This paper is the next logical step in discovering the algorithm for inventing new algorithms, the Algorithm of Discovery. This research is within the scope of investigation of the structure of the Primary Language of the human brain as introduced by J. von Neumann in 1957. In this paper, we revise our hypothesis that the Primary Language is a collection of algorithms crucial for survival and development of humanity including two major components, the algorithm optimizing warfighting, Linguistic Geometry (LG), and the Algorithm of Discovery. We suggest that the Primary Language is the Language of Visual Streams (“mental movies”) that empower directly both of those components as well as all the human symbolic languages and sciences. The Algorithm of Discovery is based on multiple thought experiments, which manifest themselves via visual streams. Those streams can run concurrently and exchange information between each other. The streams may initiate additional thought experiments, program them, and execute them in due course. The streams may operate employing the algorithm of “a child playing a construction set” that includes a construction model, a construction set and the Ghost. The streams are focused employing several types of reasoning including proximity and mosaic reasoning. In this paper we introduce a concise discovery program generated as a result of execution of the Algorithm of Discovery. A discovery program consists of a recorded series of thought experiments in a way that every experiment either builds new theme of visual streams or utilizes themes built previously. A series of themes of streams is the key for making discoveries.
algorithm of discovery, artificial intelligence, linguistic geometry, mosaic reasoning, primary language, proximity reasoning, visual stream
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