Large-Sized Digital Billboards Hazard

Large-Sized Digital Billboards Hazard

K. Domke K. Wandachowicz M. Zalesińska S. Mroczkowska P. Skrzypczak 

Poznan University of Technology, Institute of Electrical Engineering and Electronics, Poland

City Road Administration Poznań, Poland

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Various kinds of media are used for outdoor advertising purposes. One such medium comprises large electronic billboards with light-emitting diodes (LED) as the source of light. Such novel advertising devices’ photometric parameters are different than in the media used so far and consequently impact road traffi c participants in a different manner. Digital billboards with electroluminescent diodes are large, have high luminance, and display dynamically changing images. Billboards located near streets are a potential threat to traffi c safety. The paper presents requirements for such billboards, the results and analysis of measurements of selected billboards located in Poznań, Poland, as well as conclusions and recommendations for large-sized billboards with LED located in the vicinity of roads and intersections.


Digital billboards, light engineering, road safety.


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