The Role of Water in the Restoration of Paintings

The Role of Water in the Restoration of Paintings

N. Marchettini D. Magrini A. Guiducci F.M. Pulselli

Department of Chemistry, University of Siena, Italy.

Soprintendenza per i Beni Storico Artistici ed Etnoantropologici della Provincia di Siena e Grosseto (Pinacoteca Nazionale), Siena, Italy.

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Cleaning old paintings has always been a major problem, because aqueous solutions may dissolve pigments. We succeeded in cleaning some precious old paintings of Siena using aqueous products. This success encourages us to clean a Lorenzetti masterpiece in the near future. The techniques used and a possible explanation of the surprising result are discussed in the light of recent insights into the physics of water.


cleaning with water, coherent water, interfacial water, Siena paintings


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