Sustainable Actions for Urban and Territorial Re-Generation

Sustainable Actions for Urban and Territorial Re-Generation

DONATELLA CIALDEA Laboratory University of Molise, Campobasso, Italy

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Urban regeneration should have a role of integration between planning and design activities; moreover, it very often looks like a single project with detailed proposals and performances, without a general vision of the area. It is therefore necessary to build a reference for the design choices, which primarily concern the city but increasingly involve the surrounding territory. This paper explores the relationship between the plurality of factors that exist on the settlements and productive activities assets which are the elements of the coastal landscape. Our work aims to deal with every aspect of the Re-generation potential, which is an opportunity for enrichment of urban planning, especially in the cases of the Regions – as Molise is – in which really cities do not exist but there is a “continuum” between adjoining Municipalities in a mainly rural territory. Moreover, coastal areas have been in recent years the privi-leged place for interventions guided by the principles of urban regeneration, in the first phase focused on the physical rehabilitation of degraded areas, afterwards including attention to cultural, social, eco-nomic and environmental aspects. In the evolution of this phenomenon, not only we need to highlight the shift from physical rehabilitation to urban regeneration, as an integrated process of actions with a focus on the social aspect, but also we must underline that the so-called “complex programs” – utilized for regeneration projects – are more dynamic than the traditional plans.


sustainability, urban regeneration, waterfronts & harbors.


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