An elaborate numerical study of developing a model regarding conjugate effect of fluid flow and heat transfer in a heat conducting vertical walled cavity filled with copper-water nanofluid has been presented in this paper. This model is mainly adopted for a cooling of electronic device and to control the fluid flow and heat transfer mechanism in an enclosure. The numerical results have been provided in graphical form showing effect of various relevant non-dimensional parameters. The relevant governing equations have been solved by using finite element method of Galerkin weighted residual approach. The analysis uses a two dimensional rectangular enclosure under conjugate convective conductive heat transfer conditions. The enclosure exposed to a constant and uniform heat flux at the left vertical thick wall generating a natural convection flow. The thicknesses of the remaining parts of the walls are assumed to be zero. The right wall is kept at a low constant temperature, while the horizontal walls are assumed to be adiabatic. A moveable divider is attached at the bottom wall of the cavity. The governing equations are derived for the conceptual model in the Cartesian coordinate system. The study has been carried out for the Rayleigh number Ra =106 and for the solid volume fraction. The investigation is to be arrived out at different non-dimensional governing parameters. The effect of convective heat transfer coefficient, divider position and thickness of solid wall on the hydrodynamic and thermal characteristic of flow has been analyzed. Results are to be presented in terms of streamlines, isotherms and average Nusselt number of the nanofluid for different values of governing parameters.
conjugate natural convection, nanofluid, finite element method, enclosure
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