Overview of the Paraná’s Plan for Control of Vehicle Pollution

Overview of the Paraná’s Plan for Control of Vehicle Pollution

Reginaldo Joaquim de Souza

Instituto Superior de Administração e Economia – ISAE, Brazil

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The plan for control of vehicle pollution was developed by the government of Paraná, a state located in the south of Brazil, to create an awareness among the community regarding the importance of changing urban mobility culture – which otherwise might have a dramatic impact over the next few years. The inventory shows that Curitiba has one of the highest vehicles/inhabitant ratios in the country, which affects air quality; considerable increase in pollution is noticeable and such increase is due to use of fossil fuels, mainly diesel. The increase of the vehicles fleet over the past 5 years has caused air quality to decrease and now Curitiba has 0.8 vehicle per person. The purpose of the plan is to report changes to the fleet, fostering the use of alternative transportation and ensuring a regular mechanical maintenance of all the fleet to reverse the current trend.


air quality, automotive emission, carbon dioxide, inventory, mobile source, Paraná’s vehicles plan, PCPV Paraná


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