Reformulating a Smart Home System for the Indian Context: Diu Island

Reformulating a Smart Home System for the Indian Context: Diu Island

Darpan Triboan Anisha Meggi

Context, Intelligence and Interaction Research Group, De Montfort University, UK

Leicester School of Architecture, De Montfort University, UK

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In a fast urbanizing world, the Smart City concept driven by leading technologies can be a saviour to the many urban, environmental and economic issues among other problems being faced by governments and citizens. The smart city concept is discussed in conjunction with long explored urban and architectural theories of utopia and ideal city design. further expanding the conversation on the role of the home as a tool by which to live life, which has been understood as the current concept of Smart Homes (SH) and ambient assistive living (AAL) systems. This paper focuses on a recently announced Smart city in India, Diu Island, which is the primary case study in the paper. Within the context of Diu Island, the issues faced by the elderly native population are investigated to propose a smart home living system that can help improve the quality of their daily lives. a hybrid approach is proposed that leverages edge and cloud computing paradigms to become self-powering, energy-efficient and reduces delays in aiding the elderly


Ambient Assisted Living, Diu Island, Smart City Mission of India, socio-cultural aware, Smart Homes, urbanisation.


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