Compliance Enhancement in Tourism: Regulatory Alignment and Design Optimization at Kedai Kopi Kosong Lima

Compliance Enhancement in Tourism: Regulatory Alignment and Design Optimization at Kedai Kopi Kosong Lima

Liyushiana Agus Purwoko* Anggita Rastauli Damanik Desy Simbolon Delvi Andri Loly Sirait

Travel Business Management Study Program, Politeknik Pariwisata Medan, Medan 20317, Indonesia

Forestry Study Programs, Faculty of Forestry, Universitas Sumatera Utara, Medan 20353, Indonesia

Regional and Rural Development Planning Study Program, Universitas Sumatera Utara, Medan 20222, Indonesia

Corresponding Author Email:
5 May 2023
13 November 2023
14 December 2023
Available online: 
26 December 2023
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© 2023 IIETA. This article is published by IIETA and is licensed under the CC BY 4.0 license (



The optimization of facility layout and landscape design is critical for the operational success of service-oriented businesses. In the context of the coffee shop sector, classified as medium-low risk in regulatory frameworks, these elements are paramount for ensuring regulatory compliance and enhancing customer experience. This investigation was conducted to evaluate the alignment of Kedai Kopi Kosong Lima's facilities with the stipulated restaurant business standards set forth in the Regulation of the Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy No. 4 of 2021. Concurrently, the study aimed to develop a strategic improvement plan for the café's layout design. An evaluative framework was established through systematic observations and structured interviews, targeting key compliance and design parameters. The assessment revealed deficiencies within Kedai Kopi Kosong Lima's current operational framework, necessitating interventions such as the procurement of a hygiene and sanitation certificate, installation of a potable water system, and revamping of customer circulation and emergency egress pathways. The lighting scheme also emerged as a critical improvement area. A design enhancement proposal was formulated, advocating for the reconfiguration of spatial zones, integration of biophilic design principles, and extension of parking provisions to accommodate an influx of visitors. The findings illuminate the café's current compliance status with the regulatory standards and propose a suite of actionable layout and design modifications. These insights bear significance for the hospitality and tourism sectors, underscoring the imperative of compliance with regulatory standards and the strategic role of targeted design interventions in elevating business appeal and operational efficacy.


café management, compliance assessment, landscape design, restaurant compliance, tourism business standards

1. Introduction

The configuration of facility layouts is posited to be a critical determinant of operational efficiency within business environments [1-5]. Such configurations, when optimized, have been shown to leverage spatial resources effectively, thereby enhancing business productivity [6-10]. Within the production sector, the facility layout has been identified as a pivotal component, as it orchestrates the logistical flow of materials across units, underpinning the smoothness and quality of the production process [3, 10-14]. It is thus imperative that the design of production facilities be scrutinized for efficiency and efficacy to ensure the integrity of production outcomes.

Moreover, the aesthetic and landscape design of a facility are not merely superficial attributes; they play an essential role in reinforcing a business’s image and attracting clientele, particularly within the food and beverage industry [15-20]. The evolution of facility design has necessitated a comprehensive evaluation of factors that may impede visitor comfort or pose potential risks to health, safety, and environmental sustainability [21-26].

Extensive scholarly discourse has been dedicated to the analysis of spatial layout and business space, with the food and beverage sector receiving significant attention [2, 3, 27-31]. The present study adopts the standards delineated by the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy, specifically the Tourism Business Standard, as a benchmark for the appraisal of business conditions within this focal industry.

The 2021 Regulation of the Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy No. 4 introduces a regulatory framework for Indonesian tourism businesses, encompassing aspects of management, classification, quality of service, and compliance monitoring [32]. This regulation specifies the classification and requisite criteria for restaurant businesses, covering a range of dimensions from structural integrity to environmental considerations, and from technical to non-technical parameters.

The current research employs the Regulation of the Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy No. 4 of 2021 as an evaluative tool to ascertain the compliance of Kedai Kopi Kosong Lima, a coffee shop in Medan City, Indonesia, with prescribed business standards. The study further endeavors to propose a redesign of the cafe's layout to optimize its spatial configuration. The aforementioned regulation categorizes businesses in the tourism sector, placing establishments such as Kedai Kopi Kosong Lima within the medium-low risk restaurant business category [25, 26, 33-36]. Figure 1 delineates the compliance elements subject to assessment for medium-low risk entities.

The current investigation centers upon Kedai Kopi Kosong Lima, a coffee shop situated in Medan City, Indonesia, which has established a substantial following, particularly among the youth demographic. The establishment's menu diversity, featuring local breakfast fare, coffee, beer, pasta, rice bowls, hawker-style cuisine, and assorted snacks, is noteworthy. Managed under a principle of simplicity and expedited service, the establishment ensures minimal wait times for customer orders. The geographical location of Kedai Kopi Kosong Lima is depicted in Figure 2, utilizing the ArcGIS platform.

Pursuant to the regulatory framework of the Regulation of the Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy No. 4 of 2021, restaurant businesses are categorized into four risk levels based on seating capacity: low risk (≤50 seats), medium-low risk (51-100 seats), medium-high risk (101-200 seats), and high risk (>200 seats). Kedai Kopi Kosong Lima is classified within the medium-low risk stratum, accommodating approximately 83 seats.

Figure 1. Scope of compliance assessment

Figure 2. Location of Kedai Kopi Kosong Lima

The present study aims to provide a comprehensive assessment of Kedai Kopi Kosong Lima, specifically evaluating its adherence to the standards set forth by the aforementioned regulation. The research will consider factors such as service efficiency, seating capacity, and menu diversity, which are essential for determining the risk category and, by extension, the regulatory compliance of the establishment. The intention is to offer insights into the optimization of restaurant operations within the context of the prescribed tourism business standards, thereby contributing to the broader discourse on regulatory compliance and business efficiency in the food and beverage sector.

2. Research Methods

In this study, a qualitative research approach, specifically a case study methodology, was employed. This approach facilitated an in-depth exploration of Kedai Kopi Kosong Lima within its real-life context, allowing for the examination of multiple sources of evidence [37-39]. Data collection techniques in this study: (1) interviews: Semi-structured interviews were conducted as the primary data collection method. Eight interviews were conducted with key stakeholders, including the owner/manager, employees from various roles, and a local health and safety inspector. These interviews covered topics such as hygiene practices, safety protocols, customer flow, and staff workflows. All interviews were recorded, transcribed, and analysed; (2) Observations: Observations of the establishment were conducted to supplement interview data, focusing on the physical layout, customer behaviour, and staff interaction; (3) secondary data: Secondary data sources, including government reports and academic articles relevant to restaurant business standards in Indonesia, were used to complement primary data. A thematic analysis approach was applied to the collected data from interviews and observations. This involved data transcription, familiarization, coding to identify themes and patterns, theme development, data interpretation, and cross-verification by multiple researchers to ensure validity and reliability of findings. The design process is carried out by drawing, mapping, visualizing, representing, giving shape, and analyzing and reflecting repeatedly on the design in accordance with the conception applied [40].

3. Result and Discussion

A. Compliance Assessment of Regulation of the Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy No. 4 of 2021

Based on the results of the interview and observation at Kedai Kopi Kosong Lima, the following are the results of the assessment of compliance and monitoring of Restaurant Business Standards according to Regulation of the Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy No. 4 of 2021.

The specific requirement for operating a restaurant in the middle-low category is the availability of a certificate of hygiene sanitation as can be seen in Table 1. The Hygiene Sanitation Certificate is a written proof issued by an authorized institution to control the risk factors of food contamination, both from food ingredients, people, places, and equipment to make it safe to consume. For the middle-low restaurant category, this certificate must be provided no later than 1 year after operating. Based on this criterion, it is known that Kedai Kopi Kosong Lima has not yet met the specific requirements stipulated in Regulation of the Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy No. 4 of 2021.

Table 1. Compliance assessment for special requirements


Evaluation Criteria




Hygiene and sanitation certificate


Hygiene and sanitation certificate is not available.

Table 2 shows the result of compliance assessment in Kedai Kopi Kosong Lima in term of Business Facilities. Based on the interview with the management and observations, it was found that Kedai Kopi Kosong Lima has not yet met the requirements regarding the availability of clean water installation for the cafe's operations. The management has stated that they are currently using the government-owned water installation (PDAM), but the water quality is slightly discolored and thus does not meet the standards for clean water which should be colorless, tasteless, and odorless. Therefore, for consumption purposes, the cafe uses branded bottled drinking water.

Table 3 explains the compliance assessment for organizational structure and human resource in Kedai Kopi Kosong Lima. In terms of human resource management, it is evident that Kedai Kopi Kosong Lima has fulfilled all the requirements stated in Regulation of the Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy No. 4 of 2021. The management has established SOPs for the execution of tasks and responsibilities of the employees, including efforts to use local food ingredients in the menu offered.

Table 4 shows the result of compliance assessment for services in Kedai Kopi Kosong Lima. In terms of service, Kedai Kopi Kosong Lima has met the requirements for standard cleanliness for guest, public, and employee facilities. Efforts to maintain cleanliness are carried out by internal staff with daily schedules and periodic deep cleaning programs in the cafe.

Table 2. Compliance assessment for business facilities


Evaluation Criteria




Availability of clean, well-maintained and separate public toilets for male and female guests with good air circulation and lighting, either owned or shared facilities.

There are two toilets available for men and women with comfortable and clean sit-down toilets, sufficient air circulation, and appropriate lighting for a toilet.


Availability of a workspace for restaurant administration equipped with work tools and also serves as a storage room for personal equipment.

There is a space available for administrative work in the restaurant equipped with work equipment and also serves as a storage area for staff's personal equipment.


Availability of clean water installation and regular testing of water quality standards.


There is no adequate clean water installation according to the standard for clean water.


Availability of separate temporary waste storage for organic and inorganic waste.

There is a temporary trash container available, but currently, organic and non-organic waste is not separated.


Availability of simple wastewater treatment installations and regular testing of wastewater quality standards.

There is a simple wastewater treatment installation available, and regular testing is conducted to ensure the quality of wastewater meets the standard.

Table 3. Compliance assessment for organizational structure and human resource


Evaluation Criteria




Organizational structure, job descriptions for each position, SOPs or work implementation guidelines (manual)

The organizational structure is already established and well-documented, including the implementation guidelines for the SOP and job descriptions for each position, which are communicated orally during briefings.


Has first aid equipment and a list of nearby health facilities.

Adequate health equipment such as a first aid kit is available.


The restaurant has company regulations.

Company regulations are well-documented, with the owner communicating them to the staff.


Implementation of sanitation, environmental hygiene (pest control and general cleaning)

Cleaning is carried out by all assigned staff members.


Has knowledge of emergency response.

All staff members have knowledge of emergency response procedures.


Implementation of fire prevention and emergency management.

Fire prevention and emergency response measures are already in place.


Priority given to the use of local products and/or domestic labor.

Local products are prioritized.


Employees wear uniforms that display the logo and/or domestic labor.

Uniforms with the coffee shop's logo are already available.

Table 4. Compliance assessment for services


Evaluation Criteria




Cleaning services are available for guest facilities, public facilities, and employee facilities.

Workers are responsible for ensuring that all available facilities remain clean through double-checking.

Table 5. Compliance assessment for product requirements


Evaluation Criteria




The room intended for the restaurant business is clean and well-lit with good air circulation, and clearly marked with an Evacuation Sign pointing towards a safe exit, which is easy to see.


The coffee shop is clean and well-maintained, but it lacks good air circulation and lighting. The concept presented by Kopi Kosong Lima is slightly different from its competitors due to its rather dim lighting. There is also no evacuation route as the coffee shop has a small business area


The restaurant has clean and well-maintained seating and tables, with good air circulation and lighting.


Kopi Kosong Lima is equipped with 83 chairs and 34 tables, both available indoors and outdoors. Although the coffee shop is clean and well-maintained, it has rather dim lighting.


The kitchen has a strong floor, walls, and ceiling that are safe and easy to maintain, with a drainage system equipped with a grease trap, a kitchen hood equipped with a grease filter, a good air circulation system, and good lighting. There is a separate covered trash bin for wet and dry garbage, fire extinguishers, and separate storage for food and non-food items.

The floor, walls, and roof in Kedai Kopi Kosong Lima appear to be quite sturdy. The floor is clean and not slippery, both in the dining area and in the kitchen area. However, it is unfortunate that the kitchen equipment and utensils do not have drainage and are not equipped with grease traps. There is no kitchen hood equipped with grease filters as well. The air circulation and lighting system are somewhat dim, which can be uncomfortable for operations, especially at night. The trash bins are not covered and are not separated for organic and non-organic waste.


The number of food menus is at least 10 (ten) and 5 (five) drink menus.

There are 32 food menus and 44 beverage menus available


There are recipes that match the number of food and drink menus, and one (1) of them is a standard/special recipe.

For those 32 food menus and 44 beverage menus available, there are sufficient ingredients for each menu and special menus available.

Table 6. Compliance assessment for business management


Evaluation Criteria




Having documented Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) and/or work implementation guidelines for business management

To support the staff's performance, there are already SOP documents and/or work implementation guidelines available.


Implementing documented Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) and/or work implementation guidelines for business management

The SOPs have been well-organized and structured.

Table 5 above explains the compliance assessment for product requirements in Kedai Kopi Kosong Lima. To improve product requirements, Kedai Kopi Kosong Lima still needs to fulfil two assessment criteria that have not been met. First, it needs to provide a circulation route, especially for evacuation and disaster mitigation. Second, the lighting in the cafe is still inadequate and quite dim.

Table 6 above shows the compliance assessment for business management in Kedai Kopi Kosong Lima. To meet the requirements of business management evaluation, it is evident that Kedai Kopi Kosong Lima has done its best to prepare and implement operational SOPs for its business. One of the records in terms of compliance here is related to waste management, where there has been no separation between organic and non-organic waste. This is important to emphasize because waste management and waste sorting at the source are impossible without the role of the community (including business actors) as the main producer of waste [41, 42].

B. Design Proposal

Figure 3 shows the existing layout of Kedai Kopi Kosong Lima using AutoCad feature. Figure 4 shows the proposed design for the layout of Kedai Kopi Kosong Lima.

The proposed improvement for Kedai Kopi Kosong Lima includes:

a. Front area

The front area of Kedai Kopi Kosong Lima is intended for customers. Some of the things that need improvement include: (1) A fire-resistant partition between the coffee shop area and the kitchen, (2) The availability of more than one exit door, (3) Separate entrance and exit doors for customers and employees, (4) Always install fire detection equipment to prevent fire incidents, and (5) Ensure good circulation between employees and visitors.

Fire-resistant partition is crucial to prevent the spread of fire within the establishment. In the event of a fire in the kitchen area, a fire-resistant partition would contain the fire, allowing more time for evacuation and reducing the risk of harm to customers and employees in the coffee shop area. Availability of more than one exit door provide additional escape routes in case of emergencies such as fires or other hazards. This ensures that there are alternative paths for people to safely exit the premises, reducing congestion and the potential for accidents during evacuations. Separating entrance and exit doors for customers and employees helps maintain a clear and organized flow of people within the establishment. It can prevent congestion at the entrance and ensure that customers and employees do not obstruct each other's paths. Fire detection equipment is essential for early detection of fire incidents. Rapid detection allows for a quicker response, potentially preventing the fire from spreading and minimizing damage and risks to individuals. And the last one, good circulation is important for the efficient movement of both employees and visitors within the establishment. It can enhance customer experience by reducing wait times and improving service efficiency. Moreover, it may also contribute to safety by ensuring that employees can move freely to respond to customer needs and emergencies.

Figure 3. Existing layout

Figure 4. Proposed design

b. Back area

The back area of Kedai Kopi Kosong Lima is a storage area for employees and preparation of food and drinks. Visitors are prohibited from entering the back area. Some of the things that need improvement include: (1) Adequate lighting for activities, (2) Adequate and smooth water drainage, and (3) Installation of exhaust fans or kitchen smoke outlets.

c. Room characteristics

Kedai Kopi Kosong Lima does not have a distinctive or specific theme that sticks to the coffee shop. The lack of plants in the room also makes the nature impression less noticeable. If one café has its own characteristics, the interest of visitors will increase[19].

d. Parking area

Visitors have difficulty finding sufficient parking space. Therefore, an expansion of the parking area is necessary with recommendations for specific parking locations for visitors, employees, and loading and unloading of goods from the coffee shop area.

C. Discussion of Result

The findings of this research conducted at Kedai Kopi Kosong Lima have several significant implications. Firstly, it highlights the pressing need for legal compliance and adherence to Regulation of the Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy No. 4 of 2021 within the food and beverage industry. Failure to do so could result in potential legal sanctions and the revocation of operational licenses. Secondly, the identified safety enhancements, such as fire-resistant partitions, multiple exit doors, and separate entrances and exits for customers and employees, underscore the importance of mitigating risks and ensuring a secure environment. By implementing these changes, Kedai Kopi Kosong Lima can significantly improve safety standards and reduce the likelihood of fire incidents.

Moreover, the improvements suggested for circulation and spatial design have implications for enhancing the overall customer experience. Optimized layouts, improved lighting, and increased convenience in access can lead to higher customer satisfaction, potentially resulting in positive reviews, recommendations, and customer loyalty. Furthermore, achieving compliance and enhancing the safety and convenience aspects can bolster the establishment's reputation within the highly competitive food and beverage market in Medan City. This can translate into a competitive advantage and attract customers who prioritize stringent safety and hygiene standards. Lastly, the implications extend beyond this particular establishment, as the findings can serve as a benchmark for improving compliance and safety standards across the food and beverage industry in Indonesia, ultimately creating a safer and healthier environment for customers throughout the sector.

4. Conclusions

In conclusion, this study has emphasized the pivotal role of efficient facility layout and organization in the restaurant industry, with a particular focus on Kedai Kopi Kosong Lima. The overarching research aim was to identify areas where the establishment falls short of compliance with the standards set forth in Regulation of the Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy No. 4 of 2021 and propose a design that not only rectifies these shortcomings but also enhances the overall customer experience.

Regarding the proposed design, intentions are intricately tied to addressing the identified areas for improvement. To ensure the availability of clean and safe drinking water, a state-of-the-art water purification and filtration system will be integrated into the design, meeting regulatory standards and elevating hygiene levels within the establishment. Circulation and evacuation routes, another critical aspect, will be significantly improved through a well-thought-out layout design. Wider walkways, clear signage, and enhanced emergency evacuation routes will be implemented, prioritizing safety and compliance with regulations. Furthermore, the design will revolutionize the lighting conditions within Kedai Kopi Kosong Lima. By harnessing natural light sources, employing energy-efficient fixtures, and implementing task-specific lighting in food preparation areas, an inviting and well-lit environment that aligns with regulatory requirements will be created.

Looking forward, this study opens doors to future research endeavors. A follow-up study to evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed design in achieving compliance and enhancing the customer experience is recommended. Additionally, comparative studies with similar establishments can provide insights into industry best practices. Understanding the long-term impact of these design improvements on customer satisfaction, employee productivity, and compliance is an avenue worthy of exploration. These endeavors will contribute to the continuous improvement of restaurant facilities and operations.


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