© 2022 IIETA. This article is published by IIETA and is licensed under the CC BY 4.0 license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/).
Environmental problems have been increasing at a disproportionate rate, contributing to global warming, one of humanity’s greatest challenges. As stated in the latest report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change ‘climate change is widespread, rapid and intensifying’ and there is certainty that this is a result of human activity. In this context, environmental social responsibility is fundamental to prevent, mitigate or repair the environmental damage generated by productive activity. This obliges us to take concrete actions and thus move from a linear economy approach to a circular economy approach that allows for sustainable development, where waste and pollution are eliminated from the design stage and materials are used for as long as possible. Chile must implement actions that allow it to meet the commitments obtained in its Nationally Determined Contribution of 2020, and move towards sustainable development. The Chilean case is interesting to study because it is a highly exposed and fragile country in the face of climate change. The purpose of this publication is to highlight the current problem of climate change and the threat it poses to our planet, to understand that the circular economy approach as a business model allows for a long-term solution to this problem, to understand the consequences of climate change in Chile and to know the current situation in terms of strategic planning at the country level in relation to the circular economy.
circular economy, climate change, greenhouse gases, recycling, sustainable development
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