Dynamic ecological-economic modelling was used to conduct a comprehensive analysis of the economic impacts of the American mink (Mustela vison) on a marketable, exploitable, native species Salmon (Salmo salar) reared in fish farms in the Western Isles. A cost–benefit analysis of the different mink control options, including a ‘doing nothing’ option as a baseline, was conducted. Biological and economic data as well as the assumptions used in the simulations are based on scientific literature and from a 5-year mink control project on the Western Isles. Results suggest mink eradication as the best long-term strategy for an isolated fish farm being affected by predation. However, ‘doing nothing’ would be the best option if average market prices for farmed salmon are low over a long period of time and/or the pest control manager overestimates the area being impacted by mink.
control, cost–benefit analysis, farmed salmon, mink, simulation modelling
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