In the present study, a two-dimensional pulsatile blood flow model is created and the related heat transfer characteristics through a stenosed artery are investigated in the presence of a defined magnetic field with the body acceleration. The blood domain is assumed as a non-linear, time-dependent, incompressible and laminar flow. The blood flow is considered with the unsteady characteristics because the pulsatile pressure gradient is arising due to the systematic reactions between the heart and the body acceleration. The non-linear momentum and continuity equations are solved with suitable initial and boundary conditions using the Crank-Nicolson scheme. In this study, the blood flow characteristics (velocity profiles, temperature, volumetric flow rate and flow resistance) are evaluated, also effects of the defined stenosis severity, the heat transfer factors and the considered magnetic field on the effective flow properties are discussed. Besides, the blood flow characteristics have been analyzed in a comparison form for two rigid and elastic arteries. Finally, it should be said that the present outputs are in good agreement with some available and validated results.
body acceleration, crank-Nicolson scheme, heat transfer, magnetic field, stenosis
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