an understanding regarding the use of ornamental plants as aesthetic enhancers and family medicinal plants (Figure 7). This can be seen in the front yard of the community's house many potted plants are planted, even though the residential areas are densely populated, many people use makeshift land to plant potted plants. A number of ornamental plants that are widely planted such as hibiscus (Hibiscus rosa-sinensis), paper flowers (Bougainvillea sp.), anthurium (Anthurium andraeanum), aglaonema (Aglaonema pseudobracteatum), mother-in-law's tongue (Sansiviera sp.), and frangipani flowers (Adenium obesum). While the medicinal plants that are widely planted are tomatoes (Solanum lycopersicum), chilies (Capsicum frutescens L.), mustard greens (Piper betle), cocor duck (Kalanchoe pinnata), betel leaf, aloe vera (Aloe vera), and cat's whiskers (Orthosiphon aristatus). So that tourists who play can feel the beauty and comfort of this area.


Figure 8. Condition of the River in Bantarsari Village around the main road (a) and the residential alleys (b)

In addition, the environment in this area still looks clean and beautiful (Figure 8). This can be seen from the environmental aspect in the form of the condition of the Cidongkol River that flows in Bantarsari which looks clean and well-maintained. The physical parameters of river water also do not smell and are clear. Then, in the river, there are also no piles of garbage so that the flow of water does not stagnate. The climate and weather in this area are still cool considering its location on the outskirts of Tasikmalaya City. Cleanliness and comfort of the environment can be one of the attractions of Bantarsari village as a tourist village.

b) Activity in tourism village (what to do)

Figure 9. Fishing area and jogging track area

Activities that can be carried out by tourists in the Bantarsari Village tourism village are jogging track activities, running scenery views of rice fields and plantations, photography with graffiti background paintings, ornamental fish on the banks of the Cidongkol river, and picking fresh fruits or vegetables (Figure 9). In addition, in the Bantarsari village, there are also fishing locations along the river.


Figure 10. Village accessibility in the form of paved roads (a) and walled roads (b)

In addition, other facilities such as access roads and alleys in this area are paved and walled (Figure 10). So as to facilitate the comfort and travel of local residents and tourists to drive using car transportation (main roads) and motorbikes (to the alley). Accessibility is the main component that supports the attraction of tourists to visit tourist villages [16]. Travel routes that surround the tourist village area that show the daily activities of local residents need to be made by the community to make it easier for tourists to enjoy their visits.

Figure 11. Residential settlements in Bantarsari

The environmental conditions in Bantarsari Village are neatly arranged. This can be seen from the surrounding settlements which look clean and neat, people's houses are colored with paint using different colors so that the environmental conditions appear colored (Figure 11). Lodging facilities and gazebos are not yet available so this could be an opportunity for residents to increase village economic activity. In addition, the existence of the Bantarsari community as users of facilities and infrastructure is a major player in the successful development of the design of an area. Patterns of behavior, perceptions, and community desires influence the development of environmental patterns and functions in tourist villages [17]. The local community's way of life and the uniqueness of its environment can be used as a basis for developing forms of tourism that focus on the principles of environmental, social, and cultural sustainability [18]. Thus, the beauty of residents' homes that look clean and colorful has the potential to become a community-based tourism area or what is often referred to as Community Based Tourism (CBT).

c) Village food (what to eat)

Figure 12. Kampong snacks stalls

Based on Figure 12, it can be seen that the place to eat still looks ordinary, that is because, in the tourism village in the Bantarsari Village, there are no special foods that can be enjoyed by visitors. There are no adequate restaurants or restaurants for visitors to the village of Bantarsari, only food stalls such as snacks, fried foods, and bottles of mineral water. However, if we order typical village food, the population will be willing to make it.

3.1.3 Potential of social population

The attitude of greeting, reprimanding, and reminding each other among humans is a good habit that must be maintained and must be maintained. The friendly attitude of the community to visitors who come to the Bantarsari tourism village is proof of their seriousness in realizing Bantarsari Kelurahan tourism village, this is based on their good habits to the nearest neighbors and residents of different regions.

Tourist attraction services will succeed if the local community provides a sense of comfort to tourists. The sense of comfort provided by the community to visitors received positive responses both from the visitors who came, such as the community who guarded the goods carried by the visitors both vehicles parked in the tourist village area, and the items carried by visitors while in the Tourist Area.

Figure 13. The activity of local people at Bantarssari Village

In addition, this area is known as a densely populated area so the distance between residential areas is very close (Figure 13). This resulted in social activities between communities running intensely and warmly which became one of the attractions of developing tourist villages. Then, the existence of intense community relations can lead to many social programs that can be carried out together, especially related to environmental maintenance activities around each other's homes.

3.1.4 Geographical factor in supporting village

a) Supporting of superior tourism through agro-tourism development

Agro-tourism can be interpreted as the development of the natural tourism industry that relies on the cultivation of natural resources. The area of agro-tourism can cover villages and cities in accordance with the pattern of economic and ecological interaction. This work is carried out by the community and the community, so that it can provide benefits for local residents. In realizing the tourist village in Bantarsari Village, the community utilizes green open land such as rice fields and plantations to present life in the village through agricultural development. Tourists who visit can pick directly from the agricultural products of the community.

Aside from several supporting factors in changing slums into tourist areas as described above. There are also various obstacles in advancing tourism objects in the village. As the roads conditions that are still not fully good. It can be seen from the concrete roads in the tourist village area not all have been allocated, where visitors are not yet available seating, restaurants are not yet available, public lighting equipment, and so forth. Though the provision of facilities is one thing that is very important for a tourist attraction, because the facilities provided will accelerate the progress of tourist attraction [19].

3.2 Discussion

Problems related to slum tourism is one of the relatively new research focuses [20]. The results showed that there are various strategies that can be done in overcoming environmental problems in slums. Especially the role of the community itself in managing the territory. Because local communities must play an active role in managing the slums themselves and provide assistance to the poor through tourism programs [21]. Either by forming village groups that focus on managing villages and through education programs. Of course many opinions can put forward the right strategy in these environmental problems. Both through regulatory efforts that are believed to be more effective in overcoming environmental problems [22]. Based on the results of the discovery of the potential for converting slum areas into tourist attractions, it turns out that what attracts the most attention from tourists is the addition/restoration of infrastructure such as colored paint decorations on the walls of residents' houses, the edge of the Cidongkol river, easy to reach and safe road access, and the friendliness of the surrounding community. communicate with tourists.

As for what is seen that the community overcomes this slum environment problem by changing the slum into a tourism area. The tourism sector is believed to be able as an effort to reduce poverty because it involves various stakeholders [23]. The community changed the village's physical conditions to be more attractive. Such as making river channels into fishing locations, making village gates more attractive, making village mosques, making landfills, making houses with colorful paint, cultivating agricultural land, making graffiti in villages, and making jogging locations. In line with research conducted by Purwendah et al. [3], PLBK activities through the development of waste banks by maintaining maintenance involving community participation can change the spatial layout of slum settlements into potential tourist attractions.

In addition to physical aspects, the community also strengthens social aspects. Like working together in managing the village and being friendly to anyone who visits the village. This strategy is considered to be one of the right ways to advance the village community. In addition, the community is seen using the media as a strategy to introduce their village to the wider community. Because the media have a wide impact on the development of tourism development in the region will also be helped [24]. The community must be prepared to work together in advancing the village through the preparation of several facilities and infrastructure. Either by setting up rubbish bins, landfills, toilets, and so on [25, 26].

The process of socialization or education to local communities about the strategy of processing slums into tourist sites is certainly not only in theory. They need direct learning or direct practice about good behavior that must be applied [27]. In this case, the community has implemented the program. Because they are aware of the importance of health, so they have managed to change their village which was a slum becomes clean and fit into one of the tourist areas.

The process of achieving these goals must necessarily be in accordance with the concept of territory. Such as having to focus on poor people living in slums and providing tourist destination facilities in the region [28]. In addition, the process of processing slums into tourist sites also requires the role of various parties, including the owners of capital who live around the area.

4. Conclusions

Based on the research results, it can be concluded that turning slum areas into tourist attractions requires the right strategy. In this case, the community has utilized the physical and social potential of the village. Because the availability and maintenance of village facilities and infrastructure is an important part of attracting tourists. Identification of physical potential strategies which include natural and artificial tourism potential is carried out by utilizing adequate locations, beautiful expanses of rice fields and plantations, rivers that cross the village, improving road access, and making the village decorations colorful to attract many tourists to visit the location. Meanwhile, identify strategies for the social and cultural potential of the community that really support the development of the area into a Tourism Area, namely developing citizen behavior that prioritizes a friendly attitude, providing a sense of security and comfort to visitors who come, and increasing healthy exercise habits. Apart from that, geographical factors also support the realization of tourism villages, including through the development of agrotourism based on the cultivation of natural resources. The development and maintenance of infrastructure such as decorations along the walls of residents' houses and village roads attracts tourists to visit. This work is carried out to boost the community's economy. The inhibiting factor in realizing a tourist village is only caused by limited supporting facilities. Active community participation is needed in implementing the PLBK Program which can transform slum residential areas into tourist attractions with aesthetic and economic value. The government and other institutions/institutions play a role as motivators and facilitators. In addition, environmental management requires facilities and implementation of community-based efforts as a strategy to empower and increase their access to important environmental resources, especially land, infrastructure, and services.


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