Bioinspiration and biomimetic have led to a variety of robotic designs, especially small autonomous unmanned aerial vehicles for urban environment that have taken cues from birds, bats, and insects. The ease with which these fl ying animals negotiate confi ned obstacle-cluttered airspace has long inspired engineers for designing small robots for surveillance and reconnaissance missions. However, one group of extinct fl ying animals, which fl ew over the heads of dinosaurs and dominated the Mesozoic skies for 160 million years, have been largely overlooked for designing small aircrafts, partly because they are extinct and their fossils are diffi cult to study because of preservational deformation. Recently, exquisite pterosaur fossils have been discovered, which provide critical insights into their dynamics. Tapejara wellnhoferi, a pterodactyloid from the Early Cretaceous (~110 million years ago) of Brazil, provides a platform that is particularly valuable for biomimicry of a robotic vehicle. This pterodactyloid had sophisticated sensor mechanisms for determining its aerodynamics, had a cranial crest that was destabilizing but provided agility, had highly articulated wings that enabled precise shape control, and had the ability to fl y, walk, and sail. An initial design for a robotic vehicle is described, which incorporates some of the characteristics of the Tapejara wellnhoferi.
Aerial turning, autonomous unmanned air vehicle in urban environment, Biomimetics, Early Cretaceous Tapejara, fl ight dynamics, forward placement of vertical tail, multimodal locomotion, pterodactylinspired robot, Pterodrone, vertical takeoff and landing.
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