This study numerically investigates Magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) convective and chemically reactive unsteady micropolar fluid flow with nanoparticles through the vertical porous plate with mass diffusion, thermal radiation, radiation absorption and heat source. A flow model is established by employing the well-known boundary layer approximations. To obtain the non-similar equation, the boundary layer governing equations including continuity, momentum, energy and concentration balance were nondimensionalised by usual transformation. A non-similar approach is applied to the flow model. To optimize the parametric values, the stability and convergence analysis (SCA) have been analysed for the Prandtl number (Pr) and Lewis number (Le). It is observed that with initial boundary conditions, U =V =T = C= 0 and for Δτ = 0.005, ΔX = 0.20 and ΔY = 0.25, the system converged at Prandtl number, Pr≥ 0.356 and Lewis number, Le ≥ 0.16. The coupled non-linear partial differential equations are solved by explicit finite difference method (EFDM) and the numerical results have been calculated by Compaq Visual FORTRAN 6.6a. Evaluation of the thermal and momentum boundary layer thickness with isotherms and streamlines analysis of boundary layer flows have been shown for the thermal radiation parameter (R). The effects of various parameters entering the problem on velocity, angular velocity, temperature and concentration are shown graphically.
micropolar fluid, nanoparticles, radiation absorption, chemical reaction, thermal radiation, stability and convergence analysis
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