The use of tools of simulation in every field of engineering is in the last years widely spreading. Lot of them can be used and a large amount of simulators can be found on the market in order to perform every kind of analysis and prediction. In the field of building/plant system, tools based on white, grey and black box approaches are often used as a function of accuracy and reliability.
Several tools were developed according to mathematical models and transient analysis in order to perform Building Energy Simulations. The lumped capacitance models have a potential in terms of both data reliability and low computational cost.
The Resistance-Capacitance models can be realized with different orders to improve the dynamic thermal behavior of building and coupled with model-based design tools. Dymola with Modelica language can provide a useful tool for engineers to design a thermo-hygrometric comfort model optimizing the energy consumptions. The paper describes a calculation method developed with the aid of an outdoor test cell, based on a second order Lumped parameters model coupled with a hygrometric model and a Model Predictive Control thanks to a library for real time control and management of energy consumptions and thermal comfort.
building energy simulations, model predictive control, lumped parameters model, dymola
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