The River’s Contract is a new tool based on the voluntary agreement between local authorities and pri-vate people as a form of negotiated and shared planning procedure. It can be an opportunity to achieve landscape quality aims established by the National Code for the Cultural and Landscape Heritage. The River’s Contract does embrace protection of main beliefs, ‘both because its natural and environmental meanings, both as the artificial landscape, created by people’. This type of approach may be even more significant in the context of inland areas, as areas subject to strong centrifugal forces, with demographic problems and unbalanced development. The ‘internal areas’, as known characterized by lack of services in the small urban settlement, can promote polycentric solutions aimed at improving the production quality of the sites. As part of the optimization of the relationship between a city and country they can accommodate development models linked to valorization of their natural and cultural heritage, finalized to the maintenance of its territorial identity. This paper aims to investigate the energy potentialities of river flows, in particular regarding the possibility of the hydro-electric plants, that are either unused or underused. They are elements of interest from the point of view of the local technological tradi-tion. Moreover, they can be used following a project in order to create local energy centres, identified through the study of programming wishes expressed by the local authorities.
land use, landscape planning, river contracts.
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