This paper describes a thermo-hydraulics experiment performed on the mock-up of the liquid-metal cooled steel target container of a spallation neutron source. The beam of the Paul Scherrer Institute 600 MeV proton accelerator is used to obtain a high-neutron flux. This bombards a target under realistic experimental conditions, hence, becoming a probe for scientific experiments. The goal was to analyse and visualise the cooling of the target proton entrance window. In the mock-up, heat removal is realised by forced convection of a mercury coolant. A description of the test set-up is given and qualitative as well as quantitative results from the cooling process are presented visually. In addition, an improvement in interpretation of data is shown by using colours. In the final section, an artistic output entitled ‘The Collection’ is presented; this consists of artificially-coloured infrared thermograms resembling, and compared with, butterflies.
thermo-hydraulics of liquid metals, IR Thermography measurements, visualization of internal fl ow within convection boundary layer, heat transfer visualization, art in science
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